When do Schnormeier Gardens accept reservations?
To ensure the best experience the Schnormeier’s designed the Gardens to share, they will only be accept reservations for 40 vehicles at 10:00 AM and 40 at 1:00 PM for every Thursday through Sunday for the month of June.
What is the Schnormeier residence?
The Schnormeier Residence, the Main House, was inspired by Fallingwater by Frank Lloyd Wright. Instead of being stacked up like Fallingwater, the home is stretched out and designed to resemble a Japanese village. The Main House is closed to the public.
Is Schnormeier Gardens open?
Schnormeier Gardens is only open to the public on select dates in June each year, so you’ll want to make a plan to visit while you can to experience the peaceful beauty . For 2021, advance tickets ARE required, no exceptions. The only remaining tickets (as of May 30) are June 24 and 25!
What is the flavor of Schnormeier Gardens?
Schnormeier gardens have a distinct Asian flavor and feature a variety of plantings rich in color and texture. Rare conifers are plentiful here. Large boulders and stone walls add dimension and contrast to the landscape. Designed with a bold vision and attention to detail, the gardens offer delightful viewing in any season.
What is the Serenity Garden?
The entire area behind the house and on top of the hill, surrounded by mature hardwoods, is referred to as Serenity Garden as it is the most serene area of the Gardens.
What is the Chinese cup garden?
The Chinese Cup Garden features two intimate cup shaped areas carved out of the hillside with cliffs formed out of numerous large boulders.
When was the art in the garden acquired?
The art in the garden has been acquired over a period of ten years starting in 1995. It is intended to play a secondary role to the gardens themselves as jewels and focal points of interest.
How many ponds are there in the Meadow Garden?
Four ponds and a grassy meadow are surrounded by a variety of plantings and sculptures in the Meadow Garden.
When is Schnormeier Gardens open?
Schnormeier Gardens is located on private property and is open to the public during the month of June from 10 AM to 4 PM ONLY Thursday - Sunday.
Is Ted's garden open to the public?
Ted opens his fantastic gardens to the public each weekend in June. He has created many small vignettes of Japanese gardens all over his property. Entrance is always free. No dogs, not handicap accessible (no paths just walking in the grass) and no food.
General Info about Schnormeier Garden
Schnormeier Gardens is the private estate of Ted & Ann Schnormeier, the former of whom greeted us when we arrived. The Gardens are only open a few weekends of the year, so be sure to check their website for the dates.
Waterfalls Garden
Just a short distance from the entrance is the first garden, the waterfalls garden, aptly named because of the large waterfall that cascades over rocks.
Art in the Gardens
One of my favorite things about Schnormeier Gardens (of which there were many) were the sculptures scattered across the grounds. You could almost make a game of it, trying to find them all. Near the Waterfalls Garden was my favorite, the Little Mermaid, inspired by the sculpture in Copenhagen.
Stream Garden
Located behind the house is the stream garden, the last of the gardens to be added to the property. Here the feature is an ambling stream of four hundred feet that flows down to the lake; there are several small waterfalls along the way.
Serenity Garden
Located in the back of the Schnormeier Gardens property is the Serenity Garden. Here the focal point is the Japanese garden house. This house, built as a meditation room for the late Mrs. Schnormeier, looks out over five ponds, two waterfalls and a Japanese bridge.
Hosta Garden
Located in a shady area of the property, the hosta garden features an acre of hostas, placed under a canopy of sassafras trees and surrounded by a 750 foot long rock wall. The garden has a spot with a dozen rocking chairs for guests to relax and take in the serene atmosphere.
Meadow Garden
In the meadow garden, besides the grassy meadows, people can visit any of the four ponds, a variety of plants and this is also where many of the sculptures pictured above are located.