Where is the Somerset County recycling center?
Somerset County Recycling Center 40 Polhemus Lane, Bridgewater Open the ˚rst Saturday of each month from 8 AM to 2 PM 1st Saturday Drop-Off Days January 9, 2021*
What's in the 2022 recycling schedule?
BRANCHBURG & RARITAN / WESTERN HILLSBOROUGH SOMERSET COUNTY CURBSIDE 2022 RECYCLING SCHEDULE PLASTIC: Un-numbered plastics • Microwave trays • Plastic bags • Motor oil and antifreeze bottles • Plastic toys
Is it illegal to recycle at the curb in Somerset County?
WHATNOTTO RECYCLE CURBSIDE... Recyclables are the property of Somerset County when placed at the curb. Please notify your local police department or the Somerset County Recycling Center if anyone other than county employees remove recyclables from your curb. Theft of recyclable materials is illegal.

What is a recycling coordinator?
Recycling Coordinator establishes prices through quoting of commodities in the various markets. Designs and implements special recycling programs throughout the county. Assists municipal recycling coordinators in program operations.
What is required to drop off a tire in Somerset County?
Proof of Somerset County residency is required (current driver's license, valid lease, tax bill or any other bill with a Somerset County address) for Household Hazardous Waste, Electronic Waste , Tire, and First Saturday of the Month drop-off events. Pre-registration is not required. No businesses allowed. No Commercial vehicles are permitted at these events.