How many inmates are VADOC preparing to release in July?
During an update to the Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee on Tuesday morning, VADOC’s Legislative Liaison Jermiah Fitz, Jr. said they’re preparing to release an additional 3,212 people between July 1st and August 30th due to the changes. He said that’s on top of the 1,396 inmates already expected to be released during this timeframe.
What happens after 14 days of classification at VADOC?
After the 14-day period, the inmates may be directed from the classification facility to another facility. The VADOC is restricting the transfer of inmates between VADOC facilities. Appropriate screenings, testing and quarantines are conducted to prevent the spread of COVID-19 from facility to facility.
Is VADOC keeping families in the dark about early release plan?
Since the General Assembly approved the early release plan at the end of April, family members like Miller say VADOC has kept them in the dark, leaving them anxious as they fear for the worst. More than 430 inmates have tested positive for coronavirus as of Thursday.
When does the new Virginia prison system take effect?
RICHMOND, Va. (WRIC) — The Virginia Department of Corrections is preparing to release thousands of inmates early when a new state law takes effect this summer. The new system, which allows certain offenders to earn shorter sentences, passed under Democratic control during a special session in 2020.

Do prisoners know their release date?
Most inmates will find out when they are being released once the facility knows. If the inmate is a friend or family member, and your relationship is in good standing, this is a reliable option so you are able to plan accordingly for their release.
Are inmates being released early in Virginia?
A last-minute amendment to Virginia's budget has blocked the planned release this summer of hundreds of inmates. July 4, 2022, at 8:21 a.m.
How much of your sentence do you have to serve in Virginia?
Under Virginia law, sheriff's departments must require inmates to serve 50 percent of their sentences unless there is a mandatory minimum sentence. In most Northern Virginia jails, people will only serve 50 percent of their sentence conditional on their good behavior.
What is it called when an inmate is released early?
Parole (also known as provisional release or supervised release) is a form of early release of a prison inmate where the prisoner agrees to abide by certain behavioral conditions, including checking-in with their designated parole officers, or else they may be rearrested and returned to prison.
Did the 65 law for prisoners pass in VA?
The law, passed in 2020 when Democrats were in full control of state government, created a tiered system that allowed inmates with good behavior and participation in rehabilitation programs to earn expanded credits for up to 15 days per month to be taken off their sentences for nonviolent offenses.
How can I find out an inmate's release date in Virginia?
DOC Inmate Search You can search for an incarcerated loved one's location and release date on the Virginia Department of Corrections website.
Can a mandatory minimum sentence be reduced?
While there are two very minor exceptions that would give a judge leeway to reduce a mandatory minimum sentence, the exceptions often do not apply in most cases. Thus, many defendants are forced to serve a prison sentence, even for nonviolent crimes.
Does Virginia have the 3 strike law?
Virginia Code Section 19.2-297.1 is Virginia's "Three Strikes" law for violent felony crime. Upon conviction for a third violent felony offense, the punishment under this law is mandatory life in prison.
What is the shortest sentence for a felony?
In general, felony offenses, whether state or federal, carry a minimum sentence of one year in prison. Federal felony crimes are divided into classes, with increasing maximum sentences based on the severity of the crime: Class "E" felonies are the least serious and carry penalties of up to three years in prison.
What are the benefits of releasing inmates early?
Reinstituting programs that allow prison inmates to be released early for good behavior is a cost-effective and safe way to reduce prison populations and decrease the likelihood that former inmates will commit more crimes once released.
How do prisoners get out early?
Congress authorizes compassionate release when a prisoner has “extraordinary and compelling” reasons for it. The BOP can bring a motion to the court asking that the sentence be reduced and the prisoner be released early.
What are the four types of release?
Types of ReleaseParole. "Parole" means the release of a prisoner to the community by the Board of Parole (BOP) prior to the expiration of the offender's sentence. ... Probation. ... Determinate Release. ... Community Corrections.
What are the new Virginia laws for 2022?
(WRIC) – Everyday life may change after numerous laws were set in motion on Friday, July 1st, 2022. These laws include new marijuana possession penalties, no ticket quotas for law enforcement, and alcoholic beverages delivered to your front door.
What is the new probation law in Virginia?
Now, Virginia Limits Probation Sentences The 2021 Virginia probation law limits adult probation sentences to: One year for misdemeanors. Five years for felonies.
What are the new laws in Virginia starting July 1st?
Here are some of Virginia's new laws taking effect Friday, July 1, 2022:Alcohol laws. ... Classroom materials. ... Earned Sentence Credits (ESCs) expansion. ... Facial recognition technology. ... History and Culture. ... Marcus alert system. ... Marijuana penalty. ... Medical marijuana.More items...•
What is the good time law in Virginia?
The legislation allowed prisoners to earn up to 15 days of “good time” credit toward early release for every 30 days served. Previously, eligible incarcerated people could earn a maximum of 4.5 days of credit every 30 days.
Information Updates
Updates can be found on this page or by calling our information line, 804-887-8484.
Visitation Schedule Updates
In-person visitation will resume for VADOC facilities the weekend of March 5-6, 2022. Preapproved visitors may log in to schedule a visit starting Saturday, February 26. Video visitation will continue as normal at each facility unless otherwise specified below.
