How do I recycle in Toms River Township?
Toms River Township follows all of Ocean County's Single Stream recycling procedures which can be found here For more recycling information, please visit Ocean County's Recycling page here . Toms River Township provides a twice-a-month pickup of recyclables by the Public Works Department.
When is the Toms River regional schools 2021-2022 school calendar released?
Click to view the revised Toms River Regional Schools 2021-2022 school calendar approved by the board of education January 20, 2021. By school, including opening and closing times, bus schedules, and length of school day.
How often is recycling collected in the township?
Previously, recycling was collected every 1st and 3rd week of the month or every 2nd and 4th week of the month, depending on collection areas within the Township.
Is the Recycle Center open on New Year’s Day 2021?
Closed Christmas Day (12/25) and New Year’s Day (1/1). Extra recycling pickups will be moved up one day each week, so they will be Thursday 12/23 and Thursday 12/30. The Recycling Convenience Center will be closed on Saturday, December 25, 2021 and Saturday January 1, 2022.
What is the New Jersey Statewide Solid Waste Management Act?
Where must recyclable materials be separated?
Why do you need drain holes in recycling containers?
Is Ocean County recycling?
Is Toms River Township in Ocean County?
Does Toms River Township have recycling pickups?
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What day is recycling in Toms River New Jersey?
When to Recycle. Toms River Township provides an every other week pickup of recyclables by the Public Works Department. If you generate more recycling than fits in your container, you must call in your address for an extra pickup prior to 2:30 p.m. on a Thursday. These extra pickups will be performed on Fridays.
What is recyclable in Toms River NJ?
Curbside RecyclingAll food container cans (aluminum/steel/tin)All glass containers (green/brown/clear)Pourable plastic bottles including drink containers, lotions, shampoos, and household cleaners and empty non-toxic aerosol cans.More items...
What day is garbage day in Toms River?
Twice-a-week garbage collection (Monday and Thursday) for the Barrier Island, including Pelican Island, will begin the week of prior to Memorial Day and ends Labor Day. There will be no twice-a-week collections on the mainland. If you have any questions about your collection day call 732-255-1000, ext. 8101.
Is recycling suspended in St Johns County?
Normal Schedule. St. Johns County residential garbage and recycling collection has resumed its normal schedule.
Are milk cartons recyclable in NJ?
What goes in my curbside recycling bin? Paper products: Cardboard, empty food boxes, newspapers, magazines, juice or milk cartons, and more. Must be clean and dry. Other items: Metal cans, glass bottles and jars, and plastic bottles or tubs labeled #1 and #2.
Is Styrofoam recyclable in Ocean County NJ?
Plastic bags, shredded paper , Styrofoam, plastic containers, phone books, chipboard (cereal boxes or paper tubes), paper towels. Our facilities welcome all residents and taxpayers of Ocean County. If you missed the recycling truck you can bring your material to our drop-off station.
How do I dispose of a mattress in Toms River NJ?
each. Furniture does not have to be cut up. To schedule a metal or special collection call 732-255-1000, ext. 8604 and follow the prompts leaving your address and a brief description of the items you need to dispose.
What items does Ocean County Recycle?
Since 2010, Ocean County has been operating a single stream recycling system in order to collect and process recyclable materials. Single stream means that all bottles, cans, newspapers, cardboard, junk mail, magazines, and mixed paper can be placed in ONE bin.
Is recycle Coach app free?
Free to use and share Use the Recycle Coach app for free and help unite your community to recycle better.
Is Styrofoam recyclable in Florida?
Foam items of any type are NOT recyclable in your blue cart, even those labeled as a number 6 plastic. Polystyrene foam containers can be taken to your local grocery store for recycling or discarded in your grey cart. Other foam products can be taken to private drop-off recycling facilities.
Does St Johns County actually recycle?
St. Johns County makes it easy to be a responsible recycler. Place only the five categories of recyclable items, loose (unbagged) in your recycling cart.
Is it mandatory to recycle in Florida?
Businesses are required to recycle the recyclable material that is most commonly found in their waste. Multi-family property owners must provide recycling collection for paper & commingled containers.
What items does Ocean County Recycle?
Since 2010, Ocean County has been operating a single stream recycling system in order to collect and process recyclable materials. Single stream means that all bottles, cans, newspapers, cardboard, junk mail, magazines, and mixed paper can be placed in ONE bin.
How do I dispose of paint in Toms River NJ?
Full and empty steel paint cans are accepted at the county's recycling centers. Program is open to RESIDENTS ONLY, and is not open to paint contractors or commercial businesses. Residents may bring up to 20 paint cans per day to these sites for proper disposal. This program is for latex, oil based and boat paints only.
How do I get rid of a mattress in Toms River NJ?
