Recycling Collection Schedule
- January 2022 Green Week Jan. 1 Orange Week Jan. 2-8 ...
- February 2022 Orange Week Feb. 1-5 Green Week Feb. 6-12 ...
- March 2022 Orange Week Mar. 1-5 Green Week Mar. 6-12 ...
- April 2022 Orange Week Apr. 1-2 Green Week Apr. 3-9 ...
- May 2022 Green Week May 1-7 ...
- June 2022 Green Week Jun. 1-4 ...
- July 2022 Green Week July 1-2 ...
- August 2022 Orange Week Aug. 1-6 ...
Full Answer
What can I recycle at 2022?
2022 RECYCLING & COLLECTION CALENDAR Recycling is collected every other week on your regularly scheduled garbage day Flatten cardboard PAPER Paper, cartons and cardboard KEEP THESE ITEMS OUT! RECYCLE ALL TOGETHER All batteries (car, lithium, etc.) Ceramic items Clothing or textiles Diapers Disposable cups (plastic and paper)
When will my recycling be collected?
2022 RECYCLING & COLLECTION CALENDAR Recycling is collected every other week on your regularly scheduled garbage day Flatten cardboard PAPER Paper, cartons and cardboard
How do I get the Piscataway curbside recycling collection schedule?
To get the Piscataway curbside recycling collection schedule once the Middlesex County Improvement Authority has updated its website, follow these instructions: Click here to go to the Middlesex County Improvement Authority website. Select "Curbside Schedules" from "Recycling" in left-side menu.

What time can you put out garbage in NYC?
You must place items at the curb between 4 PM and midnight the evening before your collection day. There is no limit to the number of bags you can put out for collection. You can't remove items, materials, or bags that other residents have placed out for pickup.
What can be recycled NYC?
Metal, glass, plastic and cartons go together, in the blue bin. Please empty and rinse metal, glass, plastic and cartons containing food before recycling. Mixed paper and carboard can go together in the green bin. Break cardboard into small pieces before putting it into bags.
Is there garbage pickup in Brooklyn tomorrow?
There is no service today! Curbside Composting will be available to ALL residents in Queens starting Oct. 3, 2022!
What are the four phases of recycling?
Recycling includes the following four steps:Step 1: Collection. There are several methods for collecting recyclables, including: ... Step 2: Processing. ... Step 3: Manufacturing. ... Step 4: Purchasing Recycled-Content Products.
Why is glass no longer recyclable?
Naturally, a glass bottle will break. In this regard, glass shards are a contaminant, lodging in cardboard, paper, and plastic material—effectively eliminating its own value for sale as well as that of the other materials. Broken glass also endangers MRF workers and can outfox or jam the facility's robust machinery.
What can't we recycle?
Items that cannot be recycled: Plastic bags or recyclables inside plastic bags. Takeaway coffee cups. Disposable nappies. Garden waste.
Can you leave furniture on the curb NYC?
The Basics All large furniture items that can be collected — to recycling to trash — must be placed in a designated area (typically a curb or alley) and not on private property or the city's Department of Sanitation cannot collect your items.
How do you throw out large items in NYC?
Place your bulk items curbside between 4 PM and midnight the night before your collection day. Put metal and rigid plastic items out the night before your recycling collection day. Put non-recyclable items out the night before your trash collection day.
How do I get rid of TV in NYC?
Learn more about electronics disposal....You can:Donate them if in working condition.Schedule a pickup appointment if you live in Staten Island.Enroll your apartment building to get pickups through the ecycleNYC program.Bring them to a drop-off location.Return them to the manufacturer or retailer for recycling.
What is the recycling cycle?
There are three steps to the Recycling Cycle: 1) Collection - Recycling is collected from curbsides, drop-off sites, deposit/refund programs, and/or dumpster hauling. 2) Processing - Recycling is cleaned and sorted by material. Each material is prepared differently to be reused.
What are the 5 steps of recycling?
According to the 5 R's, four actions should be taken, if possible, prior to 'recycling': refuse, reduce, reuse, repurpose, and then recycle. Incorporating this methodology into your business' waste reduction and recycling efforts will minimize landfill waste and help take your recycling program to the next level.
What are the 3 types of recycling?
What are the 3 types of Recycling?Mechanical Recycling. One of the most globally used methods of giving residues new usages is mechanic recycling. ... Energy Recycling. The method used to convert plastics into both thermal and electric energy is called energy recycling. ... Chemical Recycling.
What numbers can be recycled in nyc?
Recycling Plastics1 -- PET (Polyethylene terephthalate) PET is used in the production of soft drink bottles, peanut butter jars. ... 2 -- HDPE (High-density polyethylene) ... 3 -- V (Polyvinyl chloride) ... 4 -- LDPE (Low-density polyethylene) ... 5 -- PP (Polypropylene) ... 6 -- PS (Polystyrene) ... 7 -- Other.
What can I put in my recycling bin?
In your recycling bin or bags, you can put:plastic – including bottles, pots, tubs, cartons and carrier bags (empty and untied)paper – including newspapers, magazines and letters.cardboard – including cereal and egg boxes.metal – including tins, cans, aerosols, aluminium foil and bottle tops.More items...
Is number 5 plastic recyclable in nyc?
Use any labeled bin (preferably green for paper and blue for glass/metal/plastic/beverage cartons) RECYCLING PLASTICS IS. 1, 2, 3 (4, 5, 6, 7)!
Are pizza boxes recyclable nyc?
Pizza boxes with “small amounts of grease” are O.K. to recycle in New York City, a sanitation department spokeswoman said. If the grease seeps through the cardboard, the box should be put in a composting bin or thrown out, she said. Remember, there are also two sides to a pizza box.
What is the division of recycling and solid waste?
The Division of Recycling and Solid Waste is responsible for overseeing the various sanitation operations that Piscataway administers. This includes management of the Recycling/Trash Center (Mini-Dump), located adjacent to the public works building. The Division also performs trash cleanup of illegally dumped refuse within Township properties and right-of-ways.
What is the phone number for Middlesex County?
Residents noting any concerns under the jurisdiction of the Recycling and Solid Waste Division may call (732) 562-2390 or the Middlesex County Improvement Authority recycling hot line (800) 488-6242 for curbside recycling issues.
Can you use coupon credits in 2021?
Coupon credits purchased in 2021 may only be used in 2021; credits do not roll over to subsequent years. A minimum of two $1.00 purchases must be made with each transaction. Only checks or credit/debit cards are accepted for any purchases made through the DPW office.
When is the leaf bag distribution in the fall?
In the fall (mid-October through December), the Division is responsible for maintaining supplies and distributing biodegradable leaf bags to homeowners. The Township policy is that homeowners may acquire two bundles of twenty leaf bags.
Can you pick up Christmas trees?
Christmas/Holiday trees will not be picked up. Please take them to our recycling yard or to your local firehouse.