The January 2022 VA disability compensation payment will be paid on Tuesday, February 1, 2022, which is the first business day of the following month (February), which happens to fall on a Tuesday. Another example: Your April 2022 VA disability check will be paid on Friday, April 29, 2022, since March 1, 2022 is a Sunday (non-business day).
Month | Payment Date | Day of Week |
February | Mar. 1 | Tuesday |
March | Apr. 1 | Friday |
April | Apr.29 | Friday |
May | June 1 | Wednesday |
When is VA payday?
VA payment benefits are paid the first business day of the following month. If the first business day occurs on a non-business day, weekend or a holiday, VA benefits will be paid on the last business day prior to the first of the month. See the 2022 VA disability rates or find out if disability rates will increase in 2023. 2022 VA Pay Dates
When will VA disability checks be paid?
The VA Disability Compensation Pay Schedule Normally, the VA pays out benefits by direct deposit each month in arrears. That is, the VA pays out benefits for each month on the first business day of the following month.
How many federal pay periods?
With 52 work weeks in a year, pay periods generally add up as follows:
- Weekly: 52 pay periods per year
- Biweekly: 26 pay periods per year
- Semi-monthly: 24 pay periods per year
- Monthly: 12 pay periods per year
When is federal payday?
While everyone in the military knows that paydays are on the 1st and 15th of every month, the actual payday doesn't always land on those dates because of weekends and holidays. If you're like most of us, the money usually runs out before payday rolls around.

What will VA disability pay be in 2022?
In 2022, VA payments will increase 5.9%, the biggest increase in over 40 years. Due to high inflation caused by the pandemic, the Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) increased 5.9%. COLA is determined each year by the Social Security Administration.
Will veterans get a pay raise in 2022?
The 2022 5.9 percent COLA increase led to a substantial boost in benefits beginning on December 1, 2021. Veterans will continue to receive 2021 VA benefits until 2022 COLA rates take effect this December.
What is the VA disability payment schedule?
The VA's 2022 Pay Schedule The first business day of the next month is when disability benefits for the previous month are paid out. However, when the first business day of the month is a weekend or holiday, VA benefits are paid on the last business day of the prior month.
Can the VA take away 100 permanent and total disability?
Today, we'll answer the question: “Can the VA take away 100 Permanent and Total Disability (P&T)?” The short answer is: YES, they can. Every VA disability rating, whether it's deemed P&T or not, can be reduced by the VA for a variety of reasons.
Does VA disability count as income?
Disability benefits received from the VA should not be included in your gross income.
What happens to my VA disability when I turn 65?
Even after veterans reach full retirement age, VA's disability payments continue at the same level. By contrast, the income that people receive after they retire (from Social Security or private pensions) usually is less than their earnings from wages and salary before retirement.
How many veterans have a 100% disability rating?
1,180Number of veterans who had a 100 percent disability rating: 1,180. Approximate ratio of male to female Veteran Disability recipients: 8.9 to 1.3.
Do spouses of 100% disabled veterans get benefits?
Spouses and children of service-connected disabled vets are eligible for health care and educational benefits. Health care and educational benefits are available to spouses and children of veterans who meet the definition of "totally and permanently disabled."
What does 100% VA disability entitle you to?
Veterans with a 100 percent disability rating receive the maximum monthly, tax-free compensation available. Depending on the circumstances, a Veteran with a 100 percent disability rating receives monthly compensation of $3,106.04.
Does the VA spy on disabled vets?
The Department of Veterans Affairs made use of undercover agents and covert surveillance strategies against one veteran with multiple sclerosis in a malingering sting.
Is PTSD a permanent VA disability?
The veteran's total disability due to PTSD is permanent with no likelihood of improvement. The 100 percent rating for PTSD is total, permanent, and static in nature.
Do you get extra money from Social Security for being a veteran?
Since 1957, if you had military service earnings for active duty (including active duty for training), you may have extra Social Security wage credits added to your earnings record.
Will veterans get a pay raise in 2023?
Record Pay Increase Likely Coming for Disabled Veterans and Military Retirees in 2023. Veterans receiving disability pay from the Department of Veterans Affairs and military retirees will likely get record monthly check increases for 2023 thanks to the pace of inflation, according to a new estimate.
Are veterans getting an increase?
Yes, VA disability compensation benefits are projected to increase by 8.9% in 2023. Disabled veterans with a 10% VA disablity rating or higher will see an estimated 8.9% COLA increase on their monthly VA compensation payment beginning January 2023.
What is the VA disability increase for 2023?
between 9.3% to 11.4%Will VA Disability Compensation Rates Increase in 2023? The VA will provide a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for 2023 of between 9.3% to 11.4% based on recent projections. The decision should be available October 13, 2022.
