Trout Stocking Texas Schedule (2021-2022)
- Chandler Park (Mansfield) Mansfield | 200 | 12/14/2021 Chris Burkett Service Center Pond Mansfield | 100 | 12/16/2021 Cleburne-Hulen Park Cleburne | 500 | 12/12/2021 ...
- Faulkner Park Lake Tyler | 1,900 | 11/30/2021, 1/5/2022 ...
- Lake Melton Sulphur Springs | 602 | 1/23/2022 ...
- Rose Park Mansfield | 232 | 12/14/2021
- Sonora Park Kennedale | 1,000 | 11/30/2021 ...
- Twin Lakes South Pond Dallas | 2,000 | 1/13/2022 ...
City | Stocking Location | Dates |
Austin | Kingfisher Lake * | 11/24/2021, 12/10/2021, 12/23/2021, 1/7/2022, 1/21/2022, 2/4/2022, 2/18/2022, 3/4/2022 |
Austin | Onion Creek - Upper Falls | 1/6/2022, 1/30/2022 |
Bandera | Bandera City Park Lake | 12/13/2021 |
Baytown | Evergreen Pond 2 | 1/25/2022 |
How many trout will Texas release this winter 2021/2022?
Yesterday afternoon, Texas Parks and Wildlife released their Winter 2021/2022 Trout Stocking Schedule. All together, they are planning to release 352,563 trout in Texas' waters. That is 18,475 more than last year.
How many fishing poles do you need for trout in Texas?
1 No Minimum Length Limit; Daily Bag = 5 trout 2 An angler fishing in a Community Fishing Lake (CFL) or from a dock, pier or jetty within a Texas State Park may use no more than two poles. 3 Special limits are in effect on parts of the Guadalupe River.
Do you need a fishing license for trout fishing in Texas?
Trout anglers will need a valid fishing license that includes a freshwater fishing endorsement. Anglers under 17 years of age are not required to have a license. More about fishing licenses and stamps. Licenses and endorsements are not required when fishing within a Texas State Park.
How long does it take to catch rainbow trout in Texas?
The hatchery-reared trout are 9 to 12 inches long and create a put-and-take fishery: we expect that most will be caught within a few weeks after being stocked. In spring and summer, most Texas waters are too warm to provide suitable habitat for rainbow trout.

Will Texas Parks and Wildlife stock my pond?
Does TPWD stock private ponds or where do I get fish? Texas Parks and Wildlife Department does not stock private ponds. Commercial fish farms raise fish for sale to private landowners. Check the Texas Aquaculture Association website for an availability list.
What time does Texas Parks and Wildlife stock trout?
Most trout stocking occurs between the hours of 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. Exact times are unavailable. Total quantity is distributed over the scheduled stock dates. Hatchery is the TPWD facility delivering the trout. Hatchery contact information is listed below this chart.
How long will trout live in a pond?
There is no advantage in leaving them longer than three years. After three or four years, a large percentage of the trout in a pond will die of natural causes.
Where is the best trout fishing in Texas?
Other Places to Catch Trout in Texas Some of the most popular places besides the Guadalupe River are the Trinity River, Possum Kingdom tailrace, Frio River, and Llano River. All of the rainbow trout stocked in Texas come from Crystal Lake in Ava Missouri and are placed across the state for put and take fishing.
What is the minimum size for trout in Texas?
A minimum size of 17 inches and a maximum size limit of 23 inches. No fish over the maximum length may be retained.
What kind of fish are at Crenshaw Park?
Stocking History for Burke-Crenshaw LakeSpeciesYearSizeCatfish, Channel2020FingerlingTrout, Rainbow2019AdultCatfish, Channel2019FingerlingTrout, Rainbow2018Adult61 more rows
How deep does a pond have to be for trout?
8 – 12 feet3) Pond size and depth Generally, trout ponds should be 8 – 12 feet (2.4 – 3.6 meters) deep so that the fish can retreat to the cooler pond bottom whenever surface temperatures increase. A greater depth may be vital in cooler areas where the pond surface may freeze over completely during winter.
Will trout reproduce in a pond?
Trout grow slowly after reaching this size, and have a high death rate. Spawning seldom occurs in ponds. It is best to fish your pond frequently and restock every year or two.
What do trout eat in a pond?
Trout mostly eat insects. Insects are all over rivers and not on top of the rivers. Nearly all insects that trout eat originate from beneath the surface of the water. Nymphs and larvae can be found in nearly every river. Trout use these as their main source of food.
Where is the best speckled trout fishing in Texas?
There are big ones here in Port O'Conner – Baffin Bay and East Matagorda will produce the next Texas state record Speckled Trout I believe, or down by South Padre Island. There's something about those waters that grow much bigger fish than other places.
What is the trout limit in Texas?
Current speckled trout limits allow anglers to keep 5 fish per day within the slot limit of 15”- 25”. Additionally, one of the five fish is allowed to be over 25”.
Where is the best rainbow trout fishing?
8 Best Destinations for Trout Fishing in the U.S. [Plus Bonus Destinations Below]The Best Trout Fishing In The United States.Frying Pan River, Colorado.Henry's Fork, Idaho.White River, Arkansas.Bighorn River, Montana.Green River, Utah.Deschutes River, Oregon.Beaverkill River, New York.More items...
How do you catch rainbow trout?
There are lots (and lots) of ways to fish for trout, but three of the easiest ways to fish for trout in lakes are:Suspending bait under a bobber. Start with a piece of worm or a little PowerBait or similar product on a bait hook. ... Fishing with bait off the bottom. ... Retrieving a spinner, spoon or fly.
How do you fish the Guadalupe River?
The Guadalupe River stream bed below Canyon Lake is publicly owned, but the river banks are all private property. Because public access is limited, the best way to fish the Guadalupe River is to float. All of our Guadalupe River floats are done in comfortable, stable rafts with room for 2 anglers and 1 guide.
How do you catch trout?
For catching trout, many anglers turn to natural baits. Nightcrawlers and other types of earthworms are an excellent choice. Salmon eggs, mealworms and locally available baits can also be very successful and often are similar to food sources in the environment.
Can you fish at Garner State Park?
The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department encourages adults and youth to discover the excitement and joys of fishing while experiencing one of the state's premier parks – Garner State Park. Anglers are required to pay the park's daily entrance fee for Rainbow Trout Fishing and follow all applicable fishing regulations.
Here are the rules
Anglers can pursue a fish in a Texas State Park for free without a fishing license.
Where to go
The Neighborhood Fishin’ program provides chances to catch rainbow trout for families and new anglers in and around big cites like Houston, Dallas, San Antonio and Austin.
2021-22 Trout Stocking Schedule for Southeast Texas
The dates and locations are subject to change due to inclement weather or other unforeseen circumstances. Be sure to check the 2021-22 Trout Stocking Schedule online before you go fishing to confirm the stocking date.