Where can I purchase tickets for the Fraze Pavilion?
Tickets for the Terrace seating area are available at all Ticketmaster Ticket Centers, through Charge-by-Phone, through Ticketmaster Online, of at the Fraze Pavilion Box Office. Customers needing tickets for the Plaza or Orchestra seating areas, as well as visually impaired or hearing impaired patrons should contact the Box Office, 937-296-3300.
Who plays Fraze Pavilion with Tracy Byrd?
Tracy Lawrence plays Fraze Pavilion with Tracy Byrd on August 5th, 2022. Get to know him a little better by reading his history from the beginning through his 30+ year career. January 27, 1968: Tracy Lee Lawrence is born in…
When is the Happy Together tour back in 2022?
The Happy Together Tour travels back to Kettering on August 10th… come on and return to the 60s and 70s on a summer evening! 2022 will mark the 13th year of the highly successful, hit-filled summer package, THE “HAPPY TOGETHER” TOUR.

How old do you have to be to get a ticket to the Plaza?
EVERYONE MUST HAVE A TICKET REGARDLESS OF AGE. No children under age 5 are allowed in the Plaza or Orchestra (reserved seating) areas.
Does the Box Office accept cash?
The Box Office accepts Visa, Mastercard, Discover and cash.
Is Fairmont High School parking free?
Parking is free. Tickets must be obtained in advance for the following lots: Fairmont High School parking lots Kettering Government Center parking lots 500/580 Building lots There is also legal on-street parking within a 4 block radius of the facility. Fairmont High School parking lot is also set up for patrons who have not received a parking pass. Easy access handicapped drop off area on Isaac Prugh Way, East of pavilion and limited handicapped parking on Lincoln Park Blvd. (East & West bound)
Can you smoke in the pavilion?
Lawn chairs, stadium seats, umbrellas, and cellular phones are also prohibited. Smoking is prohibited in any pavilion seating area. No backpacks, duffel bags, large purses or totes, or any other large bags will be permitted inside the facility. All items carried into the facility will be subject to search. Seat backs can be rented from the facility for $5.00.
Is the Fraze Pavilion handicapped accessible?
The Fraze Pavilion is handicapped accessible. Tickets for the Terrace seating area are available at all Ticketmaster Ticket Centers, through Charge-by-Phone, through Ticketmaster Online, of at the Fraze Pavilion Box Office. Customers needing tickets for the Plaza or Orchestra seating areas, as well as visually impaired or hearing impaired patrons should contact the Box Office, 937-296-3300.