Schedule List

ohio fish stocking schedule 2022

by Theresa Stamm Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Ohio’s 2022 rainbow trout releases begin March 15

  • Adams Lake The first stocking will occur March 15 at Adams Lake in Adams County. ...
  • Catch limit The daily catch limit for inland lakes is five trout per angler with no minimum size limit.
  • License Anglers 16 and older are required to have an Ohio fishing license to fish in-state public waters. ...

The first stocking will occur on March 15 at Adams Lake in Adams County. About 80,000 of these coldwater fish will be stocked in March, April, and May 2022. Rainbow trout are raised at Ohio's state fish hatcheries and measure between 10-13 inches when they are released by the Division of Wildlife.

Full Answer

When are trout stocking dates in Ohio?

2018 Trout Stocking Dates. Just over 100,000 rainbow trout will be released this spring at 64 Ohio public lakes and ponds. Rainbow trout releases will take place across Ohio from March 2 - May 19 as long as areas are ice-free and accessible to anglers.

Where can I fish for trout in Ohio in 2021?

Rainbow trout releases will take place across Ohio during March through May in 2021, as long as areas are ice-free and accessible to anglers. Stocking of these public lakes and ponds are excellent opportunities for families to fish together. Fishing for catchable-sized trout is also a great way to introduce young people to the outdoors.

Where can I find records of fish stocked in Ohio?

An official State of Ohio site. Here’s how you know This dataset contains records of fish stocked by the ODNR Division of Wildlife from 1970 to present. The ODNR, Division of Wildlife (DOW) has statutory authority for managing the fish populations in public waters of Ohio.

How many rainbow trout are released each spring in Ohio?

Just over 100,000 rainbow trout will be released this spring at 66 Ohio public lakes and ponds. Rainbow trout releases will take place across Ohio from March 8 - May 19 as long as areas are ice-free and accessible to anglers. Stocking of these public lakes and ponds are excellent opportunities for families to fish together.

When will Ohio stock trout in 2021?

When are trout lakes stocked in Ohio?

What lakes will be open for trout fishing in 2021?

What are the two main lakes in Ohio?

What is Premier Angler?


Where is the best trout fishing in Ohio?

Only a handful of streams in Ohio are able to sustain trout year-round, but the following waters provide excellent trout fishing.Mad River. The Mad River is easily the first river that comes to mind when considering Ohio trout streams. ... Clear Fork Mohican River. ... Clear Creek. ... Cold Creek. ... Clark Lake. ... Adams Lake.

How do you catch stocked trout?

Fishing for stocked trout in lakes or ponds from a boat or shore usually involves the use of bait or lures. Boat anglers generally troll trout spoons and small crank baits or use live bait. Bait anglers generally anchor or drift using a sliding egg sinker or bobber with a number 6 or 8 baitholder hook.

Does Ohio stock trout in the fall?

Ohio Brown Trout Brown trout in Ohio can be caught year round. The Ohio Division of Wildlife stocks “catchable” rainbow trout (10-14 inches) during spring in lakes and ponds and streams in the fall and brown trout (6-9 inches) during October in Clear Creek, Clear Fork River and the Mad River.

What bait should I use for rainbow trout?

Best Bait to Catch Rainbow Trout Worms. Live nymphs and minnows (best used in winter) Kernel corn and colored marshmallows (for hatchery fish) Salmon eggs.

What depth do trout feed at?

Lake Trout Fishing Lake trout prefer cold deep water lakes, and it's crucial to get your bait or lure to the depth the trout is feeding. During mid-spring, fish at a depth of 20-30 inches. In late spring, fish at a depth of 30-45 inches deep.

Do trout feed on top or bottom?

Down at the bottom of the water is where trout spend most of their time. They feed here on bottom-dwelling insects and sculpin, and consume in this zone alone around 75 percent of their diet. If you don't see fish boiling or occasionally breaking the surface, they're probably holding down below.

How many trout can you keep in Ohio?

five(F) It shall be unlawful for any person to take or possess singly or in the aggregate more than five rainbow or steelhead trout, lake trout, brown trout, golden trout, coho, chinook, or pink salmon daily, from any waters in this state; excepting therefrom these areas listed in paragraph (H)(1) of rule 1501:31-13-01 of ...

How many crappie can you keep in Ohio?

Ohio hunters, anglers can now purchase lifetime licenses The 30-fish daily bag limit and the 9-inch minimum size limit for crappie has been removed at Acton, Clendening, Hargus, Highlandtown, Knox, Madison, Nimisila, Rush Creek, and Springfield lakes and at C.J. Brown, Clear Fork, Griggs, and West Branch reservoirs.