In-person visitation is dependent upon favorable pandemic conditions at the facility. The visitation schedule is subject to change based on evolving pandemic conditions.
Early Release
As of July 1, 2021, pursuant to the legislative authority granted to the Director of Corrections through Governor Northam's executive amendments to House Bill 29 and House Bill 30, the following numbers of inmates have been released.
The majority of VADOC inmates and CCAP probationers have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Vaccination percentages change as inmates and CCAP probationers are discharged from correctional facilities and no longer counted among the vaccinated population, and new individuals enter the system.
Testing and Screening
The VADOC is utilizing its COVID-19 Medical Guideline. COVID-19 testing strategies for each facility are formulated in collaboration with state and local health officials as well as VADOC Health Services Administration and Regional Medical staff and are tailored to the needs of the individual facility.
Sanitation and Personal Protective Equipment
The VADOC's extensive Medical Epidemic/Pandemic Sanitation Plan is in place to make certain that all Department facilities ensure accurate sanitation during this pandemic while utilizing appropriate chemicals and approved personal protective equipment.
What did Moran say to those frustrated by the wait for calculated release dates?
Asked what he would say to those frustrated by the wait for calculated release dates, Moran said “I’d say this is an unprecedented program and we’re doing our best in an unprecedented way.”
Is VADOC working with limited staff?
VADOC told Miller in an email that they’re working with limited staff and hours due to federal and state guidelines related to COVID -19. The email says Courts & Legal is dealing with a high volume of cases and they’re prioritizing records with estimated dates through August 2020.
Can you release inmates with less than a year left?
RICHMOND, Va. (WRIC) – For the first time, the Virginia Department of Corrections can release inmates with less than a year left to serve but– with five offenders dead from coronavirus –inmates in facilities with no testing to date say they’re not letting people out fast enough.
Is the Early Release Plan exempt from public records?
When asked how many eligible inmates are waiting to have their release dates calculated, a spokesperson for VADOC said the ‘Early Release Plan’ is exempt from public records requests. For this reason, 8News was also unable to independently verify the status of offenders interviewed for this story.
Who is Jerome Clarke?
Jerome Clarke, an inmate at State Farm Correctional Center, poses with his fiancé and step daughter. Since the General Assembly approved the early release plan at the end of April, family members like Miller say VADOC has kept them in the dark, leaving them anxious as they fear for the worst. More than 430 inmates have tested positive ...
Does Batra have a good time release date?
His ‘Offender Progress Report’ says he hasn’t had any disciplinary offenses in 24 months and he’s been involved in re-entry programs throughout his sentence. One thing Batra doesn’t have is a confirmed Good Time Release Date, which lets offenders take up to 15 percent off of their sentence for good behavior.
Is Batra a diabetic?
Batra says he’s an insulin-dependent diabetic, an underlying condition that puts him at high risk for severe COVID-19 symptoms. Documents sent to 8News show Batra meets the criteria for early release set by VADOC. He has a non-violent conviction, a medium risk of reoffending and a verified home plan.

Information Updates
Visitation Schedule Updates
- Central Virginia Correctional Unit #13 In-person visitation has been suspended until further notice.
- River North Correctional Center In-person and video visitation for C1 Pod has been suspended through October 17, 2022.
- In-person visitation is dependent upon favorable pandemic conditions at the facility. The visitation schedule is subject to change based on evolving pandemic conditions. Visitors age 12 and over will be required to take a self-administered (or guardian-administered) COVID-19 rapid antigen test and must receive a negative test result in order to visit an inmate or Community Correction…
Early Release
- As of July 1, 2021, pursuant to the legislative authority granted to the Director of Corrections through Governor Northam's executive amendments to House Bill 29 and House Bill 30, the following numbers of inmates have been released.
- The majority of VADOC inmates and CCAP probationers have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Vaccination percentages change as inmates and CCAP probationers are discharged from correctional facilities and no longer counted among the vaccinated population, and new individuals enter the system. Vaccinations continue to be available for all inmates and staff wh…
Testing and Screening
- The VADOC is utilizing its COVID-19 Medical Guideline. COVID-19 testing strategies for each facility are formulated in collaboration with state and local health officials as well as VADOC Health Services Administration and Regional Medical staff and are tailored to the needs of the individual facility. All inmates with signs or symptoms consistent with COVID-19 are referred to …
Covid-19 Research Resources
Sanitation and Personal Protective Equipment
- The VADOC's extensive Medical Epidemic/Pandemic Sanitation Plan is in place to make certain that all Department facilities ensure accurate sanitation during this pandemic while utilizing appropriate chemicals and approved personal protective equipment. There is plenty of soap and water at the facilities, and that remains the best way to keep hands clean. Virginia Correctional E…
Facility Staffing
- The VADOC continues to plan for every possible contingency. When necessary, staff members are moved between facilities, following COVID precautions, to fill necessary posts. Staff members testing positive for COVID-19 are to self-quarantine at home for 14 days and may return to work upon meeting criteria for ending home isolation.
Inmate Transportation, Intake, and Management
- Jail intakes are tested for COVID-19 upon arrival at a VADOC reception facility and quarantined for 14 days. After the 14-day period, the inmates may be directed from the classification facility to another facility. The VADOC is restricting the transfer of inmates between VADOC facilities. Appropriate screenings, testing and quarantines are conducted to prevent the spread of COVID-…