Full Answer
When are the final exams for 2022?
For those classes not provided for in the examination schedule, the examinations will be given Friday, December 16, 2022 or during the last meeting of the class. The last Final Exam time is Friday, December 16 from 3:00 - 4:50pm. All classes that meet or start during any portion of this hour.
When does the 2021 semester start at Uni?
Friday, August 20, 2021 (All day) For more information, visit the UNI Office of the Registrar Academic Calendar. Fall 2021: First Half-Semester Begins Monday, August 23, 2021 (All day)
Does the examination schedule apply to faculty and students?
The examination schedule applies both to faculty and students. Unless previous arrangements have been made, it is expected that the official schedule will be followed. A comprehensive final examination, if required, must be administered at the time indicated on the final schedule.
Will the official schedule follow the final schedule?
Unless previous arrangements have been made, it is expected that the official schedule will be followed. A comprehensive final examination, if required, must be administered at the time indicated on the final schedule.
How to request a change in the exam schedule?
Who is responsible for the final examination schedule?
Who approves changes in exam time?
Does the final exam have to be administered at the time indicated on the final schedule?
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Final Exam Schedule | Office of the University Registrar
Class Time Meeting Day(s) Meeting Day(s) Regular Class Beginning Time * is within: Meeting Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays or any 1, 2, or 3 of these days. Meeting Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays or any 1, 2, or 3 of these days AND those meeting 4 or 5 days per week. City Campus
Academic Calendars | Office of the Registrar
Printable Versions of the Academic Calendar Academic Calendar (2022-2027) * Approved November 2021. Academic Calendar (2018-2025) Note: This is an old version is as of June 2021; please refer to updated calendar link approved November 2021. Academic Calendar (2013-2020) Academic Calendar (2007-2012) Academic Calendar Guidelines General Guidelines Maintain 15 weeks of
Schedule of Classes | Office of the Registrar
The University of Northern Iowa Schedule of Classes is a general publication regarding curricular offerings, fees, and related policies and procedures. When performing a Class Search, please use Mozilla/Firefox, Google Chrome, or Safari, and avoid the use of Internet Explorer. For information about registration, please click here. If you have any questions, comments, or
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As the state’s only regional comprehensive university, we're often referred to as the “people's university.” We’re designed to lower the barriers of admission and deliver a practical education filled with the promise of success for you and your community. We offer outstanding programs in teacher education, business, technology, performing arts, health sciences — in total, more
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One of the reasons students like UNI so much: we know you by name. It’s part of what makes UNI special. From the moment you connect with Admissions through graduation day, it’s all about you, your individual interests and your personal goals. We talk to you about where you want to go, and we walk you through all the basics to get there, from simple requirements and important
Spring Semester 2022 Standard Final Exam Schedule
Final exam dates and times provided in the drop down table below are for classes following standard teaching periods. Classes that do not follow a standard teaching period have a non-standard final exam date and time.
09:45PM - 11:00PM
Most Saturday classes will hold exams on Saturday, April 30, 2022, at the time the class usually meets. Please confirm with your instructor.
Non-Standard Class Times
Classes which meet at non-standard class times will have their examinations with the classes that start at the time period just before the non-standard class meets. Any changes to the final examination times and/or locations must be authorized by this office.
Non-Standard Class Times
Classes which meet at non-standard class times will have their examinations with the classes that start at the time period just before the non-standard class meets. Any changes to the final examination times and/or locations must be authorized by this office.
How to request a change in the exam schedule?
To Request a Change in the Examination Schedule, a Student Must: Prepare an " Undergraduate Student Request " form (available from your advisor or department head) for each request. State the request and the reason for it.
Who is responsible for the final examination schedule?
The department head shall have the responsibility for seeing that the final examination schedule and the relevant policies are followed. Students may report policy violations to the appropriate department head in accordance with the university academic grievance procedures.
Who approves changes in exam time?
A change in the examination time of an individual course must be approved by the instructor and the department head. A request to change all exams must be approved by the Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost.
Does the final exam have to be administered at the time indicated on the final schedule?
The examination schedule applies both to faculty and students. Unless previous arrangements have been made, it is expected that the official schedule will be followed. A comprehensive final examination, if required, must be administered at the time indicated on the final schedule.