Will disabled veterans get a COLA increase in 2022?
The Senators introduced companion legislation to the Veterans' Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) Act of 2022 in the Senate to increase certain VA benefits including disability compensation, clothing allowances, and dependency and indemnity compensation for surviving spouses, parents, and children.
How often does the VA pay out disability benefits?
The VA Disability Compensation Pay Schedule. Normally, the VA pays out benefits by direct deposit each month in arrears. That is, the VA pays out benefits for each month on the first business day of the following month. Exception: When the first business day of the following month is a holiday, then the VA will make the direct deposit on ...
How does VA disability payment vary?
Payment varies based on your medical condition and severity. It also varies based on the number of family members and dependents, according to the VA disability payment schedule, discussed below.
What is disability compensation?
Disability compensation is a tax-free federal benefit paid out to veterans with service-connected medical conditions and disabilities incurred while on active duty or, for reserve component service members, in the line of duty while on orders.
What is the VA disability rating?
Benefits for Qualifying Dependents. If you have qualifying dependents, and you have a VA disability rating of 30% or higher, you may qualify for additional benefits. Qualifying dependents include: Children between ages 18 and 23 who are enrolled in school.
How to contact a VA disability attorney?
To schedule a case evaluation with a qualified VA disability attorney, click here, or call us at 1-888-373-9436. Thank you for your service, and we look forward to working with you.
Does the VA pay disability?
At present, the VA is paying all disability compensation and other benefits as scheduled. However, VA facilities are taking Coronavirus-related precautions that may affect your visit. Some VA regional offices may have reduced hours. See here for additional information on COVID precautions.
When does the VA start adjusting for cost of living?
Generally, the VA announces the cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for the year each October, at the beginning of the federal fiscal year. The adjustment then takes effect in December.
How much will the VA increase in 2022?from benefits.com
In 2022, benefits for VA benefits and Social Security benefits will increase by 5.9%, affecting millions of Americans who currently receive these benefits.
Why does the VA examine disability rates each year?from benefits.com
To ensure disability compensation is awarded fairly , the VA examines disability rates each year to adjust for inflation and higher costs of living. This ensures disability benefits maintain value over time.
How much does a spouse add to SMC L?from va.gov
If your spouse receives Aid and Attendance, you would also add $160.89 (which is the added amount for a spouse receiving Aid and Attendance, for a Veteran with a SMC-L designation).
What is disabled veteran leave?from hr.nih.gov
DVL is for the purposes of undergoing medical treatment for a service-connected disability for which sick leave could regularly be used .
How much is Aid and Attendance 2022?from benefits.com
The extra payments associated with Aid and Attendance can vary widely. For 2022, monthly Aid and Attendance payments start at $50.83 per month, with a cap of $170.38 per month.
How long do you have to be on active duty to be a Gulf War veteran?from benefits.com
The veteran must have served in active duty for a minimum of 90 days. At least one of those days must have been during a time of war, as defined by the VA to include World War II, the Korean conflict, the Vietnam era, and the Gulf War. For Gulf War veterans, service requirements are either 24 months of active duty service or the completion of an active-duty requirement, whichever comes first.
What age can a veteran be classified as disabled?from benefits.com
The veteran, if under age 65, must be classified by the VA as totally disabled.
Table of Contents
If the first business day occurs on a non-business day, weekend or a holiday, VA benefits pay out on the last business day prior before the first of the next month.
VA Disability Compensation
VA disability compensation is a tax-free monthly benefit for veterans who have a service-related injury or illness that affects their ability to work or participate in daily activities.
Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC)
Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) and Parents’ Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) is a tax-free, income-based benefit for surviving spouses, children or parents of service members who died while on active duty, active duty for training or inactive duty training.
Veterans and Survivors Pension Compensation
The VA offers two pension benefit programs to help veterans and their families cope with financial challenges by providing supplemental income.
Aid and Attendance and Housebound Benefits
Aid and Attendance and Housebound benefits are tax-free benefits that augment basic veteran pensions and survivors pensions.
Special Monthly Compensation (SMC)
Special Monthly Compensation is a “higher rate of compensation paid due to special circumstances,” according to the VA. This tax-free benefit helps veterans and other qualified applicants who require personal assistance due to specific disabilities.
Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) Compensation
Monthly Housing Allowance (MHA) is tax-free monthly housing benefit for veterans who are using the GI Bill to attend school. Veterans receive MHA monthly payments directly – unlike GI Bill payments, which go directly to the school.
What is VA disability pay?from veteransunited.com
VA disability compensation (pay) is a tax-free benefit paid to Veterans with injuries or an illness obtained during or made worse by active duty. These are the latest VA disability compensation rates for 2021.
