How do I get a solid waste license in Westchester County?
Companies and individuals seeking to operate in the solid waste and recyclables hauling industry in Westchester County must be aware that not only must they obtain a license from the Solid Waste Commission, they may also be required to obtain a license from the Westchester County Department of Health.
How many times a week is garbage collected in San Diego?
Curbside Garbage Pick Up Garbage is collected curbside twice per week in accordance with the 2020 Recycling Calendar. Trash cans should be 32 gallons or less. The City will not collect electronics, commercial, construction or roofing materials, gas tanks, motor oil, tires, rims, car batteries, porcelain, rocks or dirt curbside.
How often is garbage collected curbside?
Garbage is collected curbside twice per week in accordance with the 2022 Recycling Calendar. Trash cans should be 32 gallons or less. The City will not collect electronics, commercial, construction or roofing materials, gas tanks, motor oil, tires, rims, car batteries, porcelain, rocks or dirt curbside.
What is the largest recycler in Westchester County?
How often are recyclables collected?
How much is a fine for dumping?
Does Yonkers accept Christmas trees?
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How do I get rid of a mattress in Westchester County?
For the best in Hudson Valley or Westchester Mattress Disposal, simply call 1-800 995 JUNK or book a free on site estimate online today.
How do I dispose of paint Westchester?
To book a convenient drop-off appointment at the HMRF, visit the online reservation system or call the Recycling HelpLine at 914-813-5425....To be eligible, paints must:be in their original container.no larger than 5 gallons.have the manufacturer's printed label on the container; and.have a secured lid with no leaks.
What can be recycled in Westchester County?
Residential RecyclingGlass Bottles & Jars. Recycle all food and beverage containers- clear and colored glass. ... Cardboard. Flatten or cut boxes to a maximum size of 3ft. ... Newspapers Magazines & Mixed Paper. Recycle all weekly and daily newspapers, including glossy inserts. ... Plastic Containers.
How do I dispose of old gas in Westchester County?
For disposal information, call the Recycling HelpLine at (914) 813-5425.Non-rechargeable batteries – discard with household trash.Motor oil – take to service station or motor oil retail outlet.Compressed gas cylinders – helium and oxygen tanks.Smoke and fire detectors – discard with household trash.More items...
Are milk cartons recyclable in Westchester County NY?
Just place the items loose in the bin. *You can recycle a milk carton with a triangular shaped top. It's called a gable top container; rinse first and if you can, remove and trash the plastic screw top and “knob” surround. *You can recycle shelf-stable boxes such as those that contain juice, chopped tomatoes, and soup.
What can you do with old paint?
Unwanted paint can be donated to organisation such as Community Repaint who redistribute it to community groups and those in social need. If you can't use it all up or find a good home for your paint, you will need to harden it before taking to a Recycling Centre - find your nearest below.
Is Styrofoam recyclable in Westchester County NY?
Styrofoam and other plastic packaging materials should not be placed in your recycling bin. However, packaging outlets such as Mail Boxes Etc. and The UPS Store, located throughout Westchester County, do take back Styrofoam, bubble wrap and other packaging materials.
What are the recycling guidelines?
Three General Guidelines of RecyclingRecycle all bottles, cans, and paper.Keep items relatively clean.Don't mix plastic bags in with the rest of your recycled items.
Does White Plains have a recycling program?
The City is partnering with HELPSY, a White Plains textile recycling company that either redistributes the fabrics or up-cycles them into other uses, rather than sending them to landfills.
How do I dispose of batteries in Westchester County?
Non-rechargeable alkaline and carbon zinc and rechargeable alkaline batteries can be disposed of in the garbage. But other kinds of rechargeable and button cell silver oxide batteries must be recycled.
How do I dispose of propane tanks in Westchester County?
Empty tanks may be disposed of in the garbage or on bulk pick-up days. Never include a 1 or 2 pound barbecue tank with your glass, plastic or metal recyclables. Call your local recycling office for more information. Residents can also bring these small tanks to our H-MRF in Valhalla.
Where do I get rid of old paint near me?
California residents and businesses can now recycle leftover paint for free at local retail stores. For locations and program details, visit www.PaintCare.org or call 855-724-6809. You may also dispose of unused oil and latex paint by doing the following: Drop off at a mobile Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event.
Can I dispose of paint at Lowes?
The best thing to do is call your local Sherwin Williams store and ask them what options they provide for paint recycling. Lowes Paint Recycling: When it comes to paint recycling, Lowes does not offer paint disposal services as a corporate policy.
How do you dispose of paint in New York State?
Visit PaintCare for convenient drop-off and pickup options. Otherwise, bring to a Special Waste Drop-Off Site or SAFE Disposal Event. For small amounts of paint: let dry, or use kitty litter, newspaper, or other absorbent material to soak up paint. Once the can is empty and dry, recycle on your regular collection day.
How do you get rid of paint?
Paint DisposalStep 1: Combine With Cat Litter. Here's how to dispose of latex paint without taking it to a recycling center. ... Step 2: Allow the Mixture to Set. Stir the cat litter into the paint until it thickens and won't spill. ... Step 3: Throw It in the Garbage. Throw the dried paint in the can in the garbage.
