Schedule List

mardi gras parade schedule mobile alabama 2022

by Luciano Skiles Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Monday, February 28 (Lundi Gras)
  • 12:00 p.m. – King Felix III, Floral parade (Mobile, Route A)
  • 3:00 p.m. – MLK Business and Civic (Mobile, Route D)
  • 3:30 p.m. – Monday Mystics (Mobile, Route D)
  • 4:00 p.m. – Northside Merchants (Mobile, Route D)
  • 7:00 p.m. – Infant Mystics (Mobile, Route F)

What time is the Mardi Gras parade in Mobile?

Tuesday, March 1, 2022 – Mardi Gras Day FAT TUESDAY! 10:30 AM Order of Athena Parade 12:30 PM Knights of Revelry Parade 1:00 PM King Felix Parade 1:30 PM Comic Cowboys Parade 2:00 PM Mobile Area Mardi Gras Association (rolls on Route B)

When is Mardi Gras 2022 in New Orleans?

Tuesday, March 1, 2022 – Mardi Gras Day FAT TUESDAY! 10:30 AM Order of Athena Parade 12:30 PM Knights of Revelry Parade 1:00 PM King Felix Parade

What time are the mobile mystical parades?

6:30 PM Order of Polka Dots Parade Friday, February 18, 2022 6:30 PM Order of Inca Parade Saturday, February 19, 2022 2:00 PM Mobile Mystics Parade 2:30 PM Mobile Mystical Revelers Parade

What time are the parades for the 2022 Winter Carnival?

7:00 PM Conde Explorers Parade Thursday, February 17, 2022 6:30 PM Order of Polka Dots Parade Friday, February 18, 2022 6:30 PM Order of Inca Parade Saturday, February 19, 2022 2:00 PM Mobile Mystics Parade 2:30 PM Mobile Mystical Revelers Parade 6:30 PM Maids of Mirth Parade  (rolls on route G) 7:00 PM Order of Butterfly Maidens Parade


Will Mardi Gras parades happen in 2022?

Mardi Gras 2022 Schedule and Parade Details The parades and celebrations continue into March, with 10 different parades scheduled to dance through New Orleans on Tuesday, March 1.

What time is the Mardi Gras parade in Mobile AL?

2:00 pmSchedule - 2022 Click on parade time to view route map. 2:00 pm - MAMGA Mammoth Parade (Route B)

What time is the new Mardi Gras parade 2022?

The parade will be held on Mardi Gras day, March 1, 2022, at 11:00am. The parade begins at Rosenwald Elementary School in New Roads.

How many Mardi Gras parades are there in Mobile Alabama?

Join the Carnival Celebration Be a part of the historic celebration that has been in Mobile since 1703. Over 40 parades roll through downtown Mobile (and across the area) beginning January 2023. BONUS: Many downtown parades can be caught multiple times.

What time does the parade start in mobile today?

2 p.m. - MAMGA Mammoth Parade (Mobile, Route B)

What time does the MOT parade start in Mobile Alabama?

M.O.T. is Coming! — The Mystics of Time parade will be Saturday, February 26, 2022 at 5:45 p.m.!...

Where is the parade in Mobile?

Parade route A will begin at the Mobile Civic Center and head east on Church Street. The parade will then turn down Royal Street until it reaches St. Francis Street. It will turn at Bienville Square onto Conception Street and then take Government Street all the way to Washington Street, where it will turn south.

What time does Joe Cain start?

Joe Cain Marchers | 2:30 p.m. Joe Cain Society | 3 p.m.

What is Route A Mobile parade?

Route A. Starts at the Mobile Civic Center, proceeds north on Claiborne Street to Church Street, east on Church to Royal Street, north on Royal to St. Francis Street, west on St.

What time is the Slidell parade?

6:30 p.m.— The Krewe of Titans returns to the parade route for 2022! The Slidell parade is set to take place on Saturday, Feb. 19, at 6:30 p.m. The parade starts at the corner of Pontchartrain and Spartan Drive.

What time does the LaPlace parade start?

11 a.m.Sunday, February 19, 2023Krewe of Du MondeLaPlace11 a.m.Krewe of Dage'LaPlacefollows DuMondeDes AllemandsDes Allemands1 p.m.TerreaniansHouma1:30 p.m.MontegutHouma2 p.m.

What time does Endymion Extravaganza start?

Saturday, February 18, 2023 at 4:15 PM. $80.00 The Krewe of Endymion brings a Mardi Gras extravaganza to the biggest crowds of the season. Taking its name from the god of fertility, Endymion features the grandest of floats, the most plentiful of throws and a celebrity Grand Marshall.

Will there be a Zulu Ball 2022?

The 2022 Zulu Coronation Ball will be held on Friday, February 25, 2022 at the New Orleans Convention Center. The event starts at 6:00PM.


Parade route A will begin at the Mobile Civic Center and head east on Church Street. The parade will then turn down Royal Street until it reaches St. Francis Street. It will turn at Bienville Square onto Conception Street and then take Government Street all the way to Washington Street, where it will turn south.


Parade Route B will begin on Broad Street and head north to M.L. King Jr. Avenue. Once they reach Lexington Avenue they will turn south towards St. Stephens Road. Heading east on St. Stephens Road will then lead them to Spring Hill Avenue and then south on Washington Avenue.


Parade Route C will start on St. Anthony Street and go south on Royal Street to St. Francis Street. From St. Francis Street they will turn left onto Conception Street and then turn right onto Government Street.


Parade route D will start on Warren Street and head northwest on M.L. King Jr. Avenue. They will then turn south down Lexington Avenue and hit St. Stephens Road. From St. Stephens Road they will go to Spring Hill Avenue before turning north on Washington Avenue, where the parade will end.


Parade Route E will begin on Water Street and head south to Government Street. They will go all the way down Government Street until they get to Broad Street, which they will turn south on. They will then make a box using Broad Street, Texas Street, Washington Avenue and Canal Street.


Parade Route F Will start on Broad Street and head northwest to Spring Hill Avenue. From Spring Hill Avenue the parade will turn onto Washington Street and then turn left onto Government Street. The parade will then make an L shape using Claiborne Street, Church Street, Royal Street, St. Francis Street, Conception Street and Government Street.


Parade Route G will start on Conti Street and then turn left on Broad Street. From Broad Street, the parade will turn down Spring Hill Avenue and then right on Washington Street. They will then turn down Government Street until they get to Claiborne Street. from there, the parade will make a L shape using Church Street, Royal Street, St.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9