Schedule List

savannah garbage pickup schedule 2022

by Geoffrey Bernhard Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Who is responsible for garbage collection in Savannah?

Scheduled garbage collection service is provided by Waste Connections. Billing is handled by the Savannah Utility Department. Visit for special holiday collection schedules.

How do I dispose of my trash in Savannah?

You can put these items out beside the road and call the Savannah Public Works at 731-925-5061 and they will collect these type of items (2) two times a year. Q. If my trash can is broken or the lid is missing can I get a new one?

Does the Savannah Public Works Department collect these items?

No, they do not collect these items. You can put these items out beside the road and call the Savannah Public Works at 731-925-5061 and they will collect these type of items (2) two times a year. Q.

Is there a police department in Savannah Mo?

The City of Savannah Police Department is seeking Missouri Post Certified Police Officers Below is the 2022 Trash & Recycling Calendar. Pick one up at City Hall, 402 Court Street, Savannah, MO 64485



Scheduled garbage collection service is provided by Waste Connections. Billing is handled by the Savannah Utility Department. Visit for special holiday collection schedules.

Frequent Questions

We strive to provide our citizens the best possible services in a courteous, effective manner. We have put together a list of the most common questions and answers for your convenience. With your help we can provide the best service possible plus keep our city looking clean and beautiful.

2022 Trash & Recycling Calendar

Below is the 2022 Trash & Recycling Calendar. Pick one up at City Hall, 402 Court Street, Savannah, MO 64485

Help Wanted - Savannah Water Plant Operator

The City of Savannah is currently accepting applications for candidates to fill a position as a water plant operator. Contact City Hall at 816-324-3315 or apply on-line.

Mask Requirements Ordinances

The City of Savannah in unison with the Andrew County Commissioners and Village of Country Club passed a mask requirements ordinance. It is effective 12/4/2020. A copy of the ordinance is listed below or available at City Hall. The City continues to follow the guidelines of the State, CDC and Health Dept. Any specific questions about covid-19 ca

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