City Calendar | City of Yonkers, NY
⚠️ ATTENTION YONKERS ⚠️. CLICK HERE FOR COVID-19 RELATED RESOURCES. City Hall and annex city offices are open for walk-in visits.
City of Yonkers Recycling Center | Yonkers, NY | Wastebits
City of Yonkers Recycling Center is located at 735 Saw Mill River Road, (Between Odell Ave. & Tuckahoe Rd.), Yonkers, NY 10701. To contact City of Yonkers Recycling Center, call (914) 637-3067, or view more information below.
What is the largest recycler in Westchester County?
Yonkers is by far the largest municipal recycler in Westchester County and has steadily improved its recycling rate over the last several years. In 2012, Yonkers recycled 69,490 tons of waste - that’s up 6% since 2010.
How often are recyclables collected?
Household recyclables are collected curbside once each week on a rotating schedule . Recyclables should be separated into two categories – mixed recyclables (commingles) and paper recyclables – and placed curbside in accordance with the 2020 Recycling Calendar.
How much is a fine for dumping?
Dumping is illegal and punishable by a fine of up to $5,000. If you witness illegal dumping call 914-377-DUMP (3867). If your call leads to a conviction, you could receive a $1,000 reward.
Does Yonkers accept Christmas trees?
The Yonkers Organic Yard accepts leaves, branches and Christmas trees. The yard will not accept grass clippings, tree stumps or items placed in plastic bags.
How to schedule a shredder event?
To schedule an event, please review the safety guidelines and fill out the Shredder Event Request Form. The form should be emailed to Thank you for your understanding.
Why do county departments use mobile shredders?
Shared public services. Besides residential use, county departments and local municipal offices use the Mobile Shredder to free up valuable inventory space often occupied by outdated documents, while at the same time, it ensures that confidentiality is preserved.
When is resident trash service?
Yard waste service is provided weekly from April 1 through November 30. Place containers at the curb by 6 a.m. on collection days.
When does WM pick up construction debris?
WM will pick up a small amount of household construction debris placed at curb by 6 a.m. on regular service day. Household construction debris from remodeling projects is acceptable.
What is the phone number for WM pickup?
Bulk item service is provided on the regular service day. Extra pickups must be prescheduled and prepaid as an extra pickup. Call WM at (800) 964-8988 for more information.
What holidays delay collection?
Weekday holidays will delay collection by one day for the remainder of the week. For example, if a holiday falls on a Thursday, Thursday customers will be collected on Friday and Friday customers will be collected on Saturday.
What is the phone number for the Gedney Way recycling yard?
Call 422-1217 if you have a boiler, refrigerator, stove, metal bed frame, metal shelving or other large metal item to schedule an appointment before placing items at the curb. NOTE: The City temporarily stores all E-waste items and "white goods" at the Gedney Way Recycling Yard.
How to show thanks for recycling?
Leave the liquids behind. Show your thanks for recycling and recycling workers by making sure food scraps and liquids are not disposed of in your recycling bin.
Is it illegal to dispose of electronic equipment in New York?
It is illegal to dispose of these and other covered electronic equipment (CEE) in the trash under New York's Electronic Waste law. How to recycle electronics: Visit DEC's Consumer Electronic Waste Recycling web page for information on all available recycling/reuse opportunities.
Can you pick up renovation debris in Westchester County?
NOTE: The City is unable to pick up household renovation debris i.e. doors, fencing, siding, toilets, bathtubs. If you are having work done in or around your house, you may want to arrange for proper disposal with your contractor or, for your convenience, Westchester County has provided a list of Licensed Private Transfer Stations and Processing Facilities you may contact directly.
Can you check the schedule for changes in White Plains?
It is advised to check the schedule for any temporary changes during holiday weeks. You may also sign up for the White Plains Alerts, Community Notification System to receive phone or text messages that will alert you to changes in the Sanitation/Recycling schedule.
Can you recycle glassware?
RECYCLING TIPS. Glassware and ceramic dishes should not go into your home recycling bin. Drinking glasses, dinnerware, and baking dishes, whether whole or in pieces, should not be put in your home recycling bin. However, glass items like empty food jars are usually acceptable to put in your home recycling bin.
What is the largest recycler in Westchester County?
Yonkers is by far the largest municipal recycler in Westchester County and has steadily improved its recycling rate over the last several years. In 2012, Yonkers recycled 69,490 tons of waste - that’s up 6% since 2010.
How often are recyclables collected?
Household recyclables are collected curbside once each week on a rotating schedule . Recyclables should be separated into two categories – mixed recyclables (commingles) and paper recyclables – and placed curbside in accordance with the 2020 Recycling Calendar.
How much is a fine for dumping?
Dumping is illegal and punishable by a fine of up to $5,000. If you witness illegal dumping call 914-377-DUMP (3867). If your call leads to a conviction, you could receive a $1,000 reward.
Does Yonkers accept Christmas trees?
The Yonkers Organic Yard accepts leaves, branches and Christmas trees. The yard will not accept grass clippings, tree stumps or items placed in plastic bags.