What is Sun City Center's trash pickup service?
Sun City Center trash pickup service varies by neighborhood. Some residents within the city limits receive weekly garbage and recycling collection services by the City of Sun City Center's Solid Waste Management Department.
Where can I find the 2021-2022 bulk trash schedule?
The 2021-2022 Bulk Trash Schedule will be included in your October city services bill. It also is available to download and print now. Scroll down to find the links to the English and Spanish versions of the new bulk trash flyer. Receive emailed updates on bulk trash service and other solid waste services now.
Does trash pickup happen on holidays?
Find The Trash Schedule for Your City… Does trash pickup happen on holidays? Most cities have a different schedule for holiday weeks. If your pickup day falls on a holiday, it’s usually picked up the next day. Before to check the city website for your specific pickup schedule.
How do I dispose of bulk trash in San Diego?
Bulk trash must be placed out by 6 a.m. on the “Collection Begins Week Of” date. If you have curbside collection of trash containers, place your bulk trash on your property, parallel to the street or curb. If you have alley collection of large black trash containers, place your bulk trash in the alley.

Where can I recycle batteries and electronics in Sun City Center?
WM's Recycle by Mail program, LampTracker®, makes it easy to recycle many household items like bulbs, batteries and electronics while keeping harmf...
Where can I drop off trash in Sun City Center?
When it comes to disposing of extra-large or bulky items that are too big or too heavy for your regular trash bin, WM has a number of locations for...
What can you recycle in Sun City Center?
Recycling in Sun City Center includes plastic bottles, cans, paper and cardboard. The key to recycling the right way is ensuring your items are cle...
I just purchased my first home or I'm new to the area. How does trash pickup service work in the cit...
Sun City Center trash pickup service varies by neighborhood. Some residents within the city limits receive weekly garbage and recycling collection...
Where can I drop off recycling in Sun City Center?
Recycling is becoming an intentional practice for more and more homeowners, businesses and communities. As the country's largest recycler, WM makes...
When do you have to put out bulk trash?
Bulk trash must be placed out by 6 a.m. on the “Collection Begins Week Of” date. If you have curbside collection of trash containers, place your bulk trash on the edge of your property , parallel to the street or curb and at least 5 feet away from any fixed objects (see illustration "Curbside placement" below).
How many days prior to collection week can you put trash out?
City ordinance allows nine days prior to the scheduled collection week to place bulk trash out for collection. It is a violation of city ordinance to place trash out before the listed “Placement Begins On” date. Please separate your green organics bulk from the bulky trash.
How often is bulk trash collected?
Bulk trash is currently collected from city-serviced residences four times each year. Please be aware that the weeks of bulk trash placement and collection can invite possible illegal dumping. It is important to stay vigilant and report any kind of suspicious activity to the police or the Public Works Department.
Where do bulk trash pick up piles?
Bulk trash crews will only pick up piles placed close to the edge of your property.
What is bulk trash?
Bulk trash consists of materials that are too large and must not be placed in the garbage or recycling container. Materials such as furniture, large appliances, mattresses, toilets and large amounts of vegetation are often considered bulk trash. Bulk trash is currently collected from city-serviced residences four times each year.
What time does Peoria trash pickup?
You can also reach Peoria Customer Service (for all Solid Waste billing inquiries) at (623) 773-7160 Monday through Thursday, from 7:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. through 6:00 p.m. (effective June 1, 2019).
What time does Peoria have solid waste?
For more information, contact Peoria Solid Waste during our business hours, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, at (623) 773-7431 or email us at SolidWaste@peoriaaz.gov. PLEASE NOTE: The City of Peoria does not observe Columbus Day. There is no change to trash and recycling collection days.
Garbage Pick-up Information
The best way to ensure your garbage is picked up is by following these tips:
Dispose of Large Items
If it can be recycled, large bulky items like cardboard boxes can be broken down to fit into a curbside household recycling (blue) can. If you are not enrolled in the curbside recycling program, you can take the items to one of these drop-off recycling sites in Provo:
When to put trash bins in the curb?
Place bin at the curb by 6 a.m. on collection days and remove same day.
What holidays delay collection?
Weekday holidays will delay collection by one day for the remainder of the week. For example, if a holiday falls on a Thursday, Thursday customers will be collected on Friday and Friday customers will be collected on Saturday.
Can you overfill a grocery cart?
Don’t overfill your cart – the lid must close tightly. No overflow allowed.