When are the state fairs in 2022?
Whether you’re looking forward to your state’s fair or you plan to travel to a faraway fair, we’ve rounded up a complete list of state fairs happening in 2022. If your state fair’s dates aren’t listed yet, don’t hesitate to bookmark this page as we will update it regularly! Massachusetts State Fair, West Springfield, September 16 to October 2
What is the schedule for the 2022 Fisher Cats?
The schedule features 69 home games at Delta Dental Stadium, beginning with the home opener on Tuesday, April 12 and running through Sunday, September 18. The Fisher Cats will have home games on Father's Day (June 19), the Fourth of July, and Labor Day Weekend (September 2-4). Click here to view the 2022 schedule.
How do I register for the Fisher fall career fairs?
Register for the Fisher Fall Career Fairs in Handshake. Plus, you can research the employers participating in the events and the jobs/internships they are recruiting for at the fairs. It is always wise to be prepared when connecting with a recruiter at a career fair. Students will be required to check-in with their BuckID.

Fisher Fair Scones
Our famous Fisher Fair Scones serve as the signature food attraction at state and local fairs across the Northwest, with fresh-baked goodness in every bite. Smeared with whipped butter and local raspberry jam, our original scone recipe continues its record as a crowd pleaser.
Fresh-Baked Goodness in Every Bite!
Our flour comes from a group of Pacific NW family farms that use certified sustainable farming practices to prevent erosion, regenerate topsoil and provide healthy habitat for wildlife. Under the Shepherd’s Grain brand, these farms produce consistent, high-quality wheat flour that is a favorite of artisanal bakeries and home cooks alike.
Fisher Jam
Since 1911, our famous Fisher Fair Scones serve each smeared with whipped butter and local raspberry jam, a crowd pleaser for generations.
Recognized Quality
Eastern Washington Coop of farmers using direct seed, no-till sustainable farming practices. All certified by the Food Alliance. They are stewards of the land, protecting for generations to come.