Here are the schedule highlights of major board exams for the year 2022:
- Licensure Exam for Teachers – January 30, March 27, June 26, September 25 (for new applicants)
- Nursing Licensure Exam – May 29-30, November 12-13
- Certified Public Accountant – May 22-24, October 14-16
- Criminology Licensure Exam – June 12-14, December 4-6
- Civil Engineering Licensure Exam – May 1-2, November 19-20
- Physician Licensure Exam – March 6, 7, 13 & 14, October, 21, 22, 28 & 29
Full Answer
When will the Nursing Licensure Exam be held in 2022?
The PRC releases the schedule of board exams for the year 2022. The Nursing Licensure Exam (NLE) is scheduled on May 29 & 30, 2022 for the first batch and November 12 &13, 2021 for the second batch. Refer to the table below for the complete details. Also, Read PRC Board Exams Schedule for 2022. What are the Qualifications?
When will the PRC release the schedule of board exams for 2022?
The PRC releases the schedule of board exams for the year 2022. The Nursing Licensure Exam (NLE) is scheduled on May 29 & 30, 2022 for the first batch and November 12 &13, 2021 for the second batch. Refer to the table below for the complete details.
When will NLE board exam results 2022 be out?
Meanwhile, Nurse board exam results May 2022 may also be out earlier or later than the target release date without prior notice. We also advise everyone to bookmark this page and follow us at our social media channels for the freshest updates regarding the NLE results 2022.
What is the board exam for nurses?
The board exam for nurses is a 500-item objective multiple-choice exam held by the Professional Regulatory Commission twice every year. It is usually held around June and November. This board exam takes two days to complete, often scheduled on a weekend (Saturday and Sunday). The subjects are divided into those days.
When will the PRC release the 2022 schedule?
How long does it take to submit a post examination health surveillance form?
Can a PRC schedule change?
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How many times can you take the nursing board exam in Philippines?
Though the vast majority of candidates pass the exam the first time, those who fail are permitted to retake it after 45 days from their original test date. Candidates may retest as many as 8 times in a year. Candidates must pass NCLEX within three years from when they graduated nursing school.
How long is the Nclex RN exam 2022?
5 hoursThe typical NCLEX has a maximum of 265 questions. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the length has been altered. The NCLEX in 2022 has 15 pretest questions and a maximum length of 145 questions. You'll also have a total of 5 hours to complete the exam.
Is the NCLEX exam changing in 2022?
For now, the NCLEX is not changing, so if you are planning on taking the NCLEX before 2023, you can free up some brain space and not worry about what the Next Gen version will look like. Continue to prep for the current version of the exam, and work to become an expert in its structure and content.
How often is NCLEX exam offered?
When and How Often is The Test Offered? Pearson VUE administers the NCLEX continuously throughout the year. Candidates schedule an appointment with the testing center and are given a date within the following 30 days. The time period for repeat candidates is no less than 45 days.
Can you fail NCLEX in 75?
Can I Fail the NCLEX at 75 Questions? To pass the NCLEX RN or PN, test takers must correctly answer at least 75 questions (the minimum amount). Unfortunately, that means you can also fail the exam within those 75 questions or items.
Is 75 questions on NCLEX good?
If the NCLEX shuts off at 75 questions, you likely passed the NCLEX. I say this because over 80% of nursing students will pass the NCLEX their first time. So statistically speaking, most students will pass the NCLEX, especially if they went through a good NCLEX prep course.
What happens if you fail NCLEX 3 times?
If they fail, they'll need to wait 45 days before retesting. After failing three times, though, they'll need to complete a board-approved remediation program before the next retake. Candidates have six attempts to pass in total.
Can you fail NCLEX in 145 questions?
Does 145 questions on NCLEX mean you failed? No, if you answer all 145 questions on the NCLEX, that does not mean you fail. In fact, if you answered 145 questions and each question was progressively more challenging, then that is a good sign that you passed.
