Pokemon GO - February 2022 Legendary and Mega Raid Schedule
- Regirock Tuesday, February 1, 2022, to Wednesday, February 9, 2022
- Registeel Wednesday, February 9, 2022, to Wednesday, February 16, 2022
- Normal Forme Deoxys Wednesday, February 16, 2022, to Saturday, February 19, 2022
- Attack Forme Deoxys Saturday, February 19, 2022, to Tuesday, February 22, 2022
- Defense Forme Deoxys ...
- Speed Forme Deoxys ...
- Pokemon GO Tour: Johto—Saturday, February 26 2022 ...
- Mega Houndoom ...
- September 27 – October 8. Legendary – Yveltal. Mega – Mega Lopunny.
- October 8 – 20. Legendary – Xerneas. Mega – Mega Manectric.
- October 20 – 27. Legendary – Giratina (Altered Forme) ...
- October 27 – November 8. Giratina (Origin Forme)
When is the best time to catch Pokemon Go legendaries in 2022?
The best time to catch these Legendaries will be in the October 2022 Pokemon GO Raids Hours. Each of the Legendary Pokemon this month has its own separate Raid Hour! That’s not all coming to Pokemon GO in October either.
When are the legendary and Mega raids in Pokemon Go in October?
This is the full Legendary and Mega Raid schedule for October 2022 in Pokemon GO, including which Pokemon you’ll be able to battle in Raids, as well as when they’ll be appearing. The best time to catch these Legendaries will be in the October 2022 Pokemon GO Raids Hours. Each of the Legendary Pokemon this month has its own separate Raid Hour!
Will there be a 2022 Pokémon Go event?
October is always an exciting time in Pokémon GO, and it looks like 2022 will continue that trend! From the annual spooky Halloween event, to the return of the Festival of Lights, and new shiny Legendary Pokémon, it looks like a great month.
When will Giratina come out in Pokémon Go 2022?
From October 20 to October 27, 2022, Giratina Altered Forme will be appearing in Five-Star Raids. From October 27 to November 8, 2022, Giratina Origin Forme will be appearing in Five-Star Raids. From Friday, September 27, 2022 to Friday, October 8, 2022 Mega Lopunny will be appearing in Mega Raids.

Will Landorus be back in Pokemon Go 2022?
Therian Forme Landorus returns to 5-star Raid Battles on April 26, 2022 at 10 am local time.
Will lugia return in Pokemon Go 2022?
Five-Star Raids In celebration, from Wednesday, February 16, 2022, to March 1, 2022, you'll be able to receive up to two free Raid Passes per day from spinning Gym Photo Discs! Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Lugia, and Ho-Oh will also be returning to five-star raids for Pokémon GO Tour: Johto on February 26.
What are the raid bosses for September 2022?
September 2022 Raid HoursDatesFeatured BossSeptember 7Deoxys (Normal) Deoxys (Attack) Deoxys (Defense) Deoxys (Speed)September 14Kartana CelesteelaSeptember 21Kartana CelesteelaSeptember 28YveltalSep 13, 2022
Is xerneas good in Pokemon Go?
Xerneas's initial CP is over 1,500, which is too high for it to compete in the Great League. You can take it to the Ultra League and Master League, but Xerneas's lack of a Fairy-type Fast Attack could prove challenging. However, it might still find a place in the GO Battle League with the right attacks.
Is Mewtwo coming back in 2022?
Mewtwo returns to five-star raids on June 16, 2022 at 10 am local time. Mewtwo will know different moves during different periods when it is available in raid battles. From Thursday, June 16, 2022, to Thursday, June 23, 2022, it will know the Charged Attack Shadow Ball.
Is Landorus coming back?
Pokemon GO: When is Landorus Coming Back 2022 Landorus is coming back to Pokemon GO on Tuesday, April 26 at 10:00am local time in the form of Therian Forme Landorus.
How do I get Shadow Mewtwo?
Catch Shadow Mewtwo Pokemon GO also features a Shadow variation of Mewtwo. Players above level 8 can play through Special Team Rocket Research task lines which will earn you a Super Rocket Radar. With it, you can confront Giovanni, defeat him and grab a Shadow Legendary.
How do you get Mewtwo in Pokemon Go 2022?
The best way to catch Mewtwo in Pokemon Go is by winning five-star Raid Battles. The legendary Pokemon occasionally appears in five-star raids and was last available between June 16 and July 1, 2022.
How long is deoxys in raids 2022?
All four Deoxys Formes will be available until September 13th, 2022, at which point an as-of-yet-unrevealed Pokémon species will make its debut in raids.
Has Zygarde appeared in Pokémon GO?
Zygarde stats Ground type Pokémon in Pokémon GO. It has a max CP of 3855, with the following stats in Pokémon GO: 203 ATK, 232 DEF and 239 STA. Zygarde's best moves in Pokémon GO are Dragon Tail and Outrage (12.78 DPS).
Is Zygarde in Pokémon GO?
Zygarde is one powerful Legendary waiting to get into Pokemon GO for a while. The other Generation VI Legendaries had a quicker time getting into the mobile game.
How many arceus forms are there?
eighteen different formsArceus has eighteen different forms depending on its type.
How do you get lugia in 2022?
As a Psychic and Flying-type Legendary Pokémon, Lugia can only be found through completing a Research Breakthrough (seven days of completing Field Research tasks).
Will lugia come back?
Lugia is returning to Legendary raids in Pokémon Go.
How long is lugia available?
Lugia is available in Pokemon Go again for a limited time. The legendary Pokemon is appearing in five-star raid battles until Sept. 14, making this your first opportunity to get one since July's Pokemon Go Fest event.
Will lugia return in Pokémon Go 2021?
