How much are Street Machine Nationals tickets?
Tickets: Advance, bought online at StreetMachineNationals.net, $11 for ages 13-up; at gate: $15; Weekend pass, $18. Free admission for ages 12 & under.
Where is the Street Machine Nationals held?
The Continental Tire Street Machine Nationals return in 2021 to the Du Quoin State Fairgrounds in Du Quoin, Ill., Friday, June 4 through Sunday, June 6.
How many cars does Street Machine Nationals have?
People are lined up to see roughly 1,500 unique vehicles as part of the Continental Tire Street Machine Nationals.
What defines a street machine?
So basically, any car from today on back to 49 with an owner modification, whether a stereo, wheels and tires or a full-on Pro Street chassis, is a street machine.
Where are the Street Rod Nationals in Louisville Kentucky?
Broadbent Arena @ Kentucky Exposition Center, Gate #4, 2729 Crittenden Drive in Louisville. * Check Event Program or Spectator Guide for Times & Locations.
Are street machines Australian?
Street Machine is an Australian automotive magazine published by Are Media featuring customised cars from every era.
When did street machine start?
"Since 1981, Street Machine has been an essential part of the Australian modified car culture scene.
What year did street machine start?
Born in 1981 from the ashes of Van Wheels, Street Machine was founded by the late Geoff Paradise as the punk younger brother of Wheels. The magazine quickly became the dominant player in the market and has wrestled with Wheels for top-selling status ever since.