Where are trout in Ohio?

Ohio currently has 5 rivers that host populations of either rainbow trout, brown trout, or brook trout. These rivers are the Mad River, the Clear Fork River, Clear Creek, the Chagrin River, and the Rocky River.

What size hook is best for trout?

size 8 to 14In general, trout hooks that are size 8 to 14 are going to be best. Always use barbless hooks for trout unless you plan to eat what you catch. Smaller hooks are always best for trout because they will see larger hooks if the water is clear enough.

What color PowerBait is best for trout?

So, why PowerBait? ... Bright colors like orange, green, and rainbow are safe choices and will attract most trout. ... You can start rigging PowerBait by using a 6-pound monofilament and threading a bullet weight through it. ... For best results, use a bullet weight in combination with a barrel swivel.More items...

What pound test is best for trout?

6-pound testThe best pound line for trout fishing in rivers is 6-pound test which is a good all-around line for bait and for lures. If you are only fishing small creeks, 4-pound line is best. 8-pound line is best for trout fishing in big rivers where the trout can use the current to run far.

Are stocked trout easier to catch?

These trout are found stocked in lakes, streams, rivers, and ponds all over the world, making it easy to fish for stocked trout in your own backyard. While some people find it hard to catch trout with conventional gear, most will attest to it being a lot easier and simpler than many realize.

Do trout bite right after being stocked?

“It's true that a lot of stocked trout do get caught the first couple of days, but based on creel surveys and some electro-fishing work we've done, we know there are plenty of fish still there for the taking. You can catch trout long after they were stocked.”

How do you tell if a trout is stocked or wild?

A native trout will have fins that look like snow tires bought right off the rack. A stocked trout's fins will look like worn snow tires that you need to replace on your car.

How do I know if my trout is wild or stocked?

The condition of its fins. Hatchery-reared trout get beat up in the raceways where they live and in the truck on the way to the stream. Their fins sometimes grow in a distorted manner or appear very thick and almost rubbery. Wild trout generally have near perfect fins that appear very thin around the edges.

When will Ohio stock trout in 2021?

Anglers can expect to see tens of thousands of trout stocked across roughly 60 public lakes and parks during the 2021 season, which runs from March through May. Specific dates for Ohio trout stocking will be released by the Ohio DNR in February, 2021.

When are trout lakes stocked in Ohio?

As we mentioned above, roughly five dozen public lakes and ponds in Ohio are considered “trout lakes.” They are stocked over a period of two months in early Spring (from March through May).

What lakes will be open for trout fishing in 2021?

Lakes and ponds expected to receive trout stocking in Ohio in 2021 include: Adams Lake. Cutler Lake.

What are the two main lakes in Ohio?

While many anglers across the country think of Ohio for its two main fisheries — Lake Erie and the Ohio River — t here are quite a few fine fishing lakes in the Buckeye State.

What is Premier Angler?

Premier Angler is a freshwater fishing resource and brand written, edited, curated, and crafted by fishing enthusiasts for fishing enthusiasts. We also participate in the Bass Pro Shops Affiliate program. Some links on this page may direct you to the Bass Pro Shops website. If you make a purchase through one of those links, we may receive a small commission.

When will the Ohio rainbow trout stocking be in 2021?

2021 Rainbow Trout Stocking Dates & Locations. Rainbow trout releases will take place across Ohio during March through May in 2021, as long as areas are ice-free and accessible to anglers. Stocking of these public lakes and ponds are excellent opportunities for families to fish together. Fishing for catchable-sized trout is also a great way ...

How to get to Olander Lake in Toledo?

Olander Lake (Toledo): From Toledo, take I-475 north to Central Avenue (SR 20) exit. Turn west (left) on to Central Avenue. Take Central Avenue to McCord and turn north (right) on McCord Road. Follow McCord Road to Sylvania Avenue and turn west (left) on Sylvania Avenue. Enter Olander Park (there is a parking fee to enter the park or you may park free on the street and walk in). No fishing on Friday the day trout are stocked, and then on the Saturday after stocking, children only until 1:00 PM. Open to all anglers after 1:00 PM.

How many trout can you catch in a day?

The daily harvest limit for inland lakes is five trout per angler.

Is Punderson Lake open?

Restrictions: Fishing is permitted for people of all ages from sunrise to sunset. Punderson Lake (Newbury): Punderson Lake is located off of SR 87, approximately two miles west of SR 44 and six miles east of SR 306. Restrictions: This lake is open 24 hours a day for fishing.

When was the Ohio Fish Commission established?

Fish stocking has been an important component of the DOW’s fisheries management approach since the inception of the agency as the Ohio Fish Commission in 1873. Stocking fish is a costly, though important, component of Ohio’s fisheries management programs.