Furniture does not have to be cut up. Call 732-255-1000, ext. 8604 to be on the extra collections pickup list. Put items out to the curb by 6:30 a.m. on the day following your normal weekly collection.
Is recycle Coach app free?
Free to use and share Use the Recycle Coach app for free and help unite your community to recycle better.
Trash & Recycling | Toms River Township, NJ
Extra Collection Requests. Let us know if you need an extra collection for your trash. Leaf Collection. Access information about the leaf collection services in Toms River.
Toms River Township Recycling Convenience Center
Material Description & Guideline; Appliances (Metal) Due to Federal Regulations, any appliance which has Freon in it must be certified that the Freon has been properly removed (refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners, dehumidifiers)
What is the Public Works Department?
The Public Works Department is responsible for the collection of garbage, recycling and the maintenance of public roadways and storm drains. A fleet of trucks and equipment maintained at the Public Works garage enables us to provide these services. Public Works also has a Clean Communities Division funded through the State of New Jersey to help keep the roadsides clean. Other services include:
Does the recycling route change on Pelican Island?
Please note that recycling route R-1 includes parts of the mainland and also the barrier island including Pelican Island. During the summer the garbage and recycling schedules change for the Barrier Island and Pelican Island only. The mainland schedules do not change.
When a holiday falls on a Monday, will all collections that week occur?
When a holiday falls on a Monday, all collections that week will occur one day later than your normal collection day. For holidays not occurring on a Monday, should the holiday fall on or before your collection day, the collection will be one day later than normal.
Is the Department of Public Works closed on holidays?
The Department of Public Works Office will be closed on all holidays as follows:
Is the Public Works office closed on Friday 11/26?
The Public Works office will also be closed on Thursday 11/25 and Friday, 11/26 in observance of the holiday.
What is the number to get a robo can in Toms River?
Call 732-255-1000, ext. 8188 for information. Township issued cans remain the property of Toms River Township and must stay at the address to which they are assigned. Department employees will maintain Robo cans issued by the Department at no cost to residents.
When is the garbage collection on Barrier Island?
Twice-a-week garbage collection (Monday and Thursday) for the Barrier Island, including Pelican Island, will begin the week of prior to Memorial Day and ends Labor Day.
What is the phone number for recycling pickup?
on a Wednesday. The telephone number is 732-255-1000, ext. 8119 for extra recycling pickups only.
How many gallons of trash can be in a container?
Containers may not be larger than 35 gallons. Garbage, refuse, or trash that does not contain any recyclable materials is to be placed in water-tight receptacles with tight fitting covers or watertight heavy-duty plastic bags which can be securely closed.
When can you put garbage in the curb?
Receptacles or plastic bags should only be placed between curb/sidewalk area after 7 p.m. on the night prior to the scheduled collection day and no later than 6:30 a.m. on the day of collection.
Can you mix recyclables with garbage?
Do not mix recyclables and garbage. Place containers at curbside by 6:30 a.m. and remove by 9 pm. of your collection day. Never mix hazardous materials with trash. The Township will not provide curbside pick up of construction/demolition debris.
What is the New Jersey Statewide Solid Waste Management Act?
The New Jersey Statewide Solid Waste Management Act mandates that each municipality provide for the removal of recyclables from the solid waste stream in order to: Furthermore, materials designated as recyclable must be separated from waste at the point of origin or generation and not at the point of disposal.
Where must recyclable materials be separated?
Furthermore, materials designated as recyclable must be separated from waste at the point of origin or generation and not at the point of disposal. This mandate applies to commercial, institutional and residential sectors.
Why do you need drain holes in recycling containers?
It is recommended that drain holes be drilled in the bottom of the container to prevent water buildup in the recycling can. To maximize the volume of your recycling containers and our trucks, please crush and flatten all plastic and aluminum cans and flatten cardboard boxes.
Is Ocean County recycling?
The Township began a single-stream recycling program in conjunction with changes made by Ocean County. You should now place rinsed cans, plastics and glass bottles (for safety, please remove and discard plastic caps) and paper products such as newspapers, mixed paper, junk mail, and corrugated cardboard together in the same sturdy container. Automated areas should use the blue robo container. Non-automated areas should use a reusable 35-gallon or smaller container (metal or plastic) identified with Township recycling seal (seal is available at the Public Works Department ).
Is Toms River Township in Ocean County?
Toms River Township follows all of Ocean County's Single Stream recycling procedures which can be found here
Does Toms River Township have recycling pickups?
Toms River Township provides a twice-a-month pickup of recyclables by the Public Works Department. If you generate more recycling than fits in your container, you must call in your address for an extra pickup prior to 2:30 p.m. on a Thursday. These extra pickups will be performed on Fridays. However, if Friday is a holiday, the extra pickups will be on a Thursday and you will need to call prior to 2:30 p.m. on a Wednesday.