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How long is a VMI parade?
45-minuteDuring the 45-minute parade, the cadet regiment conducts rifle drills according to the U.S. Army standards, reports to the reviewing officer, receives orders and marches in review past the audience and the reviewing officer.
Can VMI students leave campus on weekends?
It is recommended that students stay for the weekend, but not required. If you do leave, you should plan to be back by 10 p.m. on Sunday evening. Can I bring a car? STP students are permitted to have a vehicle at VMI during the program.
Does VMI have dances?
Cadets enjoy major events, traditions, and social occasions throughout the year, including Homecoming Hop, Midwinter and Ring Figure formal dances, movie nights, concerts, and more.
What is VMI Rat Line?
VMI offers one of the most challenging first-year experiences of any college in the United States, and it starts with the Rat Line. The term Rat Line refers to the tradition of new cadets, referred to as rats, walking at rigid attention along a prescribed route whenever they're inside barracks.
Can you drink at VMI?
A. Employees, cadets, visitors, and other persons, regardless of age, are not allowed to consume or possess alcohol on Post, including events such as tailgating and locations such as, but not limited to, Alumni Memorial Field, Foster Stadium, Gray-Minor Stadium, and other locales involving Institute athletic events.
Do VMI cadets keep their uniforms?
No. VMI issues cadets all the items they need. VMI has accounted for laundry cycles, typical wear and tear, and storage constraints in barracks rooms. If a cadet loses uniform items or changes weight and the uniform item no longer fits, we will refit and reissue uniform items on an as-needed basis.
What is a VMI combat ring?
History of a VMI Tradition The presentation of a VMI class ring, and the formal dance known as Ring Figure that marks the occasion, takes place in November of the Second Class (Junior) year. The event represents an important milestone in the life of a cadet, second only to graduation in importance.
What is a ring figure?
One of the most anticipated events of a cadetship, the presentation of a VMI class ring, and the formal dance known as Ring Figure typically takes place in November of the Second Class (Junior) year. Receiving the VMI class ring represents an important milestone in the life of a cadet.
How many females go to VMI?
Student Life at VMI Virginia Military Institute has a total undergraduate enrollment of 1,652 (fall 2021), with a gender distribution of 86% male students and 14% female students.
What does Dyke mean at VMI?
``In exchange for menial tasks performed by the Rat, his Dyke offers good advice, moral support and a haven on the first floor of Barracks,″ according to VMI's handbook for new cadets and parents. The word ``dyke,″ however, can also mean lesbian, and is usually used disparagingly.
Is VMI a hard school?
VMI is a very tough school - mentally, physically, academically and even emotionally. Some say it's the toughest school in the world. It's not for everyone. But those who choose to follow the harder path usually have a greater reward at the end.
Why are VMI cadets called Keydets?
The United States Military Academy claims that it was a word used to denote the gray of the standard uniform of a cadet. One less factual definition is that due to the Southern drawl of some of the members of the VMI Corps, the common term cadet was transformed into "Keydet".
Can you leave college campus whenever?
After you are 18, you're officially an adult who is capable of making your own choices. In other words, there is a lot more freedom in college. You can come and leave campus whenever you want. You don't have permission from the professor to use the restroom, you simply just walk out.
Do VMI students have to serve?
Students admitted to the college are known as military cadets and are required to participate in the Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC). Unlike the federal service academies, Virginia Military Institute cadets are not required to serve in the military upon graduation.
Are you an officer after graduating from VMI?
Upon graduation, Midshipmen are commissioned as officers in the unrestricted line Naval Reserve or Marine Corps Reserve. NROTC Sideload Scholarship: This program offers the same benefits as the National Scholarship, and is offered directly from the NROTC at VMI.
Do you have to live on campus at VMI?
VMI not only offers on-campus housing, they require freshmen to live on campus. If you are a returning adult or veteran, you can inquire about being exempted from such a requirement.
What time do cadets eat in Crozet Hall?
It is important that new cadets eat during this time and drink plenty of fluids with the meal. Lunch will be provided for new cadets from 11 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. in Crozet Hall. New cadets can eat at no charge in Crozet Hall; the cost for family members is $10 for adults. Tickets will be sold at the Matriculation Fair in Cocke Hall; payment will also be accepted in Crozet as well.
What happens after the cadets are marched into the barracks?
Once the new cadets are marched into the barracks, the Matriculation ceremony has ended and they will be taken to their assigned rooms by cadet upperclassmen to begin the administrative processes.
Where to unload luggage in CPTF?
All luggage should be marked with the full name of the new cadet. New cadets should unload luggage in the front of barracks at the designated arch which was provided in CPTF. All luggage must be taken to assigned rooms in barracks before 3:00 p.m.
What is a rat mass?
Collectively you are known as a rat mass. You will not earn the status of fourth class cadet until after breakout. Meeting cadre is the first in a long series of events designed to train and test you as you prepare for assuming the responsibilities of cadetship.
Where do new cadets leave their families?
New cadets leave their families and are formed into companies inside Cameron Hall to begin their training period. Family and friends may stay to watch the march off in Cameron Hall .
When is the VMI pre-matriculation reception?
Information about this reception and will be mailed directly to parents of new cadets in early July.
Do matriculants need to wear civilian clothes?
Matriculants are reminded to keep one set of civilian clothes in their luggage to be stored at VMI. It is recommended that these clothes be suitable for milder weather and for wear off post, as cadets may not need them until later in the semester.