Do fire departments have to report fire training outside of NYS?
All fire departments must report fire training activities which take place outside of New York State. Application for reasonable accommodations for state fire training may be made using this form. This form shall be completed by the sponsoring agency as part of the application process for Fire Investigation Programs.
What is the Academy of Fire Science?
A unique facility operated by the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Service's Office of Fire Prevention and Control, the Academy of Fire Science offers courses in many areas including hazardous materials, arson investigation and general fire service training.
What is the NYS Fire reporting system?
The New York State Fire Reporting System is the central data collection mechanism for more than 1,800 fire departments in the State.
Is the NYS ofpc scheduling regional offerings of the fire safety course?
May 13, 2021: The NYS OFPC is scheduling regional offerings of the Fire... The LMS will give you access to the current available trainings and enable authorized users to register for courses administered by OFPC and DHSES.

How long is the NYS fire Academy?
Step 5: Graduate From The Fire Academy Successfully complete an 18-week classroom and physical fitness program that includes fire service training. Begin the career of a lifetime.
How many hours is NYS Firefighter 1?
It is an 86-hour long course and includes materials from several courses that in the past were taught separately.
How do I find my NYS fire training ID number?
Type in: https://lmsportal-dhses.ny.gov/acadisviewer/login.aspx *See the next page of this packet for an example of the home page. Click on Retrieve Your NY ID, lower left of the home page (circled in red). Enter your last name and email address on the next page you're taken to.
What does New York State fire do?
The New York State Office of Fire Prevention and Control strives to be the leader in fire services, delivering the highest quality most comprehensive training, response and technical assistance programs to emergency responders, local entities and the citizens of the State of New York.
How do I become a firefighter with no experience?
Obtaining a college degree (in Fire Science, Fire Technology, or really anything) Volunteer firefighter experience. Complete a fire academy (usually a Firefighter 1 academy through a college) Any time serving your community or volunteering your time.
What does befo mean in firefighting?
Basic Exterior Firefighting Operations (B.E.F.O.)
Is fire marshal training mandatory?
Fire marshal training is compulsory when new employees are moved into a building or changes have been made to the emergency plan. If you have changed working practices and processes or people's responsibilities within the business, our fire marshal training in London is very much advised.
What is a SFT ID number?
The SFT ID number is an 8-digit number with a hyphen in the middle (ex. 1234-5678) and it takes the place of a person's social security number. Every personnel account in the SFT User Portal has a unique ID number allowing SFT to synchronize a person's SFT course and certification activity to their SFT account.
How do I contact FDNY?
If your request is for the New York City Fire Department, you can call 718.999. 2000 or visit: https://www1.nyc.gov/fdny. If you have a question about testing, please call 718.999. 2504.
Why is FDNY not NYFD?
Among other provisions, it wiped out the Metropolitan Fire District, established a new Boardof Fire Commissioners and the Metropolitan Fire Department became the "Fire Department ofthe City of New York". This act, indirectly, was responsible for the "F.D.N.Y." logo on apparatus instead of "N.Y.F.D.".
Why do FDNY dispatchers say K?
The use of the letter K is a holdover from the days of telegraph. It was sent at the end of a transmission to indicate that I am finished sending and I await your reply. It is similar to the military use of the word over.
How many calls does FDNY get daily?
Non-structural fires: 13,730. Non-fire emergencies: 256,560. Medical emergencies: 300,598.
How many hours a year is a 24 48 schedule?
I do not believe you are entitled for any overtime as you work arranged shift 24/48. Again depends on your employer. Anyway if you work every 3rd day of a year you work: 365/3 = 121 and 2/3 of a day, in hrs it would be: (121*24) + (2/3*24) = 2904 +16 = 2920 hrs/a year.
What is a 56 hour work week?
The current 56-hour (average) workweek schedule consists of two consecutive 24-hour work shifts (48 consecutive duty hours) followed by four consecutive calendar days off (96 consecutive hours off duty).
What is the FDNY shift schedule?
Firefighters normally work day shifts from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and night tours from 6 p.m. to 9 a.m., although it is common for them to rearrange their schedules by swapping shifts—a move known as mutuals that often results in starting at 9 a.m. and finishing 24 hours later—for personal convenience.
How many hours do firefighters work a day?
This means there is lots of flexibility for additional employment or part time study. The current shift system is based around 4 shifts (2 x 10.5 hour days and 2 x 13.5 hour nights) followed by 96 hours (four days) off duty.
How many firefighters are trained at NYWIMA?
In the course of its existence, NYWIMA has trained more than 7,300 firefighters and emergency response personnel. NYWIMA is overseen by a five-member board of directors appointed by the Commission and its day to day operations are managed by the Academy Coordinator.
What is NYWIMA training?
NYWIMA's goal is to provide all-hazards, wildfire and incident management training in a safe learning environment for first responders, public safety personnel, emergency services workers, firefighters and incident managers and to foster greater networking opportunities and partnerships among participants from federal, state and local agencies.
How many members are on the NYWIMA board?
NYWIMA is overseen by a five-member board of directors appointed by the Commission and its day to day operations are managed by the Academy Coordinator. In addition, over a nine-month period, NYWIMA conducts planning meetings, with participants drawn from its cooperating, sponsoring and supporting agencies, to propose and prepare its training program for the year.