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turnagain arm bore tide schedule 2022

by Angel Grant Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

The predicted tide times today on Thursday 13 October 2022 for Sunrise, Turnagain Arm are: first low tide at 5:49am, first high tide at 10:45am, second low tide at 5:45pm, second high tide at 10:28pm. Sunrise is at 8:34am and sunset is at 6:51pm. Today's tide times for Sunrise, Turnagain Arm: Thursday 13 October 2022

Full Answer

What are the tide times at Turnagain Arm?

Tide Times are AKDT (UTC -8.0hrs). Last Spring High Tide at Sunrise, Turnagain Arm #11 was on Sat 13 Aug (height: 11.16m 36.6ft). Next high Spring Tide at Sunrise, Turnagain Arm #11 will be on Mon 29 Aug (height: 10.50m 34.4ft).

How fast does the Turnagain Arm rise?

It climbs up to 6 – 10 feet tall and can reach speeds of 10 to 15 miles per hour. It takes not just a low tide but also about a 27-foot tidal differential (between high and low tide) for a bore to form in Turnagain Arm.

Can you see the Turnagain Arm bore wave?

The Turnagain Arm bore wave is the only one that occurs in the far north and the only one bordered by mountains, making it the most unique and most geologically dramatic bore tide in the world. It’s also amazingly accessible: you can see it from the Seward Highway along its entire 40- to 50-mile length.

Where can I see the Turnagain Arm?

You can see it along the Seward Highway the entire length of Turnagain Arm--40- to 50-mile stretch. The wildlife-spotting opportunity increases substantially during the bore tide; harbor seals often ride the tide into Turnagain Arm and Beluga whales may come in a half-hour or so later once the water gets deeper. The best viewing spots are:

Where to see bore tide?

Why is the Cook Inlet a bore tide?

Is the bore tide dangerous?

What is the bore tide on the Turnagain Arm?

What is the Bore Tide? The Turnagain Arm bore tide is basically a wave formed when a super low tide and a super high tide crash into each other in the narrow and shallow Turnagain Arm. The wave can come twice a day and is often surfed by local riders, who are sometimes able to surf a very long time on 5-10 foot faces.

What is the largest tidal bore in the world?

The Qiantang riverThe Qiantang river at Hangzhou in China has the largest tidal river bore in the world, which can be over 4 m high, 3 km wide, and travelling with a speed in excess of 24 km hr−1 (15 mph). At certain locations, reflected waves can reach 10 m in height, and its roar can be heard over an hour before its arrival.

Where are bore tides?

A tidal bore is a rare natural phenomenon occurring on several rivers emptying into the Bay of Fundy, between the Canadian provinces of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. The surge of the incoming Fundy tide is so strong it temporarily reverses the flow of these rivers and appears as a crest of water traveling upriver.

What time is high tide in the Turnagain Arm in Alaska?

The next low Tide will be at 03:38 pm with a predicted level of -0.79 ft and the last high Tide for today will be at 08:30 pm with water at the 35.89 ft mark....Tide Times for Sunrise, Turnagain Arm, Alaska.DateHigh TidesLow TidesSat, 22 Oct06:31 am @ 30.91 ft 07:00 pm @ 33.53 ft01:32 am @ 3.38 ft 01:52 pm @ 1.67 ft13 more rows

When should I watch the tidal bore?

Nature Notes: The tidal bore is a wave of water that immediately precedes the incoming tide. Soon after the wave goes through, the tide rises quickly and impressively in this region which experiences the highest tides in the world. Try to catch the tidal bore when the moon is full to see a more impressive wave.

Where is the best place to see the Bay of Fundy tidal bore?

Typically, the best places to view the tidal bore are on small rivers that connect to the Bay of Fundy, such as the Salmon River in Truro, Nova Scotia, and the Shubenacadie River near South Maitland.

How often does the Pororoca happen?

The Pororoca, a tidal bore on the Amazon. Twice a year, during the biannual equinox when the moon, sun, and earth are all aligned, a tidal bore of unmatched strength marches up the Amazon river. Known as the Pororoca, the wave is created when the tide pushes up the river, against its natural current.

What place on earth has the greatest tidal range?

Located in Canada, between the provinces of Nova Scotia and Brunswick, sits the Bay of Fundy, home to the world largest tidal variations.

How many bore tides are there?

Tidal bores are natural phenomenon's that occur when in few places around the globe on spring tides. There are approximately 60 tidal bores in the world. All range in wave height, frequency and distance.

When can you see belugas in Turnagain Arm?

Belugas are often seen south of Anchorage along Turnagain Arm from mid-July through August when salmon are running. They may be seen from shore near Nome on the Seward Peninsula as they follow the tomcod migration down the coast in fall.

