Where can I find the official academic calendar for UA Little Rock?
The current and official academic calendar for UA Little Rock is maintained by the Office of Records and Registration. For information regarding payment dates and adjustment schedules, please visit the Bursar’s Office website. -For Fall 2022, Spring 2023 or Summer 2023 semesters – choose the Academic Year 2023 Calendars Button Below
When is the application deadline for 2022 undergraduate admission?
Tuesday - May 23, 2022 Undergrad Admission Application Deadline Please visit the Office of Admission’s website. Deadlines to Remove Incomplete Grade Received in Summer 2022. For payment dates or adjustment schedule please visit the Bursar’s Office Website.
How do I apply to UALR?
If you are not a current UALR student, visit the UALR homepage (ualr.edu) and click the apply link at the top right-hand corner. Thanks for considering UALR! NOTE: Select multiple subjects or statuses by using the mouse in conjunction with the Ctrl or Shift key.
What are the start dates for the 2022 semester?
All terms with a Jan. 18, 2022 start date Full Term (regular semester) Jan. 18 - May 10 First 9-Week Term (910) - Jan. 18 - Mar. 29 First 7-Week Term (710) - Jan. 18 - Mar. 09

Does Ualr have night classes?
Unlikemanycampuses,UALittleRockoffersnumerouseveningclasses,mostofthem meetingfor75minutestwiceaweek,thoughanumbermeetfor150minutesoncea week.
How do I register with UALR?
Register for classesLog in to BOSS at boss.ualr.edu using your student ID, or “T number”, provided in your welcome email. ... Click on the “Student Services” tab, then click the “Registration” link.Select “Register/Search for classes” link, and then determine the course term.More items...
How do I withdraw from UALR?
In order to officially withdraw, students must complete and submit the Drop/Withdrawal Form. An official withdrawal does not penalize or prevent a student from re-enrolling at a future date. The deadline for withdrawing is listed in the Academic Calendar.
How do I get my transcripts from UALR?
ContactOffice of Records and Registration.501-916-3110. 501-916-3168 (fax) records@ualr.edu.
What ACT score do you need to get into UALR?
ACT Scores needed to get accepted What are the ACT requirements for prospective students to get into UALR? Admission data indicates that UALR regularly accepts students with ACT's of 18 and above.
How do I send my immunization records to UALR?
ContactHealth Services.501-916-3188. 501-916-3654 (fax) health@ualr.edu.
Where do I send my transcript to UALR?
Student with coursework from a US university should be transferred to UA Little Rock by official transcript sent to the Office of Admissions (SSC 219, 2801 S. University Ave; Little Rock, AR 72204).
Where do I send my transcripts for University of Arkansas?
Electronic PDF transcripts should be sent directly from the service provider to: registra@uark.edu. Transcripts submitted from the student's email account, or any other email account, will not be accepted. Students may also submit hard copies of college transcripts by mail or in person.