Schedule List

uncw fall 2022 schedule

by Aidan Gleichner Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Fall 2022
August 15 - December 17Semester Begins - Commencement
August 31, WednesdayLast day to drop or add a class
September 5, MondayNo classes (Labor Day, holiday)
September 15, ThursdayFall Faculty Meeting
October 13-15, Thursday-SundayNo classes (Fall Break)
14 more rows

Does the UNCW graduate catalogue include a calendar?

The UNCW graduate catalogue includes a calendar for the current academic year and a tentative calendar for the following year. All calendars are subject to change and will be updated online as necessary. The 2022-2023 calendar will not be official until published in the 2022-2023 online catalogue.

When will the 2020 - 2021 and 2022 academic calendars be official?

The 2020 - 2021 and the 2021 - 2022 calendars will not be official until published in the 2020 - 2021 and 2021 - 2022 online catalogues, respectively. Registration and SeaNet dates – Please refer to the Calendar of Events at IMPORTANT: The FALL 2020 academic calendar has been modified due to planning updates arising from Covid 19.

Will the 2022-2023 calendar be available online?

All calendars are subject to change and will be updated online as necessary. The 2022-2023 calendar will not be official until published in the 2022-2023 online catalogue. Please refer to the links provided at the beginning of each calendar for specific information related to registration, orentation and student accounts.


How long is UNCW winter break?

UNCW Holiday ScheduleHoliday20212022ThanksgivingTh-F - Nov. 25, 26Th-F - Nov. 24, 25Winter BreakDec. 24 - Jan. 3Dec. 23 - Jan. 1Winter Break Holidays*Dec 24, 27, 28, 29Dec. 23, 26, 27, 28Winter Break Required Vacation DaysDec. 30, 31Dec. 29, 306 more rows

Does UNCW have class on Labor Day?

Registration and SeaNet dates – Please refer to the Calendar of Events at 2020.August 10-December 12Semester Begins-CommencementSeptember 7, MondayNo classes (Labor Day holiday)19 more rows

What time is UNCW graduation?

May 14, 2022 1 p.m. Ceremony.

Does UNCW have a fall break?

Student Accounts - Please refer to 2022.August 15 - December 17Semester Begins - CommencementSeptember 15, ThursdayFall Faculty MeetingOctober 13-15, Thursday-SundayNo classes (Fall Break)16 more rows

Does UNCW have Veterans Day off?

The university recognizes the following holidays each year: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Birthday, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving (two days), and Winter break (three to four days). Veteran's Day holiday is included with Winter Break time off.

What is the graduation rate of UNCW?

72.4% (For first-time, full-time in 2020–21)University of North Carolina Wilmington / Graduation rate

How do I get my diploma from UNCW?

After your account has been settled, students should send an email notifying the graduation specialist at so your diploma can be ordered. email with your completed form and submit payment to our online marketplace.

What day is UNCW graduation?

UNCW will hold four ceremonies during its one-hundred-and-second commencement exercises May 13 and 14 to graduate more than 2,750 students (2,079 undergraduate, 645 master's and 26 doctoral).

How many years of language do you need for UNCW?

Two (2) Course Units of the Same Foreign Language Two consecutive units of the same foreign language. American Sign Language (ASL) does fulfill the foreign language requirement in North Carolina.

How do you run what if degree audit UNCW?

How to run a Degree AuditLogon to mySeaPort and choose SeaNet:Click on "Student Services and Financial Aid": Then "Student Records": Then "Degree Audit":Your audit will populate in a new window:

Fall 2021

Registration and SeaNet dates - Please refer to the Calendar of Events at Student Accounts - Please refer to All Online Accelerated Programs, 7-Week Courses follow this calendar.

Spring 2022

Registration and SeaNet dates - Please refer to the Registrar’s Calendar of Events at Student Accounts - Please refer to All Online Accelerated Programs, 7-Week Courses follow this calendar.

Summer 2022

Registration and SeaNet dates - Please refer to the Calendar of Events at Student Accounts - Please refer to All Online Accelerated Programs, 7-Week Courses follow this calendar.

Fall 2022

Registration and SeaNet dates - Please refer to the Calendar of Events at Student Accounts - Please refer to All Online Accelerated Programs, 7-Week Courses follow this calendar.

Spring 2023

Registration and SeaNet dates - Please refer to the Calendar of Events at Student Accounts - Please refer to All Online Accelerated Programs, 7-Week Courses follow this calendar.

Summer 2023

Registration and SeaNet dates - Please refer to the Calendar of Events at Student Accounts - Please refer to All Online Accelerated Programs, 7-Week Courses follow this calendar.

Summer 2020

Registration and SeaNet dates – Please refer to the Calendar of Events at

Spring 2021

Registration and SeaNet dates – Please refer to the Calendar of Events at

Summer 2021

Registration and SeaNet dates – Please refer to the Calendar of Events at

Fall 2021

Registration and SeaNet dates – Please refer to the Calendar of Events at

Spring 2022

Registration and SeaNet dates – Please refer to the Calendar of Events at

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