What does Richland County do with garbage?
Richland County provides citizens with weekly pickup for Household Garbage and Yard Waste; bi-weekly pickup for recyclables. Curbside collection is also provided for Bulk Items. Contact Richland County at 803-576-2440 to determine pickup days for your location.
How do I contact Richland County for curbside collection?
Call Richland County at 803-576-2440 for information on all schedule changes. When road conditions pose a significant threat to the safety of our citizens and collection crews, curbside service will be suspended until it is safe to travel again. Service will resume where it left off.
What does the solid waste & recycling division do?
The mission of the Solid Waste & Recycling Division is to efficiently manage the solid waste stream and provide high quality residential solid waste management services for the citizens of Richland County in order to enhance public safety, public health and quality of life in the County.
How do I download the county waste app?
With the app, you can view your pickup schedule, set up pickup day reminders, pay your bill, reach customer service, upload photos and look up items for proper recycling or disposal. Google Play | Apple Store Click the buttons above to download the County Waste App.

Does the city of Columbia pick up mattresses?
The hauler will pick up old mattresses free of charge through the City's bulk recycling program. The items must be dry and free of any infestations.
How do I dispose of a mattress in Columbia SC?
Staffed County Drop-Off CentersC&D Landfill Drop-Off Center, 1070 Caughman Road North, Columbia, SC 29203.Phone: (803) 576-2390.Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday, 7AM - 4:30PM. Saturday, 7AM - 12:30PM. CLOSED Sunday.
How do I get a new trash can in Richland County?
If your cart is damaged to where it cannot roll, the lid cannot shut, or it cannot safely hold household garbage, contact Richland County for repairs or for a replacement at 803-576-2440.
Is Styrofoam recyclable SC?
Recyclable Items Collected Curbside Flatten boxes and remove all non-paper packaging such as Styrofoam. No pizza boxes with heavy grease or cheese residue accepted. No heavy wax covered paper accepted. Steel cans and scrap metal are accepted.
What can I do with an old mattress near me?
Both The Salvation Army and Habitat for Humanity have multiple locations at which you can drop your old mattress for donation. Take a look at their websites to find a location near you. Or try out Donation Town to schedule a pick-up or find a local charity within your town.
Where do you throw garbage?
LandfillsLandfills are the endpoint for municipal solid waste that is not recycled or burned. Landfills are specially engineered facilities designed to accept waste and protect the environment from contaminants.
How do you dispose of Styrofoam?
Styrofoam can be disposed of in other ways. One way is to use it as a composting material. Composting is a process in which organic material is broken down by microorganisms to produce a nutrient-rich soil amendment. another way to dispose of styrofoam is to use it as an insulating material.
Is Styrofoam recyclable near Columbia SC?
Know What to Throw! No Polystyrene (eg. Styrofoam);
Does Richland County recycle glass?
Item acceptable for recycling at Drop-Off Centers (Residential Only): Glass - Bottles and jars only (clear, brown, green), clean without lid. Plastic – Bottles & Jars #1 through #7 recycling symbol, clean with caps. Aluminum/metal cans - clean, labels are OK.
What can you do with old paint?
Unwanted paint can be donated to organisation such as Community Repaint who redistribute it to community groups and those in social need. If you can't use it all up or find a good home for your paint, you will need to harden it before taking to a Recycling Centre - find your nearest below.
How do I dispose of old paint near me?
California residents and businesses can now recycle leftover paint for free at local retail stores. For locations and program details, visit www.PaintCare.org or call 855-724-6809. You may also dispose of unused oil and latex paint by doing the following: Drop off at a mobile Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event.
Does SC recycle glass?
South Carolina has several public and private material recovery facilities (MRFs) who process glass. The MRFs accepting glass are Sonoco Recycling in Columbia, Horry County Solid Waste Authority, and North Augusta.
How do I get rid of a mattress in South Carolina?
How can you recycle your old mattress? Schedule a pick up for your mattresses, by visiting BedShred.com (a small fee applies for this private service).
How do you break down a mattress?
How to Break Down a MattressStep 1: Carry the Mattress Outside.Step 2: Cut Off the Piping Cord from the Mattress Edges.Step 3: Remove the Mattress Sides and Top Layer of the Mattress.Step 4: Gather and Remove the Padding.Step 5: Remove Remaining Bottom Fabric Pieces.Step 6: Break Down the Metal Springs.More items...
How do I get rid of a mattress in Charleston SC?
You may still leave your mattress curbside on your scheduled trash collection day, but it cannot be recycled this way. If you would like to see your mattress recycled, please schedule a pick up at BedShred.com.
Solid Waste & Recycling
Mission Statement: To provide high quality residential solid waste management services for the residents of Richland County in order to enhance public safety, public health and quality of life in Richland County.
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Residential Pickup Schedule
The useful tools below and the County Waste App make it easy for residential customers to use their desktop, tablet or smartphone to look up their schedule and check the Waste Wizard to make sure items are acceptable in County Waste carts. As a reminder, not all materials are allowed in trash or single stream recycling carts.
Christmas Tree Pickup Schedule
The Christmas Tree pickup dates are published in late December. Please read these important reminders: