When are final grades due for Fall 2022?
Summer final grades due by noon FALL SEMESTER 2022 Wednesday, August 17 ................... WWAMI Clinical Immersion and Orientation Monday, August 22 ......................... Fall classes begin WSU Coop classes begin
When does fall 2022 start at WSU?
FALL SEMESTER 2022 Wednesday, August 17 ................... WWAMI Clinical Immersion and Orientation Monday, August 22 ......................... Fall classes begin WSU Coop classes begin Deadline to pay tuition without late fees Monday, August 29 ......................... Deadline to submit drop for non-attendance requests
When is the deadline to submit Idaho residency worksheets for spring?
Deadline to submit Idaho Residency Worksheets for Spring Deadline to apply for Spring graduation without late fee Last day to receive refund of tuition and fees Spring financial aid census Tuesday, February 14 ..................... Spring early warning grades due Friday, February 17.........................
When do classes start in academic year 2022?
Academic Calendar for 2022-2023 Dates in this calendar are subject to change without notice; dates appearing in admission and registration instructions take precedence over those listed below. SUMMER 2022 Monday, May 16.............................. Summer Session I classes begin Monday, May 23..............................
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General Policies
Instructors may deviate from the approved schedule only upon recommendation of the college dean and prior approval of the Provost . Regular classrooms will be used for the exam unless instructors make special arrangements through the Registrar's Office. Refer to Regulation H of the General Catalog for more information.
Common Finals
Common final exams are scheduled from 7-9pm, Monday through Thursday of finals week. Departments that need to schedule a common final must contact the Office of the Registrar.
Evening Classes
Evening classes, starting at 5pm or later, will have the final examination during final exam week at the regular class time.
Online Classes
Online classes that have in-person finals will have the final examination on Saturday following final exam week during Fall semester and Saturday prior to final exam week during Spring semester.
Excess Exams
Students with more than two finals on one day may have the excess final (s) rescheduled. Students must make arrangements as early in the semester as possible, but no later than two weeks prior to final exam week. Requests submitted after the deadline are left to the discretion of the instructors.
Non-Standard Class Meeting Times
Classes with a non-standard meeting pattern will use the final exam start time in the day/time pattern of the earlier hour. For example, a Tuesday class starting at 8:30 am will use the 8 am Tuesday final exam time.
Class Time not in Final Schedule
For class meeting times not found in the final schedule, the instructor of the class is responsible for contacting the Office of the Registrar to identify the appropriate day and time for the final exam.
Class Schedule
Classes offered can be found using VandalWeb Class Search or via the Class Schedule which is created each semester detailing all available classes. Each academic department determines which classes are offered each semester. Questions regarding specific class offerings should be directed to the associated academic department.
General Catalog
The General Catalog is the primary source for all degree requirements, academic regulations, course descriptions, and services offered by the University. A new General Catalog is published annually and is effective starting in the summer.

General Policies
Common Finals
- Common final exams are scheduled from 7-9pm, Monday through Thursday of finals week. Departments that need to schedule a common final must contact the Office of the Registrar.
Evening Classes
- Evening classes, starting at 5pm or later, will have the final examination during final exam week at the regular class time.
Online Classes
- Online classes that have in-person finals will have the final examination on Saturday following final exam week during Fall semester and Saturday prior tofinal exam week during Spring semester.
Excess Exams
- Students with more than two finals on one day may have the excess final(s) rescheduled. Students must make arrangements as early in the semester as possible, but no later than two weeks prior to final exam week. Requests submitted after the deadline are left to the discretion of the instructors. If voluntary accommodation is not achieved, the instructor of the class with the l…
Non-Standard Class Meeting Times
- Classes with a non-standard meeting pattern will use the final exam start time in the day/time pattern of the earlier hour. For example, a Tuesday class starting at 8:30 am will use the 8 am Tuesday final exam time.
Class Time Not in Final Schedule
- For class meeting times not found in the final schedule, the instructor of the class is responsible for contacting the Office of the Registrar to identify the appropriate day and time for the final exam.
No Exam Week
- No quizzes or exams shall be given in lecture-recitation periods during the week before final exam week. Exams in labs, physical education activity classes, final in-class essays in English composition classes, and final oral presentations in speech classes are permitted.