What time does Operation Secure Shred take place?
All shredding events are held from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., or until the trucks are filled to capacity, at which time they leave and the event is over for the day. 2021 Operation Secure Shred program dates and locations: Operation Secure Shred Schedule 2021.
Who sponsors Operation Secure Shred?
Operation Secure Shred is sponsored by the Somerset County Board of County Commissioners in cooperation with the county Department of Public Works. For more information, call 908-203-6018 or email PublicWorks@co.somerset.nj.us.
What items will not be accepted in the 2021 recycling program?
The following recyclable items will not be accepted: junk mail, magazines and newspapers. The 2021 Recycling Collection Schedule and more are available at www.co.somerset.nj.us/recycle.
Does Somerset County shred?
The Arc of Somerset County offers year-round shredding services, for a fee, to businesses and individuals. Please contact the Arc of Somerset County for details.
Is Somerset County free to shred documents?
The Somerset County Board of County Commissioners is pleased to offer residents a free document-shredding program at various locations around the county.
Do you have to live in Somerset County to participate in a kickoff event?
Residents do not have to reside in the town hosting an event to participate. After the initial county-hosted kick-off event in March, subsequent events are hosted by various municipalities, with assistance from Somerset County.
Can you have documents shredded in Somerset County?
Residents from all 21 Somerset County municipalities can have personal documents shredded at as many free, on-site mobile paper-shredding events as they wish to attend. Residents do not have to reside in the town hosting an event to participate.
What is required to drop off a tire in Somerset County?
Proof of Somerset County residency is required (current driver's license, valid lease, tax bill or any other bill with a Somerset County address) for Household Hazardous Waste, Electronic Waste , Tire, and First Saturday of the Month drop-off events. Pre-registration is not required. No businesses allowed. No Commercial vehicles are permitted at these events.
What is a recycling coordinator?
Recycling Coordinator establishes prices through quoting of commodities in the various markets. Designs and implements special recycling programs throughout the county. Assists municipal recycling coordinators in program operations.
How to contact Somerset County Public Works?
For more information about Operation Secure Shred, contact the Somerset County Public Works Department at 908-203-6018 or email publicworks@co.somerset.nj.us.
What do you need to register a vehicle in Somerset County?
Residents must be prepared to present a current driver’s license, valid lease, tax bill or any other bill that shows proof of a Somerset County address. Pre-registration is not required. Businesses and commercial vehicles are NOT allowed.