When is the official start of spring?
The first day of spring, also known as spring equinox or vernal equinox, has traditionally been celebrated either on March 20 or March 21. The beginning of spring is not fixed on any calendar but its definition relates to biological indicators. Several factors contribute to the change in the first date of spring every year.
What is the official start date for spring?
The start of Spring can vary between March 19 and 21. The “official” start and end dates of the seasons tend to be a lot later than most people think. When will Spring officially end? The astronomical answer is June 20 when Summer takes over.
When do most school have spring break?
Winter break is usually a week in February or March including President’s Day. Spring break falls a week in March or April which includes Easter holidays. Summer break is from 10–11 weeks (May to August/June to Mid-August). Summer break depends on the region and state.
When does spring start and end?
Meteorological spring starts March 1st in the Northern Hemisphere and lasts 3 months (March, April, and May) with Summer Season (June, July, and August) and Autumn Season (September, October, and November) and finally Winter Season (December, January, and February).

How many essays are required for MAHG 2022?
The Spring 2022 Qualifying Examination for MAHG and MASTAHG degree candidates requires students to write three essays: one mandatory textual analysis question and two additional essays chosen by the candidate from among a set of four questions.
How many semester hours are required for the MAHG?
Students must have completed (or will complete during the Spring 2021 semester) all 32 semester credit hours (MAHG) or all 24 semester credit hours of required AHG/HIST/POLSC-prefixed course work (MASTAHG) to be eligible to register to take the exam.
Priority Dates and Time Tickets
Registration times are assigned to each class code in order of completed hours from most to least. Go to Patriot Web to verify your registration time and to make sure you have a record free of holds that prevent registration. Click here to view a tutorial on how to find your registration time ticket in Patriot Web.
Important Dates
Dates and deadlines listed on this page include full semester and 7.5 Week Sessions only. Students enrolled in courses in the 8 Week Modular Calendar need to refer to that calendar for their add/drop dates. Students in the modular calendar cannot also take courses in the full semester academic calendar.
Part of Term and Tuition Liability Dates
There are standard Part-of-Term codes designated for courses that meet for the full semester (1),the first half of the semester (1F), or the last half of the semester (1L). Some courses meet for less than the full semester and have modified add, drop, and tuition liability dates.
When does spring end?
Spring Ends: Tuesday, Jun 21 2:13 am PDT. The first day of spring (March equinox or vernal equinox) is when the sun shines directly on the celestial equator passing from south to north and the length of day and night are almost the same. This is referred to as astronomical spring or the March equinox or vernal equinox.
What is the astronomical spring?
The United States, most of North America, Europe and many countries in the Northern Hemisphere use astronomical spring to determine when spring season officially starts and ends. Meteorological Spring is determined by the annual temperature cycles and the Gregorian calendar.
How is spring determined?
Astronomical Spring is determined by the changing positions of the earth relative to the sun giving us the solstices and equinoxes. Seasons are caused by the tilt of the earth on its axis by 23.5 degrees. The tilt of the earth does not change as it goes around the sun so in the Northern Hemisphere the earth is tilted toward the sun in June and away from the sun in December [2]. When the sun is over the equator you have the equinoxes and when the sun is over the Tropic of Cancer in the most northern position you have the Summer solstice and conversely when the sun is over the most southern position over the Tropic of Capricorn you have the Winter solstice. The March equinox occurs in the Northern Hemisphere between the dates of March 19 to 21 followed by the Summer solstice - June 20 to 22 and then the September equinox - September 21 to 23 and finally the Winter solstice - December 20 to 23. The United States, most of North America, Europe and many countries in the Northern Hemisphere use astronomical spring to determine when spring season officially starts and ends.
Why does spring start at different times around the planet?
Astronomical spring starts at different times around the planet because of the different time zones as related to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC, same as Greenwich Mean Time based on the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London [1]).
When is spring in Australia?
Australia and New Zealand in the Southern Hemisphere use meteorological spring thus the months of September, October, and November to determine their spring season. Many countries around the world depending on their latitude will use different methods to determine the start of spring.
When is the equinox in the Northern Hemisphere?
The March equinox occurs in the Northern Hemisphere between the dates of March 19 to 21 followed by the Summer solstice - June 20 to 22 and then the September equinox - September 21 to 23 and finally the Winter solstice - December 20 to 23.