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Mystic River Champions Breakfast on the Patio at the River Cafe Tuesday Oct. 6, 8-930 am
The Mystic River Watershed Association (MyRWA) is holding its annual Champions Breakfast outdoors at River's Edge this year, on the patio at the River Cafe. Coffee and breakfast will be served courtesy of Preotle, Lane & Associates.
Movie Night on the Great Lawn Wed. August 25, 7:00 pm. Free Admission
The Malden Public Library is hosting Movie Night featuring Disney/Pixar's "LUCA" Wednesday, August 25th at 7:00 pm on the Great Lawn at River's Edge. Movie begins at 7:30 pm. https://maldenpubliclibrary.org/browse-mpl/events-programs/
Saturday May 1st starting 2 pm - East Regional for the New England Small College Athletic Conference (NESCAC): Tufts, Colby, Bates, Connecticut College Men's Racing
Say Darling Performs Live on The Patio at The Porch
Say Darling was formed by grammy-nominated singer and songwriter Celia Woodsmith, formerly of the acclaimed bluegrass band Della Mae, and critically lauded guitarist Chris Hersch, formerly of the alt-country rock band Girls Guns & Glory. They will either get you dancing or keep you spellbound with their evocative vocals and electric performance.
Pandemically Responsible Outdoor Market (P.R.O.M.) - Socially Distanced Outdoor Shopping
Pandemically Responsible Outdoor Market (P.R.O.M.) continues for its third Saturday. More vendors, more goods, including vintage clothing, electronics, vinyl, furniture, decor and more. Food and drinks available for purchase. Please bring face masks. Free parking.
Hambone Skinny Performs on the Patio at The Porch
Hambone Skinny performs "Dirty Punk Blues," based on Bo Carter, Robert Johnson and Mississippi John Hurt and influenced by Psychobilly, Cow-Punk, Garage Slop, Okeh, Sun, Alive! and Bomp Records.
Mystic River Watershed Association Board and Staff Meeting
The Mystic Valley Watershed Association held its Board and Staff Meeting on Wednesday, August 29, 2020, from 4:00 to 6:00 pm outdoors on the Great Lawn. Some of the attendees arrived by kayak! The meeting was catered by The Porch, the popular southern fare restaurant located at 175 River's Edge Drive.