2022 Recycling Collection Dates
- January 3, 17 and 31
- February 14 and 28
- March 14 and 28
- April 11 and 25
- May 9 and 23
- June 6 and 20
- July 9 and 18
- August 1, 15 and 29
- January 3, 17 and 31.
- February 14 and 28.
- March 14 and 28.
- April 11 and 25.
- May 9 and 23.
- June 6 and 20.
- July 9 and 18.
- August 1, 15 and 29.
What to do if recycling is missed in Mercer County?
Does Best Buy recycle electronics?
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What can be recycled in Princeton NJ?
Glass Food & Beverage Jars/Bottles (all colors) Aluminum & Metal Beverage Containers. Pet Food Cans. Milk Jugs & Plastic Beverage Bottles.
Is Styrofoam recyclable NJ?
Is Styrofoam recyclable? Answer: Since “Styrofoam™” is actually a trademarked brand of polystyrene foam, the question at hand is whether polystyrene foam is recyclable, and the answer is yes.
What is recyclable in NJ?
What goes in my curbside recycling bin? Paper products: Cardboard, empty food boxes, newspapers, magazines, juice or milk cartons, and more. Must be clean and dry. Other items: Metal cans, glass bottles and jars, and plastic bottles or tubs labeled #1 and #2.
What numbers can be recycled in NB?
In New Brunswick, our most recycled plastic items are soft-drink bottles made of PET (or PETE) (#1), which are recycled as part of the Beverage Containers Program; HDPE (#2) containers, accepted for recycling in most Solid Waste Commission regions; and LDPE (#4) plastic grocery bags, collected by many grocery stores ...
Can I put shredded paper in recycling?
Do not put shredded paper in with recycling - it causes problems at the sorting plant, and the value of shredded paper is reduced due to the shortened fibre length.
Are pizza boxes recyclable?
Pizza boxes are technically recyclable," it writes. "They are made from the same material as a corrugated [cardboard] box, which has an average recovery rate for recycling of 92 [percent].
What plastic Cannot be recycled?
Examples of non-recyclable plastics include bioplastics, composite plastic, plastic-coated wrapping paper and polycarbonate. Well known non-recyclable plastics include cling film and blister packaging.
Does cardboard and paper get recycled together?
When paper and cardboard are collected for recycling, they'll be sent to a recycling plant for sorting. Both materials will be sorted in to different grades ready for processing. Next, materials will be washed to remove inks, adhesives and other substances that could contaminate the new paper.
Are toilet seats recyclable NJ?
This has been one of the questions that arose since plastic became the choice material for producing toilet seats. No, plastic toilet seats cannot be recycled.
Are milk cartons recyclable in NB?
Are milk cartons recyclable? Yes. The revenue generated helps offset some of the cost of the recycling program.
How much are cans worth in New Brunswick?
FeesFee DescriptionRate in $Recyclable ContainersNon-Alcoholic Beverages (10¢ deposit, 5¢ refund).10Alcoholic over 500 ml (20¢ deposit, 10¢ refund).20Alcoholic under 500 ml (10¢ deposit, 5¢ refund).102 more rows
Are flashlights recyclable?
At the landfill, the flashlight may be incinerated, or it may be placed in a sanitary landfill - sanitary because it has to be sealed, otherwise toxic metals leak out into the environment. However, the batteries should be recycled, and the aluminum body may be recycled also.
How do you get rid of Styrofoam in NJ?
Residents can drop off Styrofoam at the Union DPW yard, located at 1 Swanstrom Place, Monday – Friday from 8:30 to 4 pm. Residents can bring Styrofoam to the Westfield Conservation Center, 1300 Lamberts Mill Road, anytime the Center is open.
Is Styrofoam banned in NJ?
New Jersey's single-use bag and container ban, one of the strictest in the country, is officially in effect. Stores in New Jersey are no longer allowed to provide or sell single-use plastic carryout bags or polystyrene foam containers (widely known as “Styrofoam”).
Can Styrofoam be recycled?
No, Styrofoam can't be put into household recycling but if you have large offcuts in good condition, you could try offering them on online selling sites such as Gumtree or Facebook Marketplace for insulation projects.
How do I get rid of Styrofoam near me?
Go to Earth911.com, type in "polystyrene" and your zip code, and it will tell you where your closest drop-off site is. The Alliance of Foam Packaging Recyclers (AFPR) has a list of centers that will accept your excess EPS via mail.
Denotes observed holiday. All services falling on or after the holiday will be delayed one day. S M T W TH F S S M T W TH F S S M T W TH F S S M T W TH F S
Wednesday Thursday Friday 1st THURSDAY 2nd THURSDAY 3rd THURSDAY 4th THURSDAY DENOTES OBSERVED HOLIDAY CUSTOMERSERVICE@CWD.TO 23. 30. 23 31. 24 30 31. 24 31. 24
princeton residential refuse collection schedule by street feb 2022 street name scheduled refuse collection day caldwell drive friday cameron court thursday
Recycling Schedule - Mercer County NJ Improvement Authority
click here for the printable 2022 recycling calendar . accepted recycling materials
Trash Collection | Princeton, NJ
Learn about Refuse Collection in Princeton. Residential trash in Princeton is collected weekly by section by the Municipality’s contractor Solterra. Residential properties with one up to four dwelling units are eligible for this service.
Recycling Drop-off Center - City Of Princeton, IL
From Old Recycling Center: Go North on Euclid Ave. turn left on to Backbone Road (heading west). Follow Backbone Road out of town and turn left after Helena Chemical onto Epperson Road. After crossing the railroad tracks, the entrance is on the left.
Recycling will be collected every other week, on your trash collection day. All recyclables must be empty and clean prior to being placed inside the blue 95-gallon recycle cart. Place all recyclable items out no later than 7 am for pickup between 7 am and 7 pm on your service day.
ASL Guidelines
Automated Side Load (ASL) trucks must have adequate space in the street or alleyway for the truck to line up to a cart and allow for the truck’s arm and claw to extend to retrieve the cart. In order to protect your property, the driver will not service your cart (s) if vehicles or other obstacles are positioned too close to the cart (s).
When will trash pickup be in 2021?
2021 Holiday Trash Collection Schedule. When a holiday falls on a scheduled collection day, pick up will be the next day. Friday, January 1, 2021 - Collection will be Saturday, January 2, 2021. Monday, May 31, 2021 - Collection will be Tuesday, June 1, 2021. Sunday, July 4, 2021 - No Change.
When will Solterra collect trash?
Solterra will collect and dispose of Princeton's residential trash and bulky items for 2021.
Where to leave missed containers?
Please leave your missed containers at the curb for collection, unless notified otherwise by the Department of Public Works.
What to do if recycling is missed in Mercer County?
Mercer County will be enforcing recycling contamination by tagging bins that contain contaminants.
Does Best Buy recycle electronics?
Best Buy offers an electronic recycling program at their stores. For more information visit the Best Buy Electronics, Appliance and Fitness Equipment Recycling page.