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portuguese festa schedule 2022

by Dr. Hailee Altenwerth III Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

What is a Portuguese festa?

More specifically, the Festa commemorates the intercession of the Holy Spirit in answering the prayers of Portugal's Queen St. Isabel. She, who defied royal tradition, by feeding the starving among her people, until without funds or enough food to distribute, she simply prayed.

What is a Holy Ghost Festa?

A very important feature of the Portuguese-American cultural and community activities, is the celebration of religious-social festivals or "festas." The Festa do Espírito Santo, a festival held every year in honor of the Holy Ghost, is perhaps the most important religious event for Azorean communities, both on the ...

What is a Portuguese ghost?

It is a Catholic celebration that proclaims the faith of the Portuguese and their devotion to the Holy Ghost, the member of the Holy Trinity now referred to as the Holy Spirit. For each of the seven Saturdays leading up to the feast, known as Domingas, a different historical or religious figure is honored.

What is the Holy Ghost Society?

The Holy Ghost Society is common in Portuguese settlements throughout the world. In addition to filling a social need, it also has religious significance. Every year members commemorate the 16th century feeding of the famine stricken Portuguese people by Queen Isabella.

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