Schedule List

saint joseph's university final exam schedule spring 2022

by Keven Lockman Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

What is the University of Saint Joseph’s calendar revision policy?

*The University of Saint Joseph reserves the right to revise these calendars at any time.

Why choose St Joseph’s College?

The mission of St. Joseph’s College is to provide a strong academic and value-oriented education at the undergraduate and graduate levels, rooted in a liberal arts tradition that supports provision for career preparation and enhancement. Last Day to Withdraw from Cycle A Classes and receive a WD. Midpoint of Cycle A Online Classes

When can I administer final exams and projects?

Faculty may administer final exams, final projects or presentations for their classes only during the exam period officially scheduled by the Registrar's Office. Cumulative final examinations, projects or presentations, may not be given during the regularly scheduled class days of the semester, except for night classes.

Can you give a cumulative final exam during the semester?

Cumulative final examinations, projects or presentations, may not be given during the regularly scheduled class days of the semester, except for night classes. If there is to be a cumulative final exam in a course, students must be given the opportunity to review all tested materials by the last scheduled class.

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Mark your calendars with these important academic dates

Find out when classes begin, the last day to drop a class, the dates of final exams, and more.

School of Pharmacy and Physician Assistant Studies

For more information, please contact the Pharmacy Department or the Physician Assistant Studies program.

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