What's new at garbage & recycling in Mount Pleasant?
Garbage & recycling collection in the Village of Mount Pleasant has switched to fully-automated collection for both trash and recycling. Single-stream recycling allows you to place all recyclable commodities, such as paper, cardboard, steel, plastic, tin, aluminum and glass, into one collection cart.
How can the village of Mount Pleasant assist persons with disabilities?
In order to assist persons with disabilities, the Village of Mount Pleasant has contracted with GFL Environmental to provide Walk Up Service to persons who qualify. 1. Be unable to wheel their cart to the curb for collection.
Where is the town of Mount Pleasant located?
Town of Mount Pleasant, One Town Hall Plaza Valhalla, NY 10595 (914) 742-2300 Mon - Fri: 8:30am - 4:30pm Website Disclaimer Government Websites by CivicPlus ®
Where is the Mount Pleasant Township tax collector office located?
Mt. Pleasant Township, Westmoreland county. Beginning January 2, 2018, the Mount Pleasant Township Tax Collector Office will now be located in the meeting area of the municipal building in Mammoth.
Is there garbage pickup today in Mount Pleasant?
Regular trash is picked up on Mondays & Thursdays or Tuesdays & Fridays depending on which area you live in. All material must be placed curbside by 7:00am. Questions about garbage and recycling pickup in the Town of Mt. Pleasant should be directed to CRP Sanitation at (914) 592-4129.
Does Mount Pleasant SC recycle?
Drop Site Recycling - The County has several drop-off locations in the Town to recycle: all paper, including cardboard; plastics #1-7; aluminum and steel cans; and glass bottles and jars.
Where can I dispose of a TV in Charleston SC?
HHW Drop-Off Locations (all locations are staffed)1344 Bees Ferry Road. Charleston, SC 29414. ... 1716 Signal Point Road. Charleston, SC 29412. ... 6380 Maxville Road. Awendaw, SC 29429.1775 River Road. McClellanville, SC 29458.2844 Highway 174. Edisto Island, SC 29438.1558 Liberia Road. ... 5305 Highway 165. ... 8776 Old Jacksonboro Road.
How do you dispose of paint in South Carolina?
Residents may dispose of paint as part of their household trash if the paint is dry (solidified)....PaintRemove the lid and allow the paint to air dry. ... For larger amounts of paint, mix an equal amount of clay-based cat litter and stir.More items...
New Roll Cart Assistance Program
The Waste Management Division will offer roll cart assistance to qualified residents. Read more details here: Roll Cart Assistance Program
Collection Services
The Waste Management Division performs weekly curbside collection of garbage and trash. Garbage and Trash are collected on the same day and must be curbside by 7 am. Curbside recycling is provided by Charleston County.
Household Garbage is collected in your brown container. For more information about garbage collection click here.
Trash debris consists of bagged yard debris (grass clippings and small items must be placed in brown paper yard bags), tree limbs, household appliances, and household furniture.
What is the public works department?
The Public Works Department provides a safe environment for drivers and their families by maintaining our roads and adjacent right of ways.
When is the Emmertsen Road construction?
Construction is scheduled to be on Emmertsen Road (north of the new roundabout at 16th Street and Emmertsen Road to STH 20) during the Spring of 2020.
When will Willow Road be rebuilt?
Reconstruction will begin on 16th Street (90th Street - Willow Road) during the 2018 construction season. Changes in traffic patterns/detours are to be expected during construction.
When was Mount Pleasant founded?
Mount Pleasant Township was founded on April 6, 1773 as one of the eleven original townships of the newly created Westmoreland County. The first officers elected by the people of the township were: Constable, John McClelland, Overseers of the Poor, Solomon and John Sheppard and Supervisor John Scott. read more.
When does Waste Management contract expire?
Beginning July 1, 2021 Waste Management will now be the residential waste hauler for Mount Pleasant Township for the remainder of the contract, which expires on December 31, 2021. click for more information.
Where should trash be placed on garbage day?
Place your Trash items curbside on Garbage Day! Debris should be placed at the curb, a safe distance from all utilities but not blocking the road for safe travel.The trash collection vehicles will come through your neighborhood the same day as the garbage truck.
Can you take e-waste to the landfill?
E-waste – Environmental regulations prohibit the disposal of televisions, computers and other electronic equipment to the landfill. These items must be placed separately at the curb for special collection/recycling. The Town will collect the items if un-broken. Please call (843) 849-2022 if you have E-waste to be picked up and we will get it as soon as possible. However, it may not be a same-day pick up. Residents can also take their E-waste to County drop-off sites or big box electronic stores for proper disposal.
Can you dispose of CFL bulbs in the trash?
COMPACT FLORESCENT LIGHTBULB (CFL) DISPOSAL - These bulbs may NOT be disposed of in your garbage or trash due to mercury contamination issues. Although beneficial, CFL's do contain a small amount of mercury, which is hazardous to humans and the environment. Disposing of CFL's correctly is crucial. Charleston County recycles CFL light bulbs, and residents can bring their old CFL light bulbs to one of the eight Convenience Centers located throughout the County that accepts CFL's.