How often are livestock swaps held in South Dakota?
Other retailers and feed stores around the region recognized the unique critter swap's value and requested to regularly host an event, as well. Now, two livestock swaps are held in the state each weekend from early spring until the end of November, except for July and August when heat stress is most dangerous to poultry.
When was the First Tractor Supply Chicken swap?
They coordinated the first chicken swap with Tractor Supply's grand opening in summer 2008. "People came from Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts," Pimentel says. "It was awesome."
What is Tractor Supply's chickenstock?
Pimentel talked over the idea with Cheryl Emerson, a team member at the newly-opened Tractor Supply store in Milford, N.H., about organizing a "Chickenstock" - an event where chicken lovers flock to swap birds and tips - in the store's parking lot. They coordinated the first chicken swap with Tractor Supply's grand opening in summer 2008.
What are animal swaps and why do they matter?
Pimentel and others use the swaps as an opportunity to teach new animal owners about proper care and feeding. "We, as sellers, have to make sure that people understand that you can't take a baby chicken, throw it in the car, and take it home. You have to keep them warm and have certain supplies for them," she says.

What is a poultry swap?
Chicken swaps or poultry swaps are quite popular in different parts of the country. A poultry swap is an organized event at which poultry keepers sell live birds of various species to others — typically “swapping” birds for cash. Poultry equipment might also be sold at some swaps.
What is a livestock swap?
Animal swap meets are places where people buy, sell or trade animals in an open-air, flea-market-style setting. Swap meet vendors sell and trade a wide range of animals, from birds, to farm animals, to cats and dogs.
How does a swap work?
What Is a Swap? A swap is a derivative contract through which two parties exchange the cash flows or liabilities from two different financial instruments. Most swaps involve cash flows based on a notional principal amount such as a loan or bond, although the instrument can be almost anything.
What are the three types of livestock farming?
Types of Livestock FarmingIntensive Livestock Farming. ... Semi-intensive Livestock Farming. ... Extensive Livestock Farming. ... Nomadic Livestock Farming. ... Transhumant Livestock Farming. ... Organic Livestock Farming.
What animals are considered live stock?
Livestock means cattle, elk, reindeer, bison, horses, deer, sheep, goats, swine, poultry (including egg-producing poultry), llamas, alpacas, live fish, crawfish, and other animals that are part of a foundation herd (including dairy producing cattle) or offspring; or are purchased as part of a normal operation and not ...
What animals are classed as livestock?
Includes any creature kept for the production of food, wool, skins or fur or for the purpose of its use in the farming of land.