What is the ODNR in Ohio?

The ODNR, Division of Wildlife (DOW) has statutory authority for managing the fish populations in public waters of Ohio. Many Ohio fish populations are sustained by natural reproduction (largemouth bass, crappies, bluegill); however, in some instances, stocking is required to maintain the fisheries of certain species.

When do fish move to Lake Erie?

Then in mid-April through mid-May, they move back downstream and into Lake Erie for the summer .

How many bass per day in Ohio?

Black bass (largemouth and smallmouth bass): The daily limit is 5 fish per angler with a 14-inch minimum size limit. See the Ohio Fishing Regulations for more information. Walleye. Fishing continues to be good, and large numbers of undersized walleye are keeping anglers busy.

How long does it take for a bass to grow in Rocky Fork Lake?

Recent surveys at Rocky Fork Lake show a strong distribution of largemouth bass, with the majority ranging from 12 to 18 inches with fish up to 22 inches observed. On average it takes 3 years for a largemouth to reach 12 inches and 5 years for 15 inches. Rocky Fork also maintains an excellent population of both white and black crappie, with fish averaging 10 inches and up to 14 inches. Both channel and flathead catfish may be found in Rocky Fork with good numbers and sizes of each as well as an excellent population of large white bass. For those who like something different, Rocky Fork Lake is a great place to test your gear against common carp, there are good numbers in the lake and they grow in excess of 30 pounds. Rocky Fork also has submergent weed beds along the shoreline that help support sunfish and yellow perch populations.

How much does a steelhead trout weigh?

Steelhead trout caught by anglers in the streams typically average 25" long and weigh 5-6 pounds.

Where to catch perch in the Western Basin?

Crappie rigs and shiners or chunks of shiners being the best presentation. Most of the fish are in the 7-9 inch range, with a few bigger fish mixed in. There are also reports from the Toledo Water intake and Camp Perry firing range. Anglers out of Conneaut Harbor have been catching moderate numbers of fish in 50-55 feet of water. Fish have been ranging from 9-14+ inches, however no limits have been reported.

What rivers in Ohio have steelhead?

Several other rivers including the Cuyahoga, Huron and Black rivers, and Arcola, Cowles, Wheeler, French, Euclid, Turkey, Beaver and Cold creeks get runs of stray steelhead. While Ohio Division of Wildlife fisheries biologists have noted a small amount of natural reproduction, it varies greatly from year-to-year. It is too low and erratic to support the quality fishery that has been developed and that anglers have come to expect. Good quantities of cold, spring water and adequate juvenile trout habitat are also rare in NE Ohio's Lake Erie tributaries. The fantastic fishing has been maintained by annual stocking and by the practice of most anglers to catch and release.

Do you have to have permission to access a stream in Ohio?

Don't trespass! Private landowners have the right to restrict access on their property. In Ohio, you can gain access to the stream from public access points, but private land ownership includes their land under the stream.

When are fish stocks in Great Parks?

Fish Stocking. Great Parks stocks its lakes with thousands of pounds of adult fish annually. Farm-raised rainbow trout are stocked in March and October when lake waters are cooler. Channel catfish are stocked in the summer at each lake.

Where to send fishing stories?

Send your fishing stories and pictures to

Is a fishing license required at Triple Creek Pond?

No fishing license is required at Triple Creek pond and River Hill Pond at Mitchell Memorial Forest. River Hill Pond is catch-and-release only. Fish caught at Triple Creek may be taken home.

When will Ohio stock trout in 2021?

Anglers can expect to see tens of thousands of trout stocked across roughly 60 public lakes and parks during the 2021 season, which runs from March through May. Specific dates for Ohio trout stocking will be released by the Ohio DNR in February, 2021.

When are trout lakes stocked in Ohio?

As we mentioned above, roughly five dozen public lakes and ponds in Ohio are considered “trout lakes.” They are stocked over a period of two months in early Spring (from March through May).

What lakes will be open for trout fishing in 2021?

Lakes and ponds expected to receive trout stocking in Ohio in 2021 include: Adams Lake. Cutler Lake.

What are the two main lakes in Ohio?

While many anglers across the country think of Ohio for its two main fisheries — Lake Erie and the Ohio River — t here are quite a few fine fishing lakes in the Buckeye State.

What is Premier Angler?

Premier Angler is a freshwater fishing resource and brand written, edited, curated, and crafted by fishing enthusiasts for fishing enthusiasts. We also participate in the Bass Pro Shops Affiliate program. Some links on this page may direct you to the Bass Pro Shops website. If you make a purchase through one of those links, we may receive a small commission.

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