Lugia with the attack Aeroblast will be appearing in five-star raids from Wednesday, September 1, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. to Tuesday, September 14, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. local time.
September Research Breakthrough
A new Research Breakthrough reward will be available in Pokemon Go starting Sept. 1. Each time you complete a Research Breakthrough this month, you'll earn a Premium Raid Pass, as well as a chance to catch Medicham.
September Raid Schedule
A handful of new and returning legendary Pokemon will appear in Pokemon Go during September. Kicking off the month, all four forms of Deoxys will return to five-star raids until Sept. 13. After that, an unannounced new legendary Pokemon will make its debut until Sept. 27. Finally, Pokemon Y mascot Yveltal will close out the month from Sept.
September Spotlight Hours
Pokemon Go's weekly Spotlight Hour event will continue throughout September. Every Tuesday evening from 6 to 7 p.m. local time, you'll have more chances to catch a specific Pokemon and earn in-game bonuses. Here's the full Spotlight Hour schedule for this month:
September Community Day
Pokemon Go's next Community Day is set for Sept. 18. The featured Pokemon has not been announced yet, but more details will be shared closer to the event.
Inkay Limited Research
One of the first events happening in Pokemon Go this month is a Limited Research day focused on Inkay. The event takes place Sept. 3 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. local time. During that window, Field Research tasks you complete will lead to encounters with Inkay, and you'll have your first chance to catch a shiny Inkay in the game.
Psychic Spectacular
Mega Alakazam is making its debut during this year's Psychic Spectacular.
Fashion Week
Capping off the month is Fashion Week, which returns Sept. 27 to Oct. 3. More details will be announced closer to the event.
Mega Raid Boss Schedule for April 2022
There are a few Mega Bosses in the rotation as well, so keep an eye out for those to pick up some of Mega Candy as a reward next month.
February Raid Hour Schedule
Every Wednesday in April, a Raid Hour event will occur from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. local time. The following Pokemon will be featured.
Through October 8- Mega Lopunny
Much like Yveltal, Lopunny is the last holdover from Fashion Week. Check this article out for a guide on how to take it down.
October 8- 20- Mega Manectric
Following Mega Lopunny’s departure, Mega Manectric will enter the scene. Mega Manectric is an Electric type Pokémon, just like regular Manectric. That means it will be weak to Ground types. To make it faint easily, try using Hippowdon, Dugtrio, Groudon, Rhyperior, Golurk, Donphan and Tyranitar.
October 20- November 8- Unknown
The third and fourth Mega Raids are currently unknown. There will more than likely be two in the time frame between October 20 and the end of this cycle. This article will be updated when that information is revealed.
One-star Raids
Alolan Meowth is a Dark type, which makes it weak to Fighting, Bug and Fairy types. Try using Sylveon, Slurpuff, Aromatisse, Zacian, Buzzwole and Hitmonlee to take it down with ease. It can be shiny!
Pokémon GO - October Legendary and Mega Raid Bosses
Mega Alakazam was one of the features in the Season of Light. (Picture: Niantic)
Written by Dan Wenerowicz
Dan is a full-time guides and news writer at GINX Esports TV, covering nearly any game release. Whether it's Elden Ring, Call of Duty, Pokémon, or a new MMO, Dan looks guides at every corner. Got a pitch? Get in touch via email at dan.wenerowicz@ginx.tv or Twitter @DanWenerowicz.
Raid Hours
From 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. local time, the following Pokémon will be featured in increased numbers in Five Star Raids during these dates in October:
Pokémon Spotlight Hours
From 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. local time, the following Pokémon will be featured during these dates in September:
October 2022 Events
The following events take place during the month of October in Pokémon GO. All times are local times. Click on the event image or name to learn more about the event bonuses, features and gameplay experience.
October 2022 Research Breakthrough
From October 1, 2022, at 1:00 p.m. PDT (GMT -7) to November 1, 2022 at 1:00 p.m. PDT (GMT -7) Shedinja will be the weekly research breakthrough box reward. For the first time in Pokémon GO, it can be shiny!
Pokemon GO Legendary Raids October 2022
You can look forward to four Legendary Pokemon appearing in the October 2022 five-star Raids in Pokemon GO. All of them are pretty cool Pokemon to have in your storage, and should also be fun battles. Yveltal transfers over from September, of course. Here’s the schedule so that you can prepare accordingly.
October Mega Raids Pokemon GO
The October Pokemon GO Mega Raids schedule should include three Pokemon. Mega Lopunny transfers from September, of course. The majority of the month’s Mega Raids are going to be taken up by Mega Manectric, which is an awesome and useful Pokemon to have.
Purrloin – October 4, 6-7 PM Local Time
The first Pokémon in the Spotlight will be Purrloin. Purrloin hails from Generation V and the Unova region. It evolves into Liepard with 50 candies, so trainers who have not had the opportunity yet to evolve the feline Pokémon should take advantage of it.
Haunter – October 11, 6-7 PM Local Time
The second Pokémon that trainers will get a chance to catch this month is Haunter. Haunter is the middle evolution of Gastly, a Ghost type Pokémon from Generation I and the Kanto region. Haunter evolves into Gengar with 100 candies and from Gastly at 25.
Misdreavus October 18, 6-7 PM Local Time
Misdreavus will be the third Pokémon featured in October, keeping with the spooky theme for the Halloween season. It is a Ghost type from Generation II and the Johto region. It evolves into Mismagius at 100 candies and with a Sinnoh Stone.
Shuppet – October 25, 6-7 PM Local Time
Shuppet is the fourth and final Pokémon featured in the Spotlight Hour for October 2022. It is another Ghost type hailing from Generation III. It evolves into Banette at 50 candies and no evolution stone.