How do I find out when street sweeping is scheduled?
To find out when street sweeping is scheduled for your area of town, see the street sweeping map or street sweeping schedule: To view or print the street sweeping calendar, click on the above link to open the Moreno Valley Map Viewer. When the viewer opens, click on the "I want to...."
How do I locate the day and time my neighborhood is swept?
To locate the day and time your neighborhood is scheduled to be swept, simply enter your residential address or use the color coded legend on the map. Click on color coded map to locate street sweeping day and time for major arterial streets.
How do I track street sweepers in Chicago?
Chicago utilizes mechanical street sweepers to remove debris and litter from streets. Residential Streets Sweeping program is underway. Please see your Ward map & schedule for sweeping dates Residents can view street sweepers in real time using the Sweeper Tracker online tool.

Is street sweeping Cancelled in Oxnard?
There will be no residential street sweeping and no enforcement September 5 - 9, 2022.
Is Oxnard giving street sweeping tickets?
Street sweeping warnings will be distributed by Oxnard PD starting February 15, 2022. Fined parking citations will resume Monday, March 14, 2022. Do the fines pay for potholes?
Is the city of Oxnard open today?
Hours: Monday – Thursday: 9:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. Saturday: 9:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Is there street sweeping today in Port Hueneme?
Residential street sweeping in the City of Port Hueneme is done on Thursdays and Fridays. There are only four holidays per year that streets are not swept: July 4th, Thanksgiving (THURSDAY only), Christmas Day and New Year's Day.