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omaha recycling schedule 2022

by Ramona Carter Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Dates The 2022 Fall Cleanup takes place on the first four Saturdays in October (10/1, 10/8, 10/15, 10/22). Each Saturday, multiple neighborhoods in a specific section of the city will accept items for disposal and recycling between 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM.

Full Answer

How does Omaha recycle in Omaha Mo?

Recycling Information In Omaha, we use single-stream recycling. This means packer trucks (also called garbage trucks) marked with recycling signs collect and transport your recyclables to an indoor, semi-automated sorting facility. Recycling is collected every other week, on the same day as waste collection.

When is bulk trash pickup in Omaha?

Garbage is picked up in Omaha Monday thru Friday. Where you live will determine which day it happens on your street. The city of Omaha does not provide bulk trash pickup, however, there are still resources available to you. You can take your bulky items to the River City Recycling and Transfer station.

Is glass recyclable in Omaha?

Glass is NOT accepted curbside in your recycling cart because it contaminates the other recyclables, is dangerous for recycling employees, and is problematic for recycling machinery. FREE - If you would like to recycle your glass, you can take accepted glass items to a PURPLE container at a City of Omaha recycling drop-off site.

When is the 2021 fall cleanup in Omaha?

The 2021 Fall Cleanup takes place on four consecutive Saturdays in October (10/2, 10/9, 10/16, 10/23). Each Saturday, multiple neighborhoods in a specific section of the city will accept items for disposal and recycling between 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM. A map of locations and dates for the 2021 Omaha Fall Cleanup is available by clicking here.


Is Styrofoam recyclable Omaha?

Styrofoam or Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) is NOT accepted in your curbside recycling cart or at a City of Omaha drop-off recycling site. Empty and clean foam items can be placed into an orange Hefty® EnergyBag®, if you participate in that program.

What can be recycled in Omaha Nebraska?

What items can I recycle?Aluminum cans.Steel cans.Plastics bottles and packaging 1, 2, 3 and 5 (check the bottom of the bottle for number inside a triangle set of arrows)Milk cartons, juice and soup boxes.We don't accept glass in the cart. Glass can be recycled at the drop-off sites.

Is Omaha still recycling?

Recycling is collected every other week, on the same day as waste collection.

What is recyclable in my area?

All aluminum, tin, metal, and bi-metal cans, wiped out if possible, including:Soda cans.Juice cans.Soup cans.Vegetables cans.Pet food cans.Pie tins.Clean aluminum foil.Empty paint and aerosol cans.More items...

What items do you recycle?

What Can Be Recycled CurbsidePaper including newspapers, magazines, and mixed paper.Cardboard (OCC)Glass bottles and jars.Rigid plastic products.Metal containers, including tin, aluminum, and steel cans.Food waste, if your city has an organics collection program.

Is wrapping paper recyclable in Omaha?

Paper gift wrap, paper greeting cards, paper bags, and cardboard boxes can all be recycled in your curbside cart or at an Omaha drop-off recycling site! Foil, wax, glitter, or plastic gift wrap/gift bags, as well as tissue paper, ribbons, bows, and tape should stay out of the cart as these materials cannot be recycled.

Can Styrofoam be recycled?

Styrofoam can be recycled, and there are many ways to recycle styrofoam. One way to recycle styrofoam is to use it to make new products. Styrofoam can be used to make new products such as pens, picture frames and egg cartons.

What do orange bags dispose of?

infectious clinical wasteYou should use the orange bags for infectious clinical waste only. This includes COVID-19 waste and other infectious PPE, dressings and bandages etc.

What goes in the orange recycling bin?

Types of Recycling Bins According to Waste Management Association of Malaysia, three different bins are recommended for recycling purposes which are Blue for Paper, Brown for Glass and Orange for Plastics and Metals.

What things Cannot be recycled?

Non-recyclable itemsGarbage.Food waste.Food-tainted items (such as: used paper plates or boxes, paper towels, or paper napkins)Ceramics and kitchenware.Windows and mirrors.Plastic wrap.Packing peanuts and bubble wrap.Wax boxes.More items...

Which of the following Cannot be recycled?

Cooker handles cannot be recycled, whereas plastic chairs, toys and carry bags can be recycled.

What can't we recycle?