Where can you see the bore tide in Alaska?

2022 Alaska Bore Tide Schedule Cook Inlet has a huge tidal range, and it's the only place in the U.S. where such a bore tide forms. The bore tide is a phenomenon that occurs because the Turnagain Arm inlet is shallow, narrow, and long.

Does Turnagain Arm freeze?

While that might be the case in the wintertime, when portions of Turnagain Arm freeze over and the prospect of surfing can be dangerous, that all changes come summer, when that part of the state can see up to 19 hours of straight sunshine, making it perfect for surfing.

How many tidal bores are there in the world?

60 tidal boresTidal bores are natural phenomenon's that occur when in few places around the globe on spring tides. There are approximately 60 tidal bores in the world. All range in wave height, frequency and distance.

What place on Earth has the greatest tidal range?

Located in Canada, between the provinces of Nova Scotia and Brunswick, sits the Bay of Fundy, home to the world largest tidal variations.

Where is the largest tidal surge?

The highest tides in the world can be found in Canada's Bay of Fundy at Burntcoat Head in Nova Scotia. Image credit: Shawn M. Kent. The highest tides in the world can be found in Canada at the Bay of Fundy, which separates New Brunswick from Nova Scotia.

What is worse a tidal wave or tsunami?

Tsunamis, on the other hand, are much more powerful and very destructive. They can have wavelengths stretching as long as 120 miles and can travel at high speeds. The speed of tsunamis can drastically reduce as they approach landmasses or shallow water, but their amplitude increases significantly.

Best time for Bore Tide in Alaska 2022 - Best Season -

This tidal phenomenon produces considerable waves in long narrow channels when the incoming tide meets with the outgoing. There are just a few places in the world where you can observe how it happens. Turnagain Arm near Anchorage is one of them. Boral tide can be seen here every day, but usually, th

Tide Times and Tide Chart for Sunrise, Turnagain Arm

Sunrise, Turnagain Arm tide chart key: The tide chart above shows the height and times of high tide and low tide for Sunrise, Turnagain Arm, Alaska. The grey shading corresponds to nighttime hours between sunset and sunrise at Sunrise, Turnagain Arm. Tide Times are AKDT (UTC -8.0hrs).

How long is the tide in Turnagain Arm?

You can see it along the Seward Highway the entire length of Turnagain Arm--40- to 50-mile stretch. The wildlife-spotting opportunity increases substantially during the bore tide; harbor seals often ride the tide into Turnagain Arm and Beluga whales may come in a half-hour or so later once the water gets deeper.

How long does it take for bore tide to occur?

The bore tide is based on a strong rising tide. Basically, it only takes 4-5 hours for the bore tide to transition up the entire Arm. From the time low tide occurs at Fire Island, you can expect to see the bore tide at Bird Point 2.5 hours later.

What is the name of the bore tide in Alaska?

Turnagain Arm’s geographical features make it quite unique. For starters, it’s the most Northern Bore Tide in the world and the only one in the United States. Second, it’s the only bore tide boarded by high-rising mountains, providing an incredible backdrop to the awesome wave. Third, the narrow, shallow gently sloping floor of Turnagain Arm allows the big wave to build slowly. Because of this slow, large wave surfers from all over the world come to Alaska to surf this bore tide. Check out this great article from KTVA.

How fast does a bore tide travel?

The Turnagain Arm Bore Tide is one of the largest in the world and can climb to 6-10 feet and travels 10-15 miles per hour. Why is it so unique?

What is the second largest tide swing in North America?

Turnagain Arm has the second largest tidal swing in North America. It can see tides as large as 40 feet and is only second to Bay of Fundy. These incredible tidal swings also create another magnificent mother nature feat, the BORE TIDE.

Where to see bore tide?

There are numerous places to view the bore tide. Between Birdpoint and Girdwood there are several pullouts where the bore tide is almost always at it’s best. A bore tide can be seen nearly every day somewhere in Turnagain Arm just after low tide.

Why is the Cook Inlet a bore tide?

where such a bore tide forms. The bore tide is a phenomenon that occurs because the Turnagain Arm inlet is shallow, narrow, and long. It’s such a long inlet that the tide that’s going out collides with the surge of the new tide that is coming in and that creates a surf wave.

Is the bore tide dangerous?

CAUTION! Our bore tides are dangerous. Due to the quicksand-like mudflats that make up the beaches along Turnagain Arm, hikers may get stuck in the mud and drown or die from hypothermia. Always stay off the mud flats and observe the bore tide from a safe distance. Last updated: June 29, 2021.

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