Schedule List

lilydale 2022 schedule

by Rahsaan Boehm Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Season 1, 2022: 17 February – 5 March Matinees: Sun 20 & 27 Sept & Sat 5 March

Full Answer

February 5, 2022

Join Nancy Lombardo in a supportive informational and spiritual discussion for those wanting a better understanding of the suicide epidemic.

February 5, 2022

Join Dr. Neal Rzepkowski to learn about holistic nutrition from Edgar Cayce and other leaders in the spiritual and health field.

February 12, 2022

Join Dr. Neal Rzepkowski to learn about alternative therapies for health and healing.

February 12, 2022

Discover how animals can be your teachers, guides, and message bringers in your life with Rev. Joanne Copley-Nigro.

February 19, 2022

When the heart speaks, we are addressing issues of Courage. That courage we can find within the majesty of who we are. Join Dr. Patricia Bell to learn where to find this point of Courage in astrology charts.

February 26, 2022

Calling all parents, grandparents, and loving care supporters of intuitive children. This workshop from Rev. Tammarishka Kerman is for you.

February 26, 2022

Join Rose Vanden Eynden to learn the different kinds of Tarot cards as well as how to identify and understand their traditional meanings.

What is the email address for workshops at Lilydale?

In case of technical difficulties please contact:

Where is Lily Dale Assembly Hall?

Lily Dale Assembly Hall, 11 Cleveland Ave, Lily Dale, NY 14752, USA . In this workshop Sandra Anne Taylor will show you how information from your past lives can still be a powerful force in your present reality. LEARN MORE.

Is Lily Dale open?

Lily Dale is open with requirements. Click here for details.

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