Schedule List

slcc fall 2022 class schedule

by Christine Mante V Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

How do I find classes offered at SLCC?

Using the searchable class schedule is the best way to explore classes offered at SLCC. It provides up-to-the-minute information on every class, including seat availability and waitlist status. To view the Searchable Class Schedule, please click the button below. Printable (PDF) schedules are updated once per day, Monday-Friday.

Where is Salt Lake Community College located?

Salt Lake Community College 4600 South Redwood Road Salt Lake City, UT 84123 801-957-7522 Student Services hours: M-Th: 7 am - 7 pm; Fr 7 am - 4:30 pm

How do I apply to SLCC as an international student? - International Students Starting at SLCC is easy. Just fill out the online application, and you’re on your way. Yes! I want to Apply Now Es fácil comenzar en SLCC. Sólo tienes que completar la aplicación en línea. ¡SI! QUIERO REGISTRARME AHORA

When are Fall 2022 graduation applications due?

AUG 1 Fall Graduation Applications Due! Start:Aug 1, 2022End:Oct 1, 2022 Multi-Day Event The Graduation Portal for Fall and Prior term candidates is open. Students completing c... AUG 29 Student Success Live 5:30 PM-7:30 PM A new 12-week term starts September 13th!  Whether you are a new or continuing stud... AUG 30


How many classes is full time SLCC?

Fulltime Enrollment/Part-Time Enrollment: A full-time student is enrolled in 12 or more credit hours in a semester. At SLCC tuition is the same for 12 – 18 credits. A part-time student is enrolled in fewer than 12 credit hours in a semester and tuition is based on total credit hours.

Does SLCC do night classes?

Other required classes, especially General Education classes are offered with greater frequency in the evenings. Aside from this, music classes that are regularly offered in the evenings include Songwriting I (Music 1050) and Intro to MIDI/Electronic Music Composition (Music 1520).

What GPA is required for SLCC?

Salt Lake Community College is an open enrollment institution which means that there is no minimum ACT or GPA requirement to be admitted.

Is there a dress code at SLCC?

No clothing that reveals bare midriff, shoulders or backside, revealing see-through clothing; tight fitted clothing- this includes leggings, jeggings and slim fitted pants may be worn. Cleanliness and good hygiene practices (fresh breath and non-scented deodorant) must be maintained.

Can I conceal carry at SLCC?

In accordance with Article 1, Section 6 of the Utah State Constitution, Utah law says that resident students who go through the proper training course and obtain a concealed weapons permit can conceal carry a firearm on campus. The idea of concealed weapons on campus leaves students with differing opinions.

Is C passing in SLCC?

Grades of “C” or better are required on SLCC program core courses (ex. ENGL 1010 or MATH 1105), but a “D” is acceptable towards SLCC degree credit for non-core courses.

Does an e hurt your GPA?

The failing grade will NOT calculate in your GPA, but it will still show on your transcript. On your transcript, an "E" will show to the right of your failing grade to mark the course as "Excluded".

How much does an F bring down your grade in a class?

An F letter grade translates to zero grade points on the GPA scale.

Can you fix a GPA?

The fewer credit hours you have earned, the easier it will be to raise your GPA. If you have a 3.0 GPA and 15 credit hours, by earning straight A's during your next (15 credit) semester, you can bump your GPA to a 3.5.

How much do professors make at SLCC?

Salt Lake Community College SalariesJob TitleSalaryAdjunct Professor salaries - 8 salaries reported$86,275/yrAdjunct Instructor salaries - 8 salaries reported$70,596/yrSpecialist II salaries - 7 salaries reported$49,897/yrInstructional Designer salaries - 6 salaries reported$67,003/yr16 more rows

Are dogs allowed at SLCC?

You may bring service animals, as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act, into SLCC public buildings, classrooms, offices, etc. Only dogs and in some cases miniature horses are considered service animals.

What is SLCC known for?

Salt Lake Community College is Utah's largest college with the most diverse student body. It serves more than 60,000 students on 10 campuses and with online classes. All ages.

How difficult is it to get into SLCC?

How hard is it to get into Salt Lake Community College? Salt Lake Community College is a open admission institution. The Salt Lake Community College acceptance rate is 100%. This means that the institution accepts 100 out of every 100 applicants.

Does University of Utah have night classes?

We offer one-evening get-aways, Friday evening date nights, and Sunday field trips. New classes start weekly.

What is a passing grade SLCC?

Pass grades in the Pass/Withdrawal option for Gen Ed distribution courses taken Spring 2020 represent a minimum 2.0 (C) grade and will be transferable as Gen Ed to other USHE institutions.

What is the difference between SLCC and post?

What is the difference between POST and SLCC Law Enforcement Academy? POST offers training during the day for employees sponsored by their agencies. SLCC Law Enforcement Academy is for self-sponsored individuals who want to receive POST training on their own, making them a more viable candidate for hire.

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