Where can I find information about summer 2022 tuition rates?
Visit the Registrar’s Online Course Schedule for official University course information, including flags, prerequisites, course availability, and more. Summer 2022 tuition rates are available on the Texas One Stop page. For more info, please contact: Myra Gibbs | myra@austin.utexas.edu
Why has my course schedule changed for summer 2022?
As part of the Summer 2022 planning process, the UT course schedule will continue to change as we head into the summer. These changes may affect the instructional mode, instructor, time or location of some classes. We strongly encourage you to review your course schedule regularly throughout the rest of the summer for additional updates.
Do you still offer printed course schedules?
Printed Course Schedules are no longer offered, but each online schedule includes a printable version.

Does UT Austin have summer classes?
Summer Semester runs June 1 - August 14, 2023, and includes First Term, Second Term, Nine-week Term, and Summer Term.
Do Utexas emails expire?
Your account is available to you forever and access will not be revoked when you graduate or become a former student. If you have not claimed your UTMail account before you leave the university, you can claim one at https://utmail.utexas.edu.
Can I take 18 hours at UT?
A: The maximum number of hours a student can take in a fall or spring semester is 18. Students wishing to register for more than 18 semester credit hours must have the permission of the Associate Dean.
What is Utexas Austin known for?
The University of Texas at Austin is one of the world's leading universities, recognized for our diverse contributions to research, higher education, business, the arts and more.
Do you lose access to canvas after you graduate?
Due Date: You will have access to Canvas for five years after you graduate, but an instructor may close or delete a Canvas course at any time.
Can you access canvas after you graduate?
Typically students and alumni can still access a Canvas course after the end of the term.
Is D passing in Utd?
In order to receive a degree, an undergraduate must attain a cumulative grade point average of "C" (2.0). Not more than 30 credit hours passed with a grade of "D" are acceptable for graduation.
How many hours can college students work in the summer?
During the academic year, all students may work a maximum of 20 hours per week. This rule stands true for Federal Work-Study eligible students, non-work study students, international students, and U.S. resident students.
Is 6 hours full-time in grad school?
Full-Time Status: Academic vs. For federal aid purposes, “full-time” refers to any student enrolled in 12 or more credit hours. However, 9 graduate credit hours is typically considered full-time by most other college offices and external agencies.
What is the least competitive major at UT Austin?
Possibly fine arts is also among the least competitive majors at UT Austin. If you have an interest in music, arts, dance, scholarly study, and design studies, you have a better chance at UT Austin.
Is UT Austin a Tier 1 school?
A UTSA statement explained that the school met its Tier One benchmarks by employing five tenured or tenure-track faculty who are members of National Academies, the honorary societies for science, engineering and medicine professors.
What is the hardest College to get into?
Harvard University1. Harvard University — 3.19% With a record-low admission rate of just 3.19% for the class of 2026, Harvard currently ranks as the most difficult school to get into.
How long do you keep your UT email?
indefinitelyYou can keep your UT Microsoft 365 email, UT Gmail account, and @vols.utk.edu email address indefinitely*. Additional information about your Alumni email account is available at oit.utk.edu/alumni.
Can I use my UT email after graduation?
UTmail Personal Accounts are lifelong accounts and will continue to exist after you graduate or retire from the university. Former students can still sign up for Personal Accounts even after they have left the University.
Schedules on the web
Course Schedules are published about two weeks before registration begins for a semester.
Course Schedules
Our mission is to create, maintain, certify, and protect University records of courses, degrees, and students.
How to get ahead in UT?
Get ahead in your degree by taking one or more required courses. Watch lectures and complete assignments on your own schedule with on-demand courses taught by top UT professors.
Is the University of Texas at Austin tuition reduced?
The University of Texas at Austin is offering an expanded choice of courses at tuition rates reduced 25% and select core and flag courses offered at $500. For details about summer 2021 reduced tuition, visit the Texas One Stop FAQ page.
What is a colloquium style course?
This colloquium-style course will explore the legal challenges and implications of the COVID-19 pandemic. Students will read a range of materials that will include law review articles and congressional testimony. This course is interdisciplinary and will feature guest lecturers who are professors at the University of Texas.
What is the Supreme Court case law course?
The course examines Supreme Court case law, recent and influential lower court decisions, and modern enforcement practice at the Federal Trade Commission and United States Department of Justice.