Schedule List

pa trout stocking schedule 2022

by Howard Moen Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

When does trout season start in PA?

When Does Trout Season Start in Pennsylvania Every region and every water is different in Pennsylvania, but many waters will open to trout fishing around March or April and run until the fall season. There are still many waters, that are open to trout fishing year round as well.

When is trout fishing season in Pennsylvania?

The trout season begins earlier in 18 southeastern Pennsylvania counties. In these counties (and designated waters crossing into these counties), trout season will begin 8 a.m., April 3. Unless otherwise specified by special regulation, inland daily limits and minimum sizes apply.

Where is the best trout fishing in Pennsylvania?

Top Places to Go Trout Fishing in Pennsylvania

  • Oil Creek - Pennsylvania’s Great Lakes Region. ...
  • Yellow Breeches Creek - Dutch Country Roads. ...
  • Slippery Rock Creek - Pittsburgh and its Countryside. ...
  • Cedar Run - Pennsylvania Wilds. ...
  • Youghiogheny River - Pittsburgh and its Countryside. ...
  • Spring Creek - The Alleghenies. ...
  • Slate Run - Pennsylvania Wilds. ...
  • Letort Spring Run - Dutch Country Roads. ...

More items...

What is the best trout stream in Pennsylvania?

  • Best Spots to Fish Kettle Creek
  • Best Time to Fish Kettle
  • Kettle Creek Flow and Current Conditions
  • Kettle Creek Hatches and Flies
  • Trip Planning Tips
  • Gearing Up
  • Class A Wild Trout Streams in the Kettle Creek Water Shed


Does Pennsylvania stock trout in the fall?

Beginning the week of October 3, 2022, and continuing through mid-December, the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) will stock approximately 116,000 hatchery raised adult Rainbow, Brown, and Brook Trout in more than 100 streams and lakes.

Can you fish for trout in March in PA?

You can fish year-round for trout in Pennsylvania. There are over 50 waters within the Commonwealth that are classified as stocked trout waters open to year-round fishing.

What is the best trout stream in PA?

BEST FISHING WATERS - WILD TroutPohopoco Creek. ... Roaring Brook. ... Saucon Creek. ... Slate Run. Section 1 (Special Regulations)Spring Creek. Section 2 (Special Regulations) ... Spruce Creek. Section 3 (Commonwealth Inland Waters) ... Toms Creek. Section 2 (Special Regulations)West Branch Delaware River. Section 1 (Special Regulations)More items...

How many trout can you keep a day in PA?

Unlimited if taken from lake, ponds, swamps, and adjacent areas. 50 per day if taken from moving waters (rivers and streams). Stocked Trout Waters open to Year-Round Fishing Program.

Can you stock a creek with fish?

Whether you have a pond, lake, or a stream, stocking fish can be a great way to take advantage of your water. Some people stock for fishing, others just to establish a healthy community.

Can you fish on Sunday in PA?

Sunday is one of Pennsylvania's designated fish-for-free days.

What's the best bait for trout fishing?

For catching trout, many anglers turn to natural baits. Nightcrawlers and other types of earthworms are an excellent choice. Salmon eggs, mealworms and locally available baits can also be very successful and often are similar to food sources in the environment.

Where is the best fishing in Pennsylvania?

Top Places to Fish in PennsylvaniaLake Arthur at Moraine State Park. Nearby Town: Portersville. ... Slippery Rock Creek at McConnells Mill State Park. ... West Branch of the Susquehanna River. ... Allegheny River. ... Hills Creek Lake in Hills Creek Lake State Park. ... Laurel Highlands Trout Trail. ... Lake Chillisquaque.

Where is the best place to trout fish?

8 Best Destinations for Trout Fishing in the U.S. [Plus Bonus Destinations Below]Frying Pan River, Colorado.Henry's Fork, Idaho.White River, Arkansas.Bighorn River, Montana.Green River, Utah.Deschutes River, Oregon.Beaverkill River, New York.Connecticut River, Vermont & New Hampshire.

How many rods can you fish with in PA?

three fishing rodsOn open water (not covered by ice), it is unlawful for a person to fish with more than three fishing rods at a time. There is no restriction on the number of hooks used on each fishing line. All rods, lines and hooks shall be under the immediate control of the person using them.

Can you fish at night in PA?

Pennsylvania State Parks provides great opportunities for this recreational activity. Night fishing is generally permitted in areas designated for fishing and non-whitewater boating.

What is the legal size for trout in PA?

(1) Open to fishing year-round. (2) All tackle types are permitted. (3) From 8 a.m. on the opening day of the regular season for trout through Labor Day, the daily creel limit of trout is two (combined species). Trout must be at least 7 inches but less than 12 inches in length to be killed or possessed.

What time does trout season start in PA?

Trout and Salmon – Regular Season From 8 a.m. on the first Saturday in April (April 2, 2022), to midnight, Labor Day (September 5, 2022).

Is trout season open in PA?

Under a change approved during its last meeting in October 2021, Pennsylvania returned to a single, statewide Opening Day of Trout Season that will occur annually on the first Saturday in April, and in 2022 will occur on Saturday, April 2.

How long is trout season in Pennsylvania?

Daily and Possession Limits in PennsylvaniaSPECIESSEASONSMINIMUM SIZEALL SPECIES OF TROUT AND SALMONRegular Season - April 18 at 8 a.m. through Sept. 77 inchesExtended Season: Stocked trout waters and all waters downstream of stocked trout waters. Jan. 1 through Feb. 29 and Sept. 8 through Dec. 317 inches22 more rows

When can you keep trout in PA?

