What is the division of recycling and solid waste?
The Division of Recycling and Solid Waste is responsible for overseeing the various sanitation operations that Piscataway administers. This includes management of the Recycling/Trash Center (Mini-Dump), located adjacent to the public works building. The Division also performs trash cleanup of illegally dumped refuse within Township properties and right-of-ways.
When is the leaf bag distribution in the fall?
In the fall (mid-October through December), the Division is responsible for maintaining supplies and distributing biodegradable leaf bags to homeowners. The Township policy is that homeowners may acquire two bundles of twenty leaf bags.
Can you pick up Christmas trees?
Christmas/Holiday trees will not be picked up. Please take them to our recycling yard or to your local firehouse.
Can you use coupon credits in 2021?
Coupon credits purchased in 2021 may only be used in 2021; credits do not roll over to subsequent years. A minimum of two $1.00 purchases must be made with each transaction. Only checks or credit/debit cards are accepted for any purchases made through the DPW office.
How often does Republic trash pickup?
Republic Services offers residents one free bulk pickup per month. Please call to schedule the pickup before placing large items at the curb. Items will be collected one business day following your regular waste collection (example: waste collection day is Wednesday = bulk day is Thursday).
What is the phone number for Republic trash pickup?
For questions and concerns about trash, recycling, or bulk pickup, please call Republic Services at 419-936-2511. Find your trash pickup schedule.
What are the items accepted at drop off in Toledo?
Items accepted at these events include electronic waste, up to 10 tires, document recycling, cardboard, phone books, and newspapers, bulky items and refuse (no air conditioning units, refrigerators/freezers, or large appliances), latex paint ($1/gallon, oil-based paints & stains are not accepted), and household hazardous waste. Donation trailers are also on site to collect houseware goods, clothing, and toys.
Who handles trash collection in Republic?
Garbage collection is handled by Republic Services and is collected weekly. All trash should be bagged and placed inside your gray refuse container which can be set out on the curb the night before your scheduled pickup.
Can you bring a truck to Hoffman Road landfill?
Residents will be permitted to bring a truck or trailer load of bulky solid waste items for free disposal to the Hoffman Road Landfill, subject to the terms and conditions stated herein. A current utility bill and valid photo ID will be required to verify proof of residency. Acceptable bulky waste items include excess trash, furniture, carpeting, mattresses, wood waste, scrap metal, etc. No free commercial disposal.