Where can I view the 2022 Portland State football schedule?
View the 2022 Portland State Football Schedule at FBSchedules.com. The Vikings schedule includes opponents, date, time, and TV. FBSchedules - College and Pro Football Schedules
What is the due date for final grades for Portland State?
2022-03-22 00:00:00 2022-03-22 00:00:00 Deadline for submitting final grades. Online grading closes at 5:00 pm Description Portland State Enrollment Management & Student Affairs: Registration & Records Portland State University enterpriseweb@pdx.edu America/Los_Angeles public Yahoo! Calendar Yahoo! Calendar Yahoo! Calendar Yahoo! Calendar Yahoo!
What is the Portland State University Bulletin?
The Portland State University Bulletin (a.k.a. the General Catalog) is an annual publication that details admission requirements, transfer credit rules, general academic policies and regulations, degree and program requirements, course descriptions, and general information about student services.

How long is winter break Portland State University?
Fall 2022September 26Fall Term Begins Field Placements BeginNovember 11Veterans Day Holiday (no class)November 24-25Thanksgiving Holiday (no class)December 5-9Last Week of Fall Term Field InstructionWinter Break: December 10–January 81 more row
Is Portland State a semester or quarter?
PSU operates on a quarter system. If you transfer credit from a semester system, we will multiply the credit amount by 1.5.
Does PSU have Thanksgiving break?
If you are in less than a 100% full-time equivalent position, please refer to University Policy HR105 Reduced FTE Schedules to learn how to determine your holiday time. Thanksgiving: Thursday, November 24 and Friday, November 25, 2022 (The Friday after Thanksgiving is a campus closure day.)
How do I drop a class at PSU?
There are two ways in which a student can drop a course: In the LionPATH Student Center, click the "Enroll" link under Academics, and then choose the "Drop subtab" to drop a course. In person using a Registration Drop/Add Form.
What is the acceptance rate for Portland State University?
95.2% (2020)Portland State University / Acceptance rate
How many credits can I transfer to Portland State University?
Students may apply to Portland State with any level of college credits, though only those with 30 or more transferable quarter credits (20 semester credits) will be considered transfers.
Does PSU have fall break?
Fall Break 2022 - University Housing Closedown Fall Break is November 21-25 with no classes. University Housing CLOSES at 12:00 p.m. (noon) ET Saturday November 19.
What is Penn State acceptance rate?
51% (2015)Penn State University / Acceptance rateThe Pennsylvania State University admissions is selective with an acceptance rate of 58%. Half the applicants admitted to Penn State have an SAT score between 1200 and 1400 or an ACT score of 26 and 32.
Is Penn State a good school?
Penn State ranked 3rd in the U.S. and 47th in the world out of 1,406 participating institutions in the 2022 Times Higher Education University Impact Rankings, placing Penn State in the top 3% of universities worldwide.
What happens to my student loans if I fail a class?
If you receive federal college loans, failing a class may disqualify you from them based on your school's SAP requirements. Federal student aid typically requires you to maintain a 2.0 GPA to qualify — so failing a class may put you at risk of losing it.
What is 60 percent of a semester?
The 60% point of the term is exactly what it sounds like. Each term or semester has a start date and an end date. The 60% point of the term is the date at which 60% of the semester has been completed.
Can I temporarily drop out of college?
This is a temporary break from college that most schools will allow, with different rules, but typically giving you about as much time as you need to go do whatever you need to do before you come back.
What GPA do you need for Portland State University?
Graduate from high school and meet the following cumulative unweighted grade point average (GPA) requirements: 2.5 or higher = automatic admission if college prep coursework requirement met. 2.49 or lower (or coursework requirement not met) = further admission review.
Is Portland State University prestigious?
Portland State University is ranked #285 out of 443 National Universities. Schools are ranked according to their performance across a set of widely accepted indicators of excellence.
What major is Portland State University known for?
The most popular majors at Portland State University include: Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services; Social Sciences; Health Professions and Related Programs; Psychology; Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies; Engineering; Visual and Performing Arts; Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and ...
What is Portland State known for?
Portland State University is proud to be ranked among the most sustainable, distinctive, and transformative schools in the nation. We are nationally recognized for our innovative teaching and academic expertise in fields such as urban and public affairs.
Winter 2022 Courses
If a course is designated as low-cost, the course materials will cost $40 or less.
Winter 2022: Graduate English Courses
Instructor: Josh Epstein; Leni Zumas Instructional Method: In-Person Meeting
Winter 2022: Graduate Writing Courses
Instructor: Josh Epstein; Leni Zumas Instructional Method: In-Person Meeting
How to Register for Judaic Studies Courses
Need to talk with someone? Connect with faculty, staff or drop into our Virtual Front Desk.
Winter Term 2022
JST 318U / HST 318U | Jewish History II: From the Middle Ages to the Present INSTRUCTOR: Professor Natan Meir MODE: Hybrid (In-person and online) TIME/DAY (S): Thursdays, 2:00 - 3:50 p.m. and online (asynchronous) LOCATION: WEB & FAB48 (Fourth Avenue Building) | CRN: 41740 / 45090
Hebrew Language Courses at PSU
Learning the Hebrew language will open you to the complexities of a culture that is as passionate about art, media, and technology as it is about history and archaeology.