Final Exam Schedulefor Spring 2022. Final examswill run from May 6 through May 17. There are three examblocks: 9:00am-12:00pm, 1:30pm-4:30pm, and 6:00pm-9:00pm.
Full Answer
When are the final exams for 2022?
For those classes not provided for in the examination schedule, the examinations will be given Friday, December 16, 2022 or during the last meeting of the class. The last Final Exam time is Friday, December 16 from 3:00 - 4:50pm. All classes that meet or start during any portion of this hour.
When is the last day of final exam time?
The last Final Exam time is Friday, December 16 from 3:00 - 4:50pm. All classes that meet or start during any portion of this hour. The final examination schedule applies both to faculty and to students.
Does the final examination schedule apply to faculty and students?
The final examination schedule applies both to faculty and to students. Unless previous arrangements have been made, it is expected that the official schedule in the semester Schedule of Classes will be followed.
When should a final comprehensive final examination be administered?
A comprehensive final examination, if required, must be administered at the time indicated on the final schedule. No final comprehensive examination shall be administered to a class within the last two weeks prior to the officially scheduled final examination period (excluding summer sessions or half-semester courses).
Who must see that the final examination schedule and the policies are followed?
The department heads must see that the final examination schedule and the policies are followed. Students may report policy violations to the appropriate department head, in accordance with the university academic grievance procedures.
How to request a change in the exam schedule?
To Request a Change in the Examination Schedule, a Student Must: Prepare an " Undergraduate Student Request " form (available from your advisor or department head) for each request. State the request and the reason for it.
When are the 90s exams 2021?
Classes having sections numbered in the 90s will have their examinations under the regular examination schedule below. For those classes not provided for in the examination schedule, the examinations will be given Wednesday, December 15, 2021 or during the last meeting of the class.
Who approves changes in exam time?
A change in the examination time of an individual course must be approved by the instructor and the department head. A request to change all exams must be approved by the Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost.