When will solid waste collection resume in Lee County?
FORT MYERS, Fla. – Lee County Solid Waste garbage collection will resume Monday, Oct. 3, on the normally scheduled day for all routes in Lee County franchise areas that are accessible to collection trucks. This collection is for household garbage only − everyday trash items and all spoiled food. Collection of recycling will resume at a later time.
How do I get the Piscataway curbside recycling collection schedule?
To get the Piscataway curbside recycling collection schedule once the Middlesex County Improvement Authority has updated its website, follow these instructions: Click here to go to the Middlesex County Improvement Authority website. Select "Curbside Schedules" from "Recycling" in left-side menu.
What's closed on Martin Luther King Jr Day in Lee County?
Most Lee County administrative operations will be closed on Jan. 17 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. The county’s holiday schedule adjustments are as follows: Animal Services, at 5600 Banner Drive, Fort Myers, will be closed on Jan. 17 and will resume regular business hours on Jan. 18.
What's open&closed in Lee County in January?
Lee County Parks & Recreation beaches, parks, preserves and boat ramps will be open on Jan. 17. Recreation centers, swimming pools and administrative offices will be closed on Jan. 17 and will reopen on Jan. 18. There will be no change to collection schedules on Jan. 17.

What day is garbage day in Port St Lucie?
Garbage Services: Garbage is picked up twice per week in either cans or bags. Your service days are either Monday – Thursday, Tuesday – Friday or Wednesday – Saturday. Cans and bags are to be curbside by 7:00 am of your service day.
What holidays does Waste Pro have off Lake City?
The only collection holidays are July 4th, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. Your garbage, recycling and yard debris will be picked up on your next service day.
Who picks up garbage in North Fort Myers?
The City of Fort Myers Solid Waste Division is responsible for the overall collection of the city's Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) better known as trash and garbage.
Is there garbage pickup on Memorial day in Hillsborough County?
There are no holiday make-up days for collection. If your collection date falls on a holiday, services will resume on the next regularly scheduled collection day.
What is recyclable in Buncombe County?
Residential Co-mingled RecyclablesMetal Cans - Aluminum, Steel, Tin, EMPTY Aerosol cans. ... Plastic - Bottles, Jugs, and Containers with recycling numbers #1 - #7 such as plastic yogurt containers, margarine tubs. ... Glass - Bottles and Jars (clear, brown, green)Aluminum - Pie Tins, Food Trays.More items...
Is there garbage pickup today in Ormond Beach?
The schedule for household waste, yard waste, and recycling: Residents who live west of Nova Road will have their solid waste picked up on Tuesdays and Fridays. Residents who live east of Nova Road will have their solid waste picked up on Mondays and Thursdays.
Where is Lee County landfill?
If you are unable to wait for your regularly scheduled pick up, you can bring non-chemical items to the Resource Recovery Facility's Citizen Drop Off area at 10500 Buckingham Rd. Fort Myers, FL 33905.
What day is my garbage pickup near Fort Myers Beach FL?
It is a violation of Town Code for waste to be out by the curb more than 24 hours before or after pickup. Thursday is pickup day for regular household trash of 50 pounds or less. Wednesday is pickup day for recycling.
Who picks up garbage in Lehigh Acres FL?
Waste Management has many services available in your neighborhood and throughout most of the Lehigh Acres, Florida area. As one of Florida's largest trash and recycling service partners, we pride ourselves on customer service and environmental stewardship.
Is there garbage pickup in Polk County tomorrow?
All residential curbside collection occurs Monday-Friday between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m.
Is there garbage pickup on Memorial Day in Pasco County?
Garbage collection will NOT be collected on New Years Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Memorial Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. On these holidays, Garbage will be picked up on your next scheduled pick up day.
Can renters use the Hillsborough County dump?
What if I'm a renter and don't have a Property Tax Assessment? You can dispose of materials at Hillsborough County facilities by paying the applicable fees for disposal, or contact Solid Waste at (813) 272-5680 to discuss your disposal options.
What is the phone number to Waste Management?
(866) 909-4458Waste Management / Customer service
How do I get a new garbage bin in Lee County Florida?
Lee County provides wheeled recycling carts for each house. Request replacement recycling containers from your hauler or the Solid Waste Division.
Who picks up garbage in Cape Coral FL?
Waste Management has many services available in your neighborhood and throughout most of the Cape Coral, Florida area. As one of Florida's largest trash and recycling service partners, we pride ourselves on customer service and environmental stewardship. Thank you for your partnership with Waste Management.
Who does garbage pickup in Cape Coral?
Waste ProYour Garbage Company by Zip Codegarbage company by namephone numberCity of Cape Coral (Waste Pro)239-945-0800Waste Pro239-337-0800Waste Management239-334-1224Waste Pro in East Lee County (Area 4)239-422-56603 more rows
Residential Pickup Schedule
The useful tools below and the County Waste App make it easy for residential customers to use their desktop, tablet or smartphone to look up their schedule and check the Waste Wizard to make sure items are acceptable in County Waste carts. As a reminder, not all materials are allowed in trash or single stream recycling carts.
Christmas Tree Pickup Schedule
The Christmas Tree pickup dates are published in late December. Please read these important reminders:
What is the division of recycling and solid waste?
The Division of Recycling and Solid Waste is responsible for overseeing the various sanitation operations that Piscataway administers. This includes management of the Recycling/Trash Center (Mini-Dump), located adjacent to the public works building. The Division also performs trash cleanup of illegally dumped refuse within Township properties and right-of-ways.
When is the leaf bag distribution in the fall?
In the fall (mid-October through December), the Division is responsible for maintaining supplies and distributing biodegradable leaf bags to homeowners. The Township policy is that homeowners may acquire two bundles of twenty leaf bags.