You should not recycle packaging that contains dangerous products — or in other words, products that are ignitable, corrosive, or toxic. Examples include oil paint, motor oil, fuel, poisons, or medical waste. If these items are empty, and all you have left is the packaging, then throw the packaging in the trash.

What goes in the orange recycling bin?

Types of Recycling Bins According to Waste Management Association of Malaysia, three different bins are recommended for recycling purposes which are Blue for Paper, Brown for Glass and Orange for Plastics and Metals.

Can Styrofoam be recycled?

Styrofoam can be recycled, and there are many ways to recycle styrofoam. One way to recycle styrofoam is to use it to make new products. Styrofoam can be used to make new products such as pens, picture frames and egg cartons.

What do orange bags dispose of?

infectious clinical wasteYou should use the orange bags for infectious clinical waste only. This includes COVID-19 waste and other infectious PPE, dressings and bandages etc.

What can you put in orange recycle bin?

What goes in your orange sacks?Mixed paper and card including newspapers, magazines, white paper, envelopes, junk mail and thick card.Plastic bottles - Please empty first and remove the lids.Food tins and drink cans - Please rinse first.Cardboard - Flattened and placed next to your orange sack if too big for the sack.More items...

When can you put yard waste in the black lid?

Yardwaste may be placed in the black lid waste cart at any time of the year.

Does Oma Gro compost?

To help accommodate the large quantity of yardwaste in the spring and fall, the City is providing a collection window when unlimited yardwaste will be collected and stickers will not be required. In addition, this material will be composted to make Oma-Gro compost.

Can you use a black lid waste cart for yard waste?

No plastic bags, no trash cans, no bundles of brush. You may use your regular black lid waste cart for yardwaste at the same time, however material in the waste cart will not be composted.

What is the fall cleanup in Omaha?

The Fall Cleanup program is a joint effort between the City of Omaha, Keep Omaha Beautiful, and over 100 neighborhood associations. This annual free event provides Omaha residents with the opportunity to recycle or dispose of large or bulky items that are not accepted through curbside waste or recycling services (such as old furniture, appliances, tires, and mattresses). Fall Cleanup is open to all City of Omaha residents. Residents do not have to be a member of a neighborhood association to participate.

What is the number for the Omaha Fall Cleanup?

A map of locations and dates for the 2020 Omaha Fall Cleanup is available by clicking here. You may also call the Omaha Fall Cleanup Hotline at 402-444-4636 for more information.

Who is responsible for transporting and unloading their own items at a fall cleanup site?

Please note that residents are responsible for transporting and unloading their own items at a Fall Cleanup site.

Who manages Omaha neighborhood associations?

Neighborhood/homeowner associations are managed by the City of Omaha’s Planning Department. To look up your neighborhood/homeowner association and to find the Planning Department’s resources for neighborhoods, click here.

Is the Fall Cleanup open in Omaha?

Fall Cleanup is open to all City of Omaha residents. Residents do not have to be a member of a neighborhood association to participate.

What is Hillside Solutions composting?

PAID - Hillside Solutions offers a subscription-based composting drop-off service called the Compost Club. This program takes stuff you can’t compost at home, like meat, dairy, bones, pet waste (with restrictions), paper towels, compostable take-out stuff, etc. Join the Compost Club and gain access to a network of drop-off sites around the Omaha metro.

Is Glassman Recycling a fee based business?

PAID - Glassman Recycling & Repurposing offers a fee-based residential, home pick-up glass recycling service to the Omaha metro.

Can you recycle in Omaha?

Some items cannot be recycled in your curbside recycling cart or taken to a City of Omaha recycling drop-off site, however, there may be other options for recycling or reuse. Keep Omaha Beautiful has created a Recycling & Reuse Guide to provide information and resources for diverting special waste items for recycling or reuse in Omaha.

Can you put glass in a recycling cart?

Glass is NOT accepted curbside in your recycling cart because it contaminates the other recyclables, is dangerous for recycling employees, and is problematic for recycling machinery.

Is styrofoam recyclable?

Styrofoam / Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) is NOT recyclable in your curbside recycling cart or at an Omaha drop-off recycling site. For large pieces of EPS foam like styrofoam coolers and packaging inserts - you can take these items to Plastilite Corporation at 4930 Battlefield Dr in Omaha. They have a convenient EPS recycling collection container outside in front of their building.

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