Schedule List

marine corps boot camp schedule 2022

by Miss Nona Nicolas Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Jan. 7, 2022ALPHA Company, 1ST Recruit Training Battalion
June 24, 2022FOX Company, 2nd Recruit Training Battalion
July 1, 2022KILO Company, 3Rd Recruit Training Battalion
July 22, 2022Papa Company, 4th Recruit Training Battalion
Aug. 5, 2022CHARLIE Company, 1ST Recruit Training Battalion
36 more rows

How many weeks is Marine Corps boot camp?

Marine Boot Camp is the longest basic training, at thirteen weeks long with more than 70 “training days” in a period of twelve weeks. Here is the complete Marine Boot Camp Schedule (updated for 2022). Marine Boot Camp is the longest of all the armed services — 13 weeks long with more than 70 “training days” in a period of 12 weeks.

What happens after Marine Corp boot camp?

The Marine School of Infantry (or SOI) is an important step in the early progression of a new recruit. After completing boot camp, Marines get assigned to the second stage of USMC military training. The Marine Corps has two locations for School of Infantry (SOI) training.

How to get ready for Marine Corps boot camp?

  • Spend the day focusing on your nutritional goals including calorie counting, meal planning, and meal preparation.
  • Strive to get seven to nine hours of sleep.
  • Drink plenty of water: the more active you are, the more water you need.

What's after Marine Corps boot camp?

What's After Boot™

  • SOI: School of Infantry. In the Marine Corps, every Marine is, first and foremost, a rifleman and every Marine will attend the School of Infantry after graduation from boot camp.
  • ACRONYMS: Located at Camp Pendleton, California. Located at Camp Geiger, North Carolina. ...
  • MOS: Military Occupational Specialty. ...


How long is boot camp for the Marines 2022?

approximately 13 weeksHow Long Is Marine Basic Training? Marine Basic Training is approximately 13 weeks in four phases. Week One is preparation for the 12 weeks of training ahead. Recruits can expect a flurry of paperwork, haircuts, uniform and gear issue, medical evaluations and the initial strength test.

What time do Marines at boot camp go to sleep?

In all the branches' basic training programs, bedtime is usually 2100, or 9 p.m., except during times of special events, such as night exercises. In basic training, lights out means go to sleep.

Do Marines get 10 day leave after bootcamp?

Marines receive one day of travel and ten days of leave after recruit training graduation before attending the School of Infantry (SOI).

What time do you wake up in Marine boot camp?

Typically, during the week, Marines will wake up between 4:00 and 6:00 A.M. and report to either their squad, unit, platoon, or, occasionally, their battalion, for morning Physical Training (PT). Morning PT can consist of a variety of exercises, depending on who is leading PT that day.

How often do Marines come home?

Marines usually spend about 12 months at home for every six months deployed, Commandant Gen. Robert Neller said, noting that he would like to see dwell time rise to 18 months for most Marines.

Why don t Marines walk on grass?

Since military sidewalks are usually straight lines that intersect each other at 90-degree angles, a young private may save a half of a second by cutting through the grass. If enough troops cut that same corner, then the grass will die and become a path, thus destroying the need for the sidewalk to begin with.

Where do most Marines get stationed?

A Marine Corps Base is like a small city and everything you need will be there for you. Many new Marines will land at Camp Pendleton or Camp Lejeune, the two biggest Marine Corps Bases. These bases, along with Okinawa and Hawaii, have vast landscapes necessary for training purposes.

Do you get Sundays off in basic training?

Nope. My basic was at Fort Jackson, by far and away considered to be the easiest in the army. The closest one would get to even a day off was going to church on sundays. Why do so many people leave the military after basic training?

Are Marines allowed to use phones?


What do Marines call a bed?

Rack: A bed. Marines are weapons, so they are stored in “racks” instead of sleeping in “beds.”

What kind of food is served at Marine boot camp?

Most military chow halls today include an extensive salad bar, a station for full meals such as fried chicken, seafood, Mexican food and pastas, along with a snack line that includes hamburgers, hot dogs, chili, fries and other junk-food items. Plus, you're allowed to consume sodas and dessert!

How fast do Marines have to run 3 miles?

Males must complete the three-mile run in 28 minutes or less. Females must complete the three-mile run in 31 minutes or less.

How long do Marines get to sleep?

seven to nine hoursAll Marines require seven to nine hours of sleep each night—period. Those who insist otherwise should not be celebrated for their toughness; rather, they should be educated and, if neces- sary, marginalized.

How much sleep do you get at Marine boot camp?

Recruits are intended to receive 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night while at boot camp with a few exceptions.

How many hours of sleep do you get in the Marines?

