Schedule List

the cove band schedule 2022

by Alana Hyatt Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

The Cheez Whiz Band

No Cover. Arrive early for best seating. The 80’s Never Tasted So Good.

Aeromyth – A Tribute to Aerosmith

Aeromyth Aerosmith Tribute Formed in 2002 and hailed worldwide as, “The Ultimate Aerosmith Tribute Experience.” AEROMYTH has achieved a level of success and notoriety nearly unheard of in the Tribute community. Paying their dues and honing their craft for well over a decade, the band has performed countless shows.

Pulp Vixen

No Cover. Award winning, female fueled entertainment. Rock, Top 40, Dance, Latin, 80’s, 90’s, 00’s, 10’s Inland Empire Magazine Band of the Year consecutive years running!

Women's Morning Bible Study - Wholeheartedly His: A Life that Glorifies God

What does a life built on God’s truth and yielded to His Lordship look like? Join us on a seven-week journey where we will pursue God’s calling to be wholeheartedly His as He fully inhabits our hearts.

Personal Spiritual Retreat

Personal Spiritual Retreats are opportunities for an individual or a couple to experience a private spiritual retreat to refocus on growing their relationship with God in the beauty and peaceful quiet of The Cove.

Character Still Counts

If your reputation met your character on the street, would they recognize each other? Scripture gives us examples of people just like us who were flawed and failed. Their stories provide us with the tools we need to build good character as we let God take care of our reputations.

The Rise of King David

What does Biblical leadership look like? Among the examples provided in Scripture, David stands as a remarkable portrait of a leader raised up by God despite difficult decisions, grief, and conflict. Come examine David’s rise as king and discover Biblical principles for effective leadership.

An Evening at The Cove

Come for a worshipful evening of music and fellowship. Enjoy friendly conversation over a fine buffet dinner, followed by an uplifting concert program.

SeniorCelebration: Living Victoriously in a Troubling, Confusing, and Dangerous World

Peace and tranquility can be shattered in an instant by our hostile culture or the trials we face. How do we live with joy and confidence in the Lord—no matter the circumstances? Come study Mark 4 and learn to rest in Christ’s power to deliver us from the brokenness of our world.

Personal Spiritual Retreat

Personal Spiritual Retreats are opportunities for an individual or a couple to experience a private spiritual retreat to refocus on growing their relationship with God in the beauty and peaceful quiet of The Cove.

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