Schedule List

osfna 2022 schedule

by Mr. Martin Friesen Sr. Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

What is Osfna?

The Oromo Sports Federation in North America.

Where is Esfna 2022?

College Park, MarylandThe 39th annual ESFNA 2022 tournament will be held at College Park, Maryland from July 3rd – July 9th 2022.

How long has Osfna been around?

The notion became a reality in 1996 when the first annual OSFNA soccer tournament was kicked off in the City of Toronto with six clubs participating: Rissa of Minnesota; Madaa Walabuu of Seattle; Oromia of Toronto; Odaa of Canada; Barisaa of Atlanta; and Bakalcha of Ottawa.

How many sports federation are there in Ethiopia?

two principalThe Stadium hosts inside its building the two principal sport federations of the country: the EFF (footbaU) and the EAF (athletics).

Where is Esfna 2021?

ESFNA proudly welcomes you to College Park, Maryland for our 39th Annual Soccer Tournament & Cultural Festival!

What's Esfna?

The Ethiopian Sports Federation in North America (ESFNA) is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization founded in 1984 to promote amateur soccer and cultural events within the Ethiopian community in North America.

Where is Osfna?

This year OSFNA festival will take place in Maple Grove from July 16th to July 23rd at Maple Grove Crimson stadium.

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