What is conflict resolution in exam?
In resolving exam conflicts, courses with higher numbers will be given priority in retaining the originally scheduled exam day/time for students with conflicts. For example, if a student is enrolled in both ACCT 2301 and CHEM 1301 which are scheduled on the same day at the same time, the student will take the ACCT 2301 exam as indicated on the final exam schedule and the CHEM 1301 exam will be rescheduled.
What is the phone number for the CSD 2021 final exam?
Students with disabilities who need testing assistance should contact the Center for Students with Disabilities, CSD Building, Room 100, 713-743-5400 or 713-749-1527 (TDD). Spring 2021 Final Exams. Exam Day, Date, and Time. Class Time.
How many meetings are there in Saturday classes?
Saturday classes will have 15 class meetings during session 1. There will be 14 class meetings of 165 minutes in length and the 15th meeting will be their 120-minute final exam. All final exams will be held in the rooms in which classes are regularly scheduled unless otherwise noted.
What time does MTWTHF meet?
Classes scheduled through two or more periods will be considered as meeting at the earliest period for examination scheduling (e.g., a class that meets from 8 am-noon MTWThF would be considered as meeting from 8 am - 10 am MTWThF for examination scheduling).
When do final exams end?
All final exams will begin at the start time indicated on the final exam schedule and end at least 15 minutes prior to the next scheduled final exam time. For example, exams beginning at 8:00am will end no later than 10:45am to allow students to be on time for exams beginning at 11:00am.
When is the deadline to report conflicts in the final exam?
The deadline to report final exam conflicts is Wednesday, April 21 st . The Office of the University Registrar will review requests and reschedule conflicting exams in collaboration with the college and course instructor.
Where to contact the Center for Students with Disabilities?
Students with disabilities who need testing assistance should contact the Center for Students with Disabilities, CSD Building, Room 100, 713-743-5400 or 713-749-1527 (TDD).
Evening Classes
Final examinations for evening classes should be held on the first day of class during finals week in the regularly scheduled classroom according to the schedule below:
Classes Held at Off-Campus Sites
Final examinations for classes held at off-campus sites should be held during finals week. Arrangements will be made by the instructor after consultation with the students.
Classes Held First Half of Semester
Examinations will be given during the last class period in the regularly scheduled classroom.
UOnline Classes
Examinations will be held Thursday, April 28 through Wednesday, May 4 as determined by your instructor. Exam locations will be determined by U-Online .
Departmental Exams
Examinations will be given according to the schedule below. Check with your instructor for additional information.