When will VA disability rates be effective?from veteransunited.com
The 2019 VA disability rates are effective as of December 1, 2018. You’ll begin seeing the new pay rates in your January 2019 disability compensation payment. You may also qualify for a variety of Special Monthly Compensation (SMC) categories, which for simplicity sake, were not included here. Eligible veterans with disabilities can receive up ...
How do I Apply for VA Disability Benefits?from veteransunited.com
The Department of Veterans Affairs recommends eligible Veterans apply for disability compensation benefits through the VA's eBenefits online portal. However, Veterans may also apply by mail with VA Form 21-526EZ, in person at your regional benefits office, or with help from a trained professional.
How much does a veteran with a 70% disability get?from veteransunited.com
If you’re a Veteran with a 70% disability rating, and you have a spouse, plus 3 dependent children under the age of 18, you would start with the basic rate of $1,609.71 (for a Veteran with a spouse and 1 child).
How is VA disability compensation determined?from vadisabilitygroup.com
The amount you receive from VA disability compensation is determined by a number of factors, including your assigned disability rating as described below, the severity of your disability, and your number of dependents.
How much does a spouse add to SMC L?from va.gov
If your spouse receives Aid and Attendance, you would also add $156.32 (which is the added amount for a spouse receiving Aid and Attendance, for a Veteran with a SMC-L designation).
How does the VA rate a disability?from vadisabilitygroup.com
The VA uses a disability rating system to assign a percentage to the severity of your disability, using a scale that measures from 0-100% and rises incrementally by 10%. This rating then determines your benefit amount. The VA determines your rating through an internal review of your health and medical history, going over a combination of service treatment records, VA medical records, and private medical records that are directly related to your disability. Your rating will be based on a single diagnostic code per condition, even should that condition meet more than one diagnostic code.
Who is the President's pay agent?from opm.gov
In Executive Order 12748, the President designated the Secretary of Labor and the Directors of the Office of Management and Budget and the Office of Personnel Management to serve as the President's Pay Agent. Under section 5304 of title 5, the Pay Agent provides for Federal Salary Council meetings, considers the recommendations of the Federal Salary Council, defines locality pay areas, and submits an annual report to the President on the locality pay program. The report compares rates of pay under the General Schedule to non-Federal pay, identifies areas in which a pay disparity exists and specifies the size of the disparity, makes recommendations for locality rates, and includes the views of the Federal Salary Council.
Why does OPM approve special rates?from opm.gov
Because of serious difficulties in staffing certain occupations at G S grade levels in certain geographic areas, OPM may approve special rates which are higher than the normal GS rates.
How long does it take to get promoted to a higher GS?from opm.gov
After that, competition under merit system principles is necessary to advance to a higher GS grade. Generally, a GS promotion increase is equal to at least two steps at the GS grade immediately before promotion to the higher GS grade.
How many grades are there in the General Schedule?from opm.gov
The General Schedule has 15 grades--GS-1 (lowest) to GS-15 (highest). Agencies establish (classify) the grade of each job based on the level of difficulty, responsibility, and qualifications required. Individuals with a high school diploma and no additional experience typically qualify for GS-2 positions; those with a Bachelor’s degree ...
When will VA pay for 2022?
The January 2022 VA disability compensation payment will be paid on Tuesday, February 1, 2022, which is the first business day of the following month (February), which happens to fall on a Tuesday. Another example: Your April 2022 VA disability check will be paid on Friday, April 29, 2022, since March 1, 2022 is a Sunday (non-business day).
When will VA disability benefits be paid?
However, when the first day of the month falls on a non-business day or a holiday, VA benefits will be paid on the last business day prior to the first of the month. The January 2022 VA disability compensation payment ...
What is VA Claims Insider?
At VA Claims Insider, we help fellow Veterans celebrate LIFE CHANGE by getting you the VA disability rating and compensation you deserve by law.
How many steps are there in VA disability claims?
His frustration with the 8-step VA disability claims process led him to create “VA Claims Insider,” which provides U.S. military veterans with tips, strategies, and lessons learned for successfully submitting or re-submitting a winning VA disability compensation claim.
How long does it take for VA disability to be deposited?
I use direct deposit for my VA disability compensation payment, which goes directly to my Navy Federal checking account each month, and it usually arrives 1-3 days prior.
How many times has the VA Disability eBook been downloaded?
His eBook, the “9 Secrets Strategies for Winning Your VA Disability Claim” has been downloaded more than 300,000 times in the past three years and is the #1 rated free VA disability claims guide for veterans.
What is the VA claims insider elite rating?
If you’re stuck, frustrated, underrated, and currently rated between 0%-90%, VA Claims Insider Elite is for you!