How much does OKDHS pay for adoption?
Payments are made to eligible families when OKDHS has sufficient funds available within the OKDHS budget and is authorized to make payments via the agreement specified in Form 04AN002E, Adoption Assistance Agreement. Payments as of 8-1-2012. Child's age Monthly rate Birth through 5 years $ 0 - $348.73 6 through 12 years
What is included in a foster care payment?
Foster care payments correspond to the child's age and are provided to address the costs of room, board, clothing, and incidentals. [OAC 340:75-7-52 and 340:75-13-45] Rates as of 8-1-2012.
How much does contracted foster care cost?
Contracted Foster Care (CFC) rates. CFC is available for the child, birth through 18 years of age. Care is provided by a contract agency to meet the child's needs through service coordination and delivery in conjunction with OKDHS. $40.40 per day total reimbursement.
What is the difference between foster care and adoption?
Foster Care provides 24-hour-a-day substitute temporary care and supportive services in a home environment for children birth to 18 years of age in OKDHS custody. Adoption legally transfers ongoing parental responsibilities for a child from a parent (s) or legal guardian to the adoptive parent (s).
What is TFC in foster care?
What is the purpose of adoption?
About this website
How to Become a DHS Foster Parent - Oklahoma
Oklahoma Human Services 2400 N Lincoln Boulevard. Oklahoma City, Ok 73105 (405) 522-5050
Child Welfare Services Rates Schedule OKDHS foster care ... - Oklahoma
Training Stipend. [OAC 340:75-7-24] Kinship families are entitled to receive an initial training stipend when enrolled in pre-service training and a final training stipend when pre-service training has been
Date Notes; 10/2016 Updates section due to Legislative changes for Program Uniformity/Income. 02/2015 adds Northstar Care for Children provisions.
Traditional Foster Care - Oklahoma Fosters
Traditional foster homes receive supports including: respite, medical, daycare, training and other resources. Reimbursement rates for foster care are based on a per-day rate, and are subject to change, and vary based on specific child needs.
Okla. Admin. Code § 340:75-7-53 - Casetext
Section 340:75-7-53 - Difficulty of care (DOC) payments for the eligible child (a) DOC payments available for the eligible child in certain types of foster care placements. (1) DOC rates are available to reimburse the Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS), tribal, supported, or coordinated foster care resource parent for additional care and supervision required due to the child's ...
How to contact foster parents?
For more information, or to get involved, call the foster parent hotline, 1-800-376-9279.
What do we do for you?
Oklahoma Fosters uses a grassroots approach to coordinate foster care recruitment efforts between government, business, faith, and nonprofit organizations to solve the foster care crisis in Oklahoma.
What is TFC in foster care?
Therapeutic Foster Care (TFC) serves children aged 3-18 with special psychological, social, behavioral and emotional needs who thrive in a family setting, but who require intensive or therapeutic services than those found in traditional foster care.
What is the purpose of adoption?
Adoption legally transfers ongoing parental responsibilities for a child from a parent (s) or legal guardian to the adoptive parent (s). All foster, therapeutic and resource parents receive reimbursement for the costs associated with the care of a child in their home.