What percentage is passing NCLEX?
Following posting of annual rates on the BRN website each October, pass rate changes/corrections may occur....NCLEX-RN Pass Rates - First Time CA Educated Exam Testers.SchoolCalifornia Career College2019/2020# Taken20% Pass95%2020/2021# Taken49% Pass89.8%42 more columns
Can I study for NCLEX in 2 weeks?
Each day of the last 2 weeks should be intentionally planned out in detail. Devote 4 hours to test taking practice and 2 hours to review of the test results, including content remediation. Have rest or no-prep days scheduled to make sure you are taking care of yourself and not burning out.
How long is NCLEX valid?
NCLEX- RN is an exam, it never expires. It is not a license, it is only part of the licensing process. State licenses expire, or need renewal every two to four years, depending on the state. Once you take and pass the NCLEX- RN exam, you never need to retake it.
What happens if I fail NCLEX?
If you didn't pass the exam, you'll receive a NCLEX Candidate Performance Report (CPR). The CPR is an individualized document that shows how a candidate performed in each of the test plan content areas. Candidates who fail the exam can use the CPR as a guide to prepare them to retake the exam.
How long is the NCLEX-RN exam?
five hoursYou will have up to five hours to complete the RN and PN exams: total exam time includes an introductory screen, two preprogrammed optional breaks and any unscheduled breaks you may take. The first optional break is offered after two hours of testing.
Can I pass NCLEX with 145 questions?
Does 145 questions on NCLEX mean you failed? No, if you answer all 145 questions on the NCLEX, that does not mean you fail. In fact, if you answered 145 questions and each question was progressively more challenging, then that is a good sign that you passed.
How long does the NCLEX usually take?
The test-takers of the NCLEX exam have a total of six hours to finish it. This designated time already includes a brief tutorial, two pre-programmed scheduled breaks, and any unscheduled breaks that you may need. Keep in mind that the first scheduled break will be after the first two hours of the test.
What score is passing on NCLEX?
While it's possible to pass the NCLEX after answering all 145, it's also possible to pass the test with a minimum of 60 questions or any number in between. Keep in mind NCLEX has a time limit of five hours. If you haven't answered enough questions correctly when the clock runs out, you will fail the test.
LIST: 2022 PRC board exam schedule
The 'Schedule of Licensure Examinations for 2021', under PRC Resolution No. 1439 Series of 2021, is pursuant to Section 7 (d) of R.A. 8981, authorizing the Commission to determine and fix the places and dates of examinations.
2022 PRC Schedule of Board Exams: Opening & Deadline of filing
The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) releases the schedule of the Licensure Examination for the year 2022. The schedule includes the date and place of exams, opening, and deadline of applications as well as the target date of the results.
Schedule of Examinations | Professional Regulation Commission
The iGovPhil Project officially adopts the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0) as the accessibility standard for all its related web development and services.
When will the PRC release the 2022 schedule?
MANILA, Philippines – The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) is expected to release the 2022 PRC Board Licensure examination schedule by end of November to December 2021. The 2022 schedule for LET, CPALE, CLE, NLE, MTLE, PLE, SWLE, PT-OT, VLE, ECE-ECT, REE-RME, RadTech, MELE, ALE, among other board exams, will be released through a PRC Resolution entitled “Schedule of Licensure Examination for the Year 2022”. The schedule includes the date of exams, testing venue (s)/location (s), opening of online processing and deadline of applications.
How long does it take to submit a post examination health surveillance form?
PRC said that examinees shall submit the Post Examination Health Surveillance Form to the concerned Regional Office 14 days after the conduct of exams.
Can a PRC schedule change?
PRC said that “No changes in the schedule shall be made without prior approval of the Commission. The Professional Regulatory Boards are further advised that their duties and responsibilities pertaining to the conduct of the licensure examinations shall take precedence over all their other functions.”
When will the PRC release the 2022 schedule?