How Much Do Service Members Sleep? On average, 60% of service members sleep fewer than six hours per night. Those who have been previously or are currently deployed sleep even less, at fewer than five hours per night.

How do Marines go to sleep?

The military method Drop your shoulders to release the tension and let your hands drop to the side of your body. Exhale, relaxing your chest. Relax your legs, thighs, and calves. Clear your mind for 10 seconds by imagining a relaxing scene.

What are the phases of Marine Corp Boot Camp?

New recruits get ready to start their transition from civilians to recruits. Image:

Where is Marine boot camp?

If you are in the DEP or a parent of a Marine enlistee, you can also read through this schedule so you know what will be going on during boot camp on the hallowed grounds of Parris Island, South Carolina, or San Diego, California.

What is the first week of basic training?

Week 1. After going through “Receiving Week”, the first week of Basic Training begins. Most of the time, it will be physical training evaluations and classroom time. In the classroom, you’ll learn everything from the history of the military, how to exchange courtesies, basic leadership skills, the Core values, customs, first aid, and more.

What is basic warrior training?

Basic Warrior Training. This is where things will get dialed up to a higher level both mentally and physically.

Is it easy to change from civilian to marine?

Nothing is easy during your transformation from civilian to a Marine.

What is a Marine Corps boot camp graduation?

A United States Marine Corps boot camp graduation is the defining point in the young career of a Marine. It indicates that you have survived boot camp and are ready to begin advanced individual training for your Military Occupational Speciality (MOS). Marine Corps boot camp graduation is worth celebrating with friends and family.

Where are boot camp graduations held?

There is an average of 2-3 USMC boot camp graduations held each month in San Diego and Parris Island. Image: Flickr. Special Note: Click Here to check out a great graduation gift idea for your newly graduating Marine.

What is the first step in Marine career?

Graduating from USMC boot camp is a special first step in the career of a Marine. Image: Defense Logistics Agency

What is family day in the Marine Corps?

USMC Family Day teaches families about what the recruit went through the last 12 weeks during basic combat training. Marine Corps boot camp is generally considered the most intense and demanding of all the boot camps in the military. Past Family Day Schedule of Events include: Orientation – 8:30 am.

What is SOI in Marines?

The School of Infantry (SOI) is divided into two different schools: Infantry Training Battalion (ITB) Marine Combat Training (MCT) Marines that have a MOS related to infantry or weapons system attend the Infantry Training Battalion (ITB) school.

How many days are there for Marine Corps graduation?

The graduation ceremony includes two days of scheduled events, like the Motivational Run. Image: Marine Corps Recruiting Depot. Both the boot camp graduation in San Diego and Parris Island have a full list of scheduled events. The Marine Corps divides boot camp graduation into two days: Family Day (the day prior) and Graduation Day ...

Where is boot camp in California?

Most new recruits west of the Mississippi River attend boot camp at the Recruit Training Depot in San Diego, California.

What is the first phase of Marine Corps training?

In the first phase of training, recruits fight their first battles. As they step on the yellow footprints, each new recruit accepts the challenge of changing his or her life forever in an effort to rise to the title of United States Marine. We push them to their physical and mental limits to test their resilience and enable growth. We present them with the values of the Marine Corps and teach them the foundational knowledge they will build on throughout their training.

What does Marine Corps recruit training teach you?

Recruits learn quickly in Marine Corps Recruit Training that what doesn't stop them only makes them more purposeful. And that hardships they overcome together only makes them more resilient. Tough training day after day makes tough Marines who can fight tonight, defending our Nation's ideals at home and abroad.

What happens to recruits after they complete the first phase of training?

In the second phase, they face challenges that require more commitment and more endurance as the intensity of their training increases. It is during this time that recruits begin to develop their resolve and gain the confidence to overcome every obstacle and defeat every internal and external enemy.

What is the hardest phase of Marines?

This phase includes the most difficult part of recruit training: the Crucible, which is the ultimate test of all they’ve learned before earning the Eagle, Globe, and Anchor.

Do Marines earn the Globe?

No recruit earns the Eagle, Globe, and Anchor alone. Becoming a Marine will be only be accomplished with those in your platoon you fight alongside, with the torch that's passed to you by many generations of Marines who built this legacy with willingness and determination, and with the fighting spirit inside you that will stop at nothing to win for our Nation.

Graduation Dates

Boot camp graduations are usually on Fridays. Sometimes, due to holidays such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the Marine Corps Birthday, graduation will be on a Wednesday. If that is the case the USMC schedule will indicate the alternate family day and graduation dates.

Official Facebook Groups

Looking for boot camp groups by graduation dates? We have a place to connect and share with other family members who have a recruit in Marine Corps boot camp. See the links below for Official Recruit Parents Facebook graduation groups.

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