Does West Virginia have a pension plan?
The State of West Virginia offers an outstanding defined benefit pension plan – the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) under the Consolidated Public Retirement Board. Specific information regarding retirement benefits is available on the West Virginia Consolidated Public Retirement Board's site.
Where can I find information about retirement benefits in West Virginia?
Specific information regarding retirement benefits is available on the West Virginia Consolidated Public Retirement Board's site.
What is the West Virginia Retirement Plus program?
In addition, employees are offered the voluntary opportunity to participate in the West Virginia Retirement Plus Program, a supplemental retirement plan designed to provide an extra savings alternative for all State, county, city and other political subdivision employees.
What is the locality pay adjustment for West Virginia federal employees?
Any federal employees in West Virginia who do not live in an area for which a specific Locality Pay Adjustment has been set will receive the generic "Rest of the United States" locality pay adjustment of 16.2% (shown in the table below).

If You Do Not Want to Continue ANY PEIA Coverage After You Retire
If you do not want to continue any PEIA coverage after you retire, please fill out a Termination Form and return it to your Benefit Coordinator to be signed and sent into PEIA. You will also need to fill out and return to your Benefit Coordinator a Retiree Optional and/or Dependent Life Enrollment Form indicating that you are declining coverage.
Non-Medicare Retirees
If you are a Non-Medicare Retiree, your agency participates in PEIA retirement insurance and you want to continue PEIA Health Insurance, you will need visit your Retirement Board and your HR Department.
Medicare Retirees
If you are a Medicare Retiree, your agency participates in PEIA retirement insurance and you want to continue PEIA Health Insurance, you will need visit your Retirement Board and your HR Department.
Once all of your paperwork is turned in, it will be 2-3 months before you receive a bill for your insurance, however, since you will still be insured and have no lapse in coverage, you will still be responsible for paying the premiums until the premiums can come out of your retirement check.