Schedule List

shipshewana 2022 schedule

by Allene Sipes Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Join us at the Shipshewana Flea Market every Tuesday & Wednesday from May 3rd through September 28th (8 a.m. to 4 p.m. EST) for the 2022 Season! Check out our Other Special Year-Round Events The outdoor Shipshewana Flea Market is held May 3rd through September 28th, 2022, Rain or Shine.

2022 Outdoor Flea Market Season
  • Memorial Day - May 30-June1, 8am - 4pm.
  • June Weekend Market - June 17-18, 8am - 4pm.
  • Independence Day Market - July 4-6, 8am - 4pm.
  • August Weekend Market - August 5-6, 8am - 4pm.
  • Labor Day - September 5-7, 8am - 4pm.

Full Answer

Is Shipshewana a good place to go for concerts?

Shipshewana continues to be one of the best areas for concert tours in the country. Shipshewana Event Center and Shipshewana Event Center both have plenty of concert events forthcoming. Schedule for the concerts in Shipshewana is updated on a regular basis.

Is Shipshewana Concerts a money back guarantee?

Tickets for all Shipshewana concerts are protected with a 100% money back guarantee.

Where is the lighting ceremony at the SR5?

The Lighting Ceremony is located on Middlebury St between SR5 and Harrison St. The Ceremony lasts for 15-20 minutes and everyone is encouraged to stand and join everyone on the street.

Is it okay to bring your own chairs to Shipshewana?

Feel Free to arrive early, claim a spot and then enjoy beautiful downtown Shipshewana! Bringing your own chairs and blankets is allowed and encouraged.

Is Route 5 closed in Shipshewana?

State Route 5 will be closed starting at 4pm from North Village Drive to Farver St on the South Side of Town, a quick detour with signage will be clearly marked to help you find the available parking and shuttle to a spot within walking distance of the parade route . If parking downtown you may be unable to leave immediately following the parade due to street closures and traffic, so stay and enjoy our Shipshewana hospitality! (Printable Parking Map)

What is the magic of Shipshewana?

that’s the only word to describe wandering around Shipshewana during the holidays. There’s something about the clip-clop of horse hooves and millions of twinkle lights among blankets of Midwestern snow that turns everyone into a kid again. Shipshewana is a town that simply loves to go all out for the holidays.

When is Wana Night Out 2021?

One of our biggest nights of the year, Wana Night Out is scheduled for November 30th, 2021 from 2-8pm. Sales are for 1 night only.

When do elves decorate Shipshe?

It’s a nice mix of fall and Christmas décor for a period of time, but once November arrives it’s an all-out Christmas mood here in Shipshe! Just in time to kick off the best holiday season in the best destination around.

Is Shipshewana a town?

Shipshewana is a town that simply loves to go all out for the holidays. If you love Christmas, spending time with your loved ones, and small-town hospitality, then you’ve got to visit Shipshewana this holiday season. So start that shopping list and plan your visit to Shipshewana today!

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