April 2SpeciesSeasonsAll Species of Trout and Salmon Additional regulations map apply–see Trout Regulations One statewide opening day in 2022Regular Opening Day of Trout Season - April 2 at 8 a.m. through Sept. 5Extended Season (stocked trout waters ) Jan. 1 through Feb. 20 and Sept. 7 through Dec. 3121 more rows

What is the Pennsylvania Trout Stocking Schedule?

Pennsylvania Trout Stocking Schedule 202 1. The Keystone State is known to have quite a few quality fisheries. Each year, the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission stocks millions of adult trout in waters throughout the state.

When will Pennsylvania stock up on trout?

For those looking for fresh trout stocking in the colder months of the year, there is good news! Pennsylvania will be stocking dozens of waters between late September and mid-December 2020. If you plan on fishing for trout in Pennsylvania, make sure to check out some of the best trout fishing reels before you go!

How many trophy trout will be in Pennsylvania in 2020?

As of Fall 2020, roughly over 13,000 trophy trout have been recorded this year. That said, Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission also stocks numerous fisheries during the late Fall and Winter months each year. This is done to promote fishing during less crowded periods of the year.

What is Premier Angler?

Premier Angler is a freshwater fishing resource and brand written, edited, curated, and crafted by fishing enthusiasts for fishing enthusiasts. We also participate in the Bass Pro Shops Affiliate program. Some links on this page may direct you to the Bass Pro Shops website. If you make a purchase through one of those links, we may receive a small commission.

When are trout waters closed?from

These waters are closed to all fishing (including taking of minnows) from March 1 to 8 a.m. on the opening day of the trout season. A person shall be deemed to be fishing if he or she has in possession any fishing line, rod or other device that can be used for fishing while on or in any water or on the banks within 25 feet of any water where fishing is prohibited. Unless geographically designated in the Region Regulated Trout Waters section, the term stocked trout waters includes the entire stream from headwaters to mouth.

What is stocked trout water?from

Many streams, lakes, ponds and reservoirs are officially classified as “stocked trout waters” ( PFBC GIS data at PASDA ). This means that these waters contain significant portions that are open to public fishing and are stocked with trout.

Is trout fishing open during the extended season?from

Unlisted tributary streams (those not included in this list of “stocked trout waters”) are not open to harvest of trout during the “extended season.”. Only stocked trout waters and all waters downstream of stocked trout waters are open to harvest during this period with the exception of Class A wild trout streams where harvest is prohibited ...

What is the best trout fishing in Pennsylvania?from

Pennsylvania is home to some of the best trout fishing in the world! Wild and stocked Brook (native, state fish), Brown and Rainbow (including steelhead and golden rainbow) Trout are found in PA waters.

Should anglers bring a bag with them?from

Regardless of fishing location, anglers should bring a bag with them and carry out their trash.

Is fishing allowed in Pennsylvania?from

Fishing and boating is permitted in Pennsylvania state parks and state forests, when social distancing guidelines are followed. DCNR is encouraging people to fish and conduct other outdoor recreation within 15 minutes of their homes. Anglers should note that state park facilities, including restrooms may be closed.

Is PFBC stocking trout?from

PFBC staff will continue to stock trout throughout the spring, but not all waters have been stocked at this time. To further discourage group gatherings, a stocking schedule and list of waters that have been stocked will not be provided to the public this season. Anglers should also be aware that public access to some waters may be restricted by the landowner or local municipal government.

How long does it take for a stocking to be planned?from

Current year stockings are planned throughout the year. The best way to use our ww/cw stocking information is to look at prior years as it takes time (3 to 4 years depending upon the species) for juveniles to reach desirable or legal size (regulations allow anglers to keep).... More about the rationale for stocking.

What fish are in the Pennsylvania lakes?from

The Fish & Boat Commission annually stocks streams and lakes in Pennsylvania with Coldwater ( Trout) and Warmwater/Coolwater ( Muskellunge, Walleye, panfish, etc.) species. We update schedules as changes arise, but note all stockings are subject to change without notice.

When do trout stockings begin?from

Trout stockings occur year-round. Anglers commonly view the beginning of stocking season as March 1, when adult trout stockings begin for Stocked Trout Waters ( view these waters on our County Guide interactive map) in preparation of the opening day of trout season. After opening day, in-season stockings continue for these waters. In addition to adults, fingerling trout are also stocked throughout the year.

How long does it take for a stocking to be planned?from

Current year stockings are planned throughout the year. The best way to use our ww/cw stocking information is to look at prior years as it takes time (3 to 4 years depending upon the species) for juveniles to reach desirable or legal size (regulations allow anglers to keep).... More about the rationale for stocking.

Pa. fall, winter trout stocking to begin this week

HARRISBURG — The summer season may be winding to a close, but some fantastic trout fishing opportunities are approaching on dozens of Pennsylvania waterways this fall and winter.


Atkinson Mills Sportsmen’s Club • Meetings — held on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. The ...

Outdoors calendar

Atkinson Mills Sportsmen’s Club • Meetings — held on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. The ...

How long does it take for a stocking to be planned?

Current year stockings are planned throughout the year. The best way to use our ww/cw stocking information is to look at prior years as it takes time (3 to 4 years depending upon the species) for juveniles to reach desirable or legal size (regulations allow anglers to keep).... More about the rationale for stocking.

What fish are in the Pennsylvania lakes?

The Fish & Boat Commission annually stocks streams and lakes in Pennsylvania with Coldwater ( Trout) and Warmwater/Coolwater ( Muskellunge, Walleye, panfish, etc.) species. We update schedules as changes arise, but note all stockings are subject to change without notice.

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