MANILA, Philippines – The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) is expected to release the 2022 PRC Board Licensure examination schedule by end of November to December 2021. The 2022 schedule for LET, CPALE, CLE, NLE, MTLE, PLE, SWLE, PT-OT, VLE, ECE-ECT, REE-RME, RadTech, MELE, ALE, among other board exams, will be released through a PRC Resolution entitled “Schedule of Licensure Examination for the Year 2022”. The schedule includes the date of exams, testing venue (s)/location (s), opening of online processing and deadline of applications.
How long does it take to submit a post examination health surveillance form?
PRC said that examinees shall submit the Post Examination Health Surveillance Form to the concerned Regional Office 14 days after the conduct of exams.
Can a PRC schedule change?
PRC said that “No changes in the schedule shall be made without prior approval of the Commission. The Professional Regulatory Boards are further advised that their duties and responsibilities pertaining to the conduct of the licensure examinations shall take precedence over all their other functions.”

NLE 2022 Related Results
- NLE List of Passers: A-F | G-L | M-R | S-Z
- Top 10 Examinees: Nursing Board Exam Results May 2022
- Performance of Schools: Nurse Licensure Exam Results May 2022
List of Passers
- Here are the May 2022 NLE results as announced by the Professional Regulation Commission: Roll of Successful Examinees in the NURSE LICENSURE EXAMINATION Held on May 29-30, 2022 Released on June 10, 2022 Results are expected very soon.. Follow us at our Facebook and Twitterpages for updates.
Release of Results
- According to PRC Resolution No. 1439 series of 2021 entitled “Schedule of the Licensure Exam for the Year 2022“, the NLE May 2022 results will be released on Tuesday, June 21, 2022. Meanwhile, Nurse board exam results May 2022 may also be out earlier or later than the target release date without prior notice. We also advise everyone to bookmark thi...
Schedule of Registration
- The schedule of online appointment for issuance of Professional ID and Certificate of Registration for the new Registered Nurses (RN’s) will be held on the following date(s). Initial registrants are advised to register online via PRC official website via https://online.prc.gov.ph/ and follow the steps in online registration. Here are the registration requirements: 1. Notice of Admission/NOA …
Verification of Rating
- The verification of ratings and test results for the Nurse licensure exams given by PRC Board of Nursing will be available online few working days after the posting of results. Successful takers can refer to PRC official website and use the Verification Pageto know their board examination passing rate. As posted, a passer shall only provide the exam name, the date of examination, th…
Oath-Taking Ceremonies
- The oath taking ceremony for the newly Licensed Nurses will be done online, now referred as the “e-oath”. The application system for the e-oath can be accessed online via PRC dedicated portal via https://online.prc.gov.ph/ and select “e-OATH” as transaction. Inductees are required to print “OATH OF PROFESSIONAL” form that is downloadable at the PRC Online Services.
Coverage of Exams
- The May 2022 Nursing licensure exam covered topics from community health nursing, care of healthy or at-risk mother and child and care of clients with physiologic and psychosocial alterations. As per Board of Nursing, the tests draw basic knowledge, skills and attitudes in the major subject areas specifically in fundamentals of nursing including professional adjustments, …
Nursing Board Exam Results
- Nursing Licensure Exam or NLE is one of the PRC-regulated exam with the huge number of examinees. In the latest Nurse board exam conducted on November 2021, 6,086 out of 11,828 (51.45%) examinees passed. Kiarra Belle Arante Poblador from Silliman University ranked first in the exams having a rating of 89.40% followed by Francine Beatriz Liao Cruz from Southville Inter…
- For those who want to clarify something, PRC advised to email them through the Licensure Exam Division at below contacts: 1. licensure.division@prc.gov.ph 2. licensure.office@prc.gov.ph To receive fast and reliable news and announcements regarding the Nurse Licensure Exam NLE for 2022, we advise our readers to visit PRC official website. If